Sunday mix - Garden photography and such! 😊

in #sublimesunday6 years ago (edited)

Happy Sunday my beautiful friends! 🌹


I hope you all are doing well and have had a great weekend 😊 can't belive its already Sunday again... Where does the weekend go?


I'm sorry that I've been a bit quiet this week, and I know many have asked about it. I'm ok and just have had much reality to deal with and have taking a little break from commenting and posting and chatting.
But I will soon be back to myself again and bug
you all again.. Lol
Love YOU all very much!💕


I usually do colourchallange wrapup on Sundays but this time I was thinking of doing a mix of photos from the garden and things from the week 😉 hope that's ok with ya'll?

So let's get started shall we!


This week me and my coworkers had a day off working with the kids, and had a meet up day.
On this day we got some challenges to do and one was to create art out of modelling clay 😜

It's what we will introduce to our kids so we had to get familiar with it first.. Lol
It was really fun and great way to work together and first of is my teams creation!


We used the letter of our section and made animals to represent us... Lol
And as the second challenge was to build and balance it, we putted the animals on top of each other 😜 a challenge for sure but many laughs and pretty good results.. No? 😁Lol

Here are some of the other beautiful creations that the other teams did!




I was really impressed by the results we all made 😉👍 not bad for a first try!

This week I've also been playing with photos and different effects in snapseed and mirror lab. I wanted to share my favorite pictures from that.
So here they are!

Beautiful flower from the garden!

Same flower but other effect.. Looks cool!


And from the double rainbow outside of the school!


And with weard effect but beautiful!


From my walk at the beach... This one was really cool!


And just as weard from my walk and the dam!


And now some of my favorite garden flowers in a mix!





And of course I had to put some beautiful black&white pictures to!


It's amazing how many different kinds of flowers there are, and the shapes and colours 😊

Now @BluefinStudios I will share some of the garden pictures of the progress.
I made a new place to plant flowers a while back and now it's blooming much!


The one to the left is taken 3weeks before the other one and what got me the most was the grass.
It's all dry and yellow in the first picture and much more green in the second one.
Rain does wonder for sure 😍

Closer look on the flowers and a visitor a bee!


And the other place there are lots of flowers planted, my favorite!



Some of the flowers growing!


And of course my loyal companion Bobby!


Dragging his snake toy outside... Squeeky 😜


Here is the first place of planting and my favorite streetlamp... @c0ff33a you know my weakness.. Lol 😂 lol


And a closer look...I love this place !😊


And a picture from this summer when the magnolia treewas blooming. With effect!


And the place in the middle of the garden!


A closer look at the pump with cool effects!


And a close up on the cute hedgehog family that a friend made for me!

I love those so much... Cute isn't it?

And finally a beautiful gif of the beautiful birch tree and my favorite oak.. looking up!


And a cute gif of Bobby and his brother ❤️


That was my choice for today lovelines and I hope you enjoyed the walk in the garden with me and Bobby😊

And last a #haturday or cap day.. Lol


Wish you all a wonderful evening and a Fantastic week ahead!

Bobby gives his Love 🐶💕


And now to bed we go.....
And we wish you all a Goodnight and sweet dreams! 🌙




Dream hope happiness love! 🌟
Dream Big and remember NOTHING is impossible if You just belive in yourself!

🌻Be your beautiful self and grow on your own turms, that will be your way to bloom success!🌼

💕Find a little something everyday to be thankful for, makes a happy Heart💕

Just happy about life and Thankful for all the blessings in it! 🌹


@saffisara: Passionate about reading YOUR posts and commenting. Loves to laugh and take pictures. AND I'm a Hug Lover!
Remember Every day is a #haturday

Proud Member of the best family ❤️

Epic creation of @thekittygirl

Proud to be a part of the Welcome Wagon

and my amazing teammates @dreemsteem and @bluefinstudios
Love you guys

Amazing creation of @liberty-minded

Vote for the amazing @enginewitty

Vote for the sweet @c0ff33a

Vote for the sweet cupcake @thekitchenfairy

Amazing badass gifs by the lovely @snook

Go show her some Love 💜

Beautiful steemPets creation by @derosnec


Much Love to @enginewitty for this badass banner


Very nice photos and claywork, I don't have talent for that kind of claywork

Breath in, take your time to take care of yourself.

Just done with bath and saw your message. Think you went to bed now, sorry 😁

You didnt make any clay faeries???? 😉

I absolutely love the magnolia picture with the blue sky, so pretty!

Talk to you once you are up 😘🤗

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Here I am already into Monday Morning Blues @saffisara ufff you still enjoying cool sunday

Posted using Partiko Android

Actually you are soooo right 😜👍 it's 2.25 at night /morning here so kind of Monday already.
But I'm pretending it's still Sunday a bit more.. Lol
I hope you had a great weekend my friend and have a fantastic week ahead ❤️🤗🌹

Haha .. I can see you are holding on sunday so tightelly that you do not. want let it to go.slip out of your hand.😜.....2.25 am ...omg!...everyone love Sunday....hahha.....its better tonsay Good Morning 🙏

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes it's like Jamie Walters says in that song... Hold on... Just a little bit longer 😂😂😂hahaha
Yupp... That's what I attend to do.
But I kind of are one leg on Sunday and one on Monday 🤔 how that's possible I dunno... Lol

You are Awsome my friend 🤗
Yes true... Good middle of the night and good early morning 😉👍 I did good?

Hahha....hold on tight..till you wake up on Monday..👌 how about "sweet morning dream" for so late or earlly morning sleep 😉...haha....good night dear..have a sound sleep👍...😕or you still have plan and dont let it go 😜

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I hold on tight while I go to sleep... Hoping the night will be LOOOONG and me going to work is MAAAANY hours away 😂😂😂 hahaha
Ya I wish!

Have a good night my friend and have a good morning and Awsome day!
Happy sumonday 🌞😉👍

Hahah.."sumonday" loved it...pretty thoughtful even in sleeep haha
Good night..👍

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Happy sunday!

Posted using Partiko Android

Happy Sunday 😉👍

That came out fantastic my friend. And the pictures of the flowers are great. But I think the post could be a little longer....🤣🤣🤣 Enjoy your night🌹

Thank you so much lovely 🤗 I'm glad you liked it. Longer post? I think it was soooo long 😜😂😂 hahaha
I hope you are having a wonderful evening.
Much Love! 🌹💕

I love your garden!!! And wow that was a long post!!! Hahaha good update for us who is here waiting for you!!! 💕😊

Posted using Partiko iOS

A work meeting where you get to play with clay - what a fun job! Even when you aren't with the kids!

Everyone notices if you're quiet because you have such a positive impact on us lol. Glad you're okay! And of course we don't mind you can post whatever you want! 😘❤

Aww.. Thank you so much sweetie 😊💋
Means a lot. It has been a little hard time and I felt bad not to be all smiling and chatty... Mostly hiding... But now I'm on my way back 🤗

Yes that was a fun day with clay and be creative. The rest of the day was more serious though but good day.

I hope you are having a wonderful day and have a fabulous week ahead sweet sister ❤️🤗❤️

Love You!!!!!!!!

You are so great with your photo's now. You amaze me how are you have come in such a short time. I love how in all your posts you HAPPY comes through!!!

Thank You!!! I needed happy today!!!

Thank you so much my Snooky means a lot to hear you say that 😊
I love taking pictures and to try different things with effects.... Some turn out really cool but some just.... Looks weard and scary 😜😂😂😂hahaha

I'm amazed by you to more than you know. And your writing and story telling... Noone beats you there 😊👍 endless talent and beautiful inside and out 💖💕🌹
Much Love and hugs to you 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

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