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RE: 3 Great Opportunities for Minnows and New Users!

in #minnowsupport7 years ago

Every Little Girl Has Dolls

When Grace first laid eye's on her precious gift she swore she would never let it go, it was the the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. It was perfect in every way, almost majestic in its allure and fashion. In her eyes there could be no other companion that was worth adoration and she treated it as such. Grace loved that doll, loved it to death she did. As the hours and days dragged on Grace went through the moments of her life a little brighter, with the times she had with her doll. To Grace that doll became the princess in the castle of an imaginary world, an empire of light and joyful happiness that represented a beacon against the dark out side existence. There were many times this castle came under attack and many times there were losses, some fights were bloody others were brutal and on some of the hard days it was both. It was always like this but now that the princess doll had arrived things would soon start to look up. There was a new hope, a new light in the tunnel of despair, Grace and her princess would wake up with new anticipation no matter what comes way things took there course until she closed her eyes and let night have its day. The time became pages of seconds filling up chapters in minutes and the moments within hours that made the story of her days as life became more than just living. Grace's little doll made it all worth more than it was, Grace's little doll made all the bitter seem better. I think that's what princess dolls were meant to do anyway.
Children were never meant to suffer through illness until death. Its almost like a cruel joke that makes you want to punch God in the face and scream WHY! Why would you have to watch them suffer through the trials and physical torture only to some day, after such an experience in its totality to simply, be gone. They picked up Grace, gently and rested her body on the wheeled bed. Her princess slipped off and fell to the floor. The attendee reached down and paused to look at this raggedy puff of badly stitched together cloth. The sad attempt at of black button eyes and stringed together strains for hair and patched smile made him wonder, only wonder for a brief moment. Moments like that is what Grace had, she had a princess doll that lived in the beauty of imagination and stood against the harsh world of her reality. Grace loved that doll, she loved it to death.


Thank you so much for your submission! I will post it through lovejuice next week!

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