NerdCast Episode III (Part One): The Rise of 5G

in #dsound5 years ago (edited)

*** Part 1 of 2 ****

NerdCast Episode III (Part 1)_ The Rise of 5G.jpg

It's finally here! On this special two-part episode of NerdCast, I will be discussing the research being poured into 5G technology at record speeds in order to make up for the telecommunication industry's lackluster efforts. I discuss the dangers of 5G and how it has and will affect our bodies and the world around us. In Part one, I will discuss what 5G actually is, and will go into a few of the scientific studies that have been posted in peer-reviewed scientific journals. In Part two, I have special guest Drew Graham on the show to discuss his unique views on the subject, and how we both think this dangerous technology will be used in the deep state's agenda. Buckle your seatbelts and grab some popcorn! It's a long one!


Link to article/patent on mind control mentioned by Drew in part two:

** Side Notes **

  • If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to email me at [email protected]
  • If the Google Drive link does not work for you, please email me and I will send you a folder with the documents.

General Outline of Part One:

  • Why 5G?

      o What is 5G?
               Stands for “5th generational” tecnnology
               5th generation of wireless telecommunications tech
               Will use completely different system which utilizes millimeter waves
               Millimeter waves are on the same frequency as microwaves 
               Will aim to increase data transfer rates; reduce latency; reduce cost; and vastly increase “smart device” connectivity across the grid
               Will aim to vastly increase the “Internet of Things”
               China plans to spend over 220 billion dollars on 5G by 2025
               4G bandwidth = 700 – 2700 MHz ; 5G bandwidth = 30 – 300 GHz
               5G will not be able to travel far so small cell towers will be required everywhere.
               It will operate on 3 bands in U.S : 
                   •    High Bands: Above 24 GHz
                   •    Mid Bands: 1 to 10 GHz
                   •    Low Bands : Below 1 GHz

o Why are people Concerned?

               Concern over constant exposure to these millimeter waves are causing many doctors, health professionals, professors, and engineers to speak out against the implementation
               Many people are alarmed at the speed at which this is being implemented by the telecommunications industry. 
               The industry seems to have no concern that this will affect biological and ecological health despite the numerous scientific papers and warnings coming from the STEM 
               Conflicting statements and passiveness of the telecommunications industry is causing many to doubt the industry
               Many foreign countries are halting the implementation of 5G over concerns of radiation standards and many doctors/health professionals have signed petitions to conduct 
                    more research before widespread implementation
           New York Residents reported illness related to close small cell tower proximity
           Privacy and concerns of control/surveillance with new smart devices

o Doing my part

           People all over the world, from all sorts of fields are speaking up to local government
           As a part of the engineering community, I feel as if I must do my part
           Receiving my degree in Electrical/Computer Engineering this fall from Western Michigan University
           Many of my classes were focused on frequency response/manipulation, and took classes in electromagnetics, digital/analog communications, among many others. 
           These classes taught me the information necessary to recognize the issues with 5G, and I had access to the resources necessary to continue researching by myself
           My electromagnetics teacher expressed concerns over current levels
           My microcontroller applications lab professor demonstrated to me how human bodies are giant walking antennas capable of absorbing and transmitting frequencies 

  • Examples of people speaking out against 5G:

o Dr. Martin Pall (as seen on RT America):

           We are already exposed to harmful radiation (4G, Wifi)
           Extremely high pulsation rates 
           The difference will be “massive” 
           Biggest issue is the pulsation rates
           Every device communicates using pulsation
           Rolling out without implementing safety tests
           We are guinea pigs 

o Dr. Goldberg (testifying at Michigan’s 5G legislation hearing):

           Wireless radiation has biological effects
           Plants, animals, microbes
           It’s not a matter of whether they exist…they do.
           1 in 3 children will become diabetic. 
           EMFs are clearly associated with high levels of blood sugar and diabetes
           The closer you are located to a cell tower, the higher blood glucose
           In labs, to observe high blood sugar in rats, researchers expose them to 2.4 GHz radiation
           Chronic kidney disease
           Epidemics: Suicide, shootings, declining mental health. All related to EMF
           No one is measuring current levels of exposure to EMF
           Compares this to big tobacco
           Only ones who can protect humans are legislature
           “Human subjects research” (guinea pigs)

o Dr. Ronald Melnick Ph.D. (conducted 30-million-dollar national toxicology study on EMF)

           Key Findings:
                •   Cell phone radiation caused
                   o    Cancer and preneoplastic lesions in the heart and brain
                   o    DNA damage in brain cells of rats and mice
                   o    Heart muscle disease
                   o    Reduced birth weights

                •   The assumption that non-ionizing radiation cannot cause cancer or other health effects, other than by tissue heating is wrong
                •   NTP found cancers in the heart (schwannoma) and brain (glioma)
                •   International Agency for research on Cancer: radiofrequency radiation is possibly carcinogenic to humans based largely on increases in glioma and acoustic neuroma in both 
                    interphone and Swedish case-control studies
                •   Because of widespread use of cell phones, even a small increase in cancer risk would have serious implications

o Washington DC Council 5G roundtable
 Kevin Mottus (CA Brain and Tumor Association)

                   •    FCC does not even have a health department
                   •    Telecommunications is lying about this tech and lying about health
                   •    Showed Verizon ad claiming their towers can transmit over 3000 feet. No need to have them so close to people
                   •    Verizon does not cover wireless radiation in their insurance policy and they classify wireless radiation as a pollutant
                   •    No wireless device or antenna is safety tested before hitting the market
                   •    We don’t need 5G. 4G can do everything they are trying to do with 5G
                   •    They know people don’t want this…it’s why they are rolling it out so quickly
                   •    Our bodies are electromagnetic so these waves do and will disrupt our biological processes

  • Dangers, Risks, and Findings

o Common Health Risks:
 Increased Cancer Risk
 Cellular Stress
 Increase In free radicals
 Genetic Damage
 Changes to reproductive system
 Learning and memory damage
 Neurological disorders
 General well being

o Towards 5G communication Systems: Are there health implications?

           Several studies show RF-EMF is capable of inducing:
                   •    Oxidative stress
                   •    Oxidative DNA damage
                   •    The progression of several cancers
                   •    Neurogenerative disease 
                   •    Reproductive issues

           WHO international Agency for research on Cancer classified RF-EMF as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”. Studies linked RF-EMF with health risks mainly concerning 
                    reproductive, neurologic, and metabolic disease. 

           Animals Exposed to mobile phone radiation for 15 min/day for 3 months showed increases in blood glucose, insulin, and insulin resistance as well as liver and pancreas damage. 
           Increasing exposure duration to 900 MHz RF-EMF decreased the stem cell proliferation and cell differentiation into neurons with “devastating” affects on neurogenesis 
           Similar murine model exposed to 1800 MHz RF-EMF at Specific Absorption Rate of 4 W/kg for 3 days inhibited the neurite outgrowth of differentiated neurons, with reduced 
                    expression of proneural genes Ngn1 and NeuroD. 
           Preliminary evidence shows exposure to frequency over 30 GHz could:
                     •  Alter gene expression
                     •  Increase skin temperature
                     •  Alter functions of the cell membrane 
                     •  And alter neuro-muscular systems 

           Exposure to 60 GHz at maximum allowed power density is able to alter the function of the endoplasmic reticulum 

o Microwave Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Produce Widespread Neuropsychiatric effects including depression

           Microwave/lower frequency EMFs act to activate voltage-gated calcium channels 

           Pulsed microwave field exposure produces an almost instant increase in calcium-dependent nitric oxide signaling. EMF’s act directly on the voltage sensor due to it’s location on 
                    the cell membrane

           EMF’s can cause elevated intracellular calcium, excessive calcium and nitric oxide signaling, excessive peroxynitrite, free radicals, and oxidative stress

           VGCC activation has been shown to have a universal role in the release of neurotransmitters in the brain and the release of hormones. 

           Excess L-Type VGCC activity can cause neuropsychiatric effects. 

           Other tissues affected are the hypothalamus and pituitary gland…with both showing similar patterns of change in neuroendocrine activities. 

                   •    Starts with increase in activity, followed by a state of exhaustion (produced by tissue damage caused by long term VGCC stimulation). 
                   •    Claimed to be reversible, but studies show they become permanent with long term EMF exposure 

           Two U.S Government reports list many apparent neuropsychiatric effects of microwave EMF’s:

                   •    Naval Medical Research Institute:

                          o 5 central nervous system changes 
                          o 9 CNS effects
                          o 4 autonomic system effects
                          o 17 psychological disorders 
                          o 4 behavioral changes 
                          o Provided a supplementary document listing over 2300 citations documenting these and other effects caused by EMF exposure 

                   •    Raines (1981) NASA report:
                          o 19 neuropsychiatric effects associated with microwave EMF’s 

                   •    Bolen (1984) report put out by the Rome Laboratory of U.S. Air Force:
                          o “Experimental evidence has shown that exposure to low intensity radiation can have a profound effect on biological processes”

                   •    Havas et. Al. reported a list of symptoms in electromagnetic hypersensitivity patients:

                          o Poor short term memory 
                          o Difficulty concentrating 
                          o Eye problems 
                          o Sleep disorder
                          o Feeling unwell
                          o Headache 
                          o Dizziness
                          o Tinnitus 
                          o Chronic fatigue
                          o Tremors
                          o Body pain
                          o Difficulty speaking 
                          o Tingling sensation in feet or hands
                          o Difficulty writing 
                          o Difficulty walking 
                          o Migraine

o Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health (Envrionmental Research)
 Martin Pall
 The 1971-72 Office of Naval Medical Research Study reported the following changes related to testes or sperm:

                   •    Decreased Testosterone leading to smaller testes
                   •    Histological changes in testicular epithelial structure 
                   •    Gross testicular histological changes 
                   •    Decreased Spermatogenesis 

           Reported 35 neurological/neuropsychiatric effects of non-thermal EMF exposure 
                   •    9 central nervous system effects
                   •    4 autonomic system effects
                   •    17 psychological disorders 
                   •    4 behavioral changes 
                   •    7 types of chromosomal aberrations several of which are known to be caused by chromosomal double stranded DNA breaks, 8 types of endocrine changes, and cell death
                   •    Provided over 1000 different citations 
                   •    Oxidative Stress caused by overstimulation of VGCCs has causal roles in most chronic human diseases.
                   •    Recent meta analysis shows major lowering of sperm counts and sperm quality in many countries with declines over 50% in all advanced tech countries
                   •    Pulsed EMF’s are much more dangerous, and polarized EMFs put much larger forces on electrically charged chemical groups than non-polarized 
                   •    Long term EMF exposure can cement many of the proposed health issues into permanency. 

o Real World Cell Phone Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposures (Environmental Research)

           National Toxicology Program (2018) reported that both near-field and far-field EMF exposures significantly increase gliomas and schwannomas of the heart in rodent studies. 
           Reported that cell phones under weak signal reception conditions all exhibited power densities well above baseline and orders of magnitude higher than under strong signal 
                    reception conditions

           Study recommends that people not use cell phones when having weak or no signal due to the high power densities and emission levels 

           Bluetooth headsets were confirmed to emit EMF, but the power density was more than 400 times lower than the cell phones

o Effects of Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency EMF on Spatial and Passive Avoidance Learning and Memory, anxiety like behavior, and oxidative stress in male rats (Behavioral Brian Research)

           Carried out an elevated plus maze and spatial and passive avoidance learning and memory to evaluate the effects of different severity of ELF-EMF on rat behaviors and oxidative 

           Results showed no effect on spatial learning, but significantly affected memory performance 24 hours after training. 

           PAL results demonstrated that ELF-EMFs do indeed alter cognitive performance

           EPM results showed that ELF-EMF exposure increases anxiety-like behavior in rats

           Several reports showed an association between increase in depressive and anxiety symptoms and exposure to ELF-EMF in humans and rodents. 

           Indicated that chronic ELF-EMF exposure has anxiogenic effects in rats.

           An increase in lipid peroxidation lead to elevated levels of free radicals and other reactive species. 

                   •    Free radicals are crucial to brain metabolism, but when unbalanced can induced oxidative stress

o Effects of Electromagnetic Field Exposure on the Antioxidant Defense System

           EMFs can cause damage to biological tissue through thermal or non-thermal means 

                   •    Thermal: can occur with the conversion and absorption of heat by the body’s electromagnetic energy. Increased temperature is stabilized by blood circulation 
                   •    Non-Thermal: Increases free radical production in tissues.

           EMF no matter where they occur on the frequency spectrum are reported to cause a rise in levels of oxygen free radicals in plants and humans

           Increases in ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) causes changes in enzyme activity and gene expression leading to disease such as:

                   •    Sleep Disorder
                   •    Arthrosclerosis 
                   •    Loss of apetite
                   •    Diabetes
                   •    Dizziness
                   •    Rheumatoid Arthritis 
                   •    Cardiovascular Disease
                   •    Nausea
                   •    Stroke

           Increase in ROS leads to lipid peroxidation where the cell membranes are rapidly destroyed due to the oxidation of components of phospholipids containing unsaturated fatty 
                    acids, as well as other complications

           Low frequency and RF EMF have also been reported to alter the permeability of the blood-brain barrier.

                   •    These changes may lead to excess accumulation of heavy metals…specifically iron…in the brain leading to many neuronal disorders
                   •    Some studies report that DNA damage and blood-brain barrier disruption is connected, and that autism spectrum conditions are associated with EMF exposure 

o Impact of Radiofrequency Radiation on DNA damage and antioxidants in Peripheral Blookd Lymphocytes of Humans Residing in the Vicinity of Mobile Phone Base Stations (Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine)

           Frequency of nonspecific health symptoms such as nausea, loss of appetite, visual disturbance, irritability, and depression were significantly higher in population living close 
                    (within 100 m) to mobile phone base stations compared to those living far away. 

           Besides other nonspecific health symptoms such as fatigue, headache, dizziness, and muscle pain self-reported by volunteers, the study showed significant increase in MN 
                    frequency and decreased antioxidants among residents living close to base stations. 

           Number of studies have reported increase in DNA damage/micronuclei in different study systems 

           Increased Oxidative stress 

           Most of the power densities measured near base stations were higher than what is considered safe according to the Bioinitive report, Salzburg Resolution, and EU (STOA). 

o Biological Effects of non-ionizing EMFs: Two Sides of a Coin (Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology)

           EMFs at low frequencies are capable of increasing the production of free radicals including hydroxyl free radicals which can cause DNA double-strand breaks. 

           Lai et. Al. reported that exposure of rats’ brain cells to a 60 Hz magnetic field induced DNA single and double bond breaks

           Exposure to radiofrequency EMFs led to significant increase of oxidative DNA base damage. Both low frequency and Radiofrequency are potentially genotoxic at relatively high 

           Franzellitti et. Al. revealed that high frequency EMF caused transient increases of DNA fragmentation (separation of DNA). However, it was demonstrated that cells were able to 
                    recover after exposure
                   •    Pall demonstrated how these effects could become permanent with extended exposure

           Panagopulus et. Al. detected DNA fragmentation induced by EMF emitted from mobile phones, as well as cell death. 

           EMF can initiate the displacement of electrons in DNA. This directly affects hydrogen bonds which are responsible for DNA integrity and spatial DNA geometry. As a result, DNA 
                     undergoes separation and transcription 

           Agarwal et al. conducted a study on bio-effects induced by mobile phone radiation on ejaculated human semen. Revealed that exposure of semen to EMF led to decreased 
                     sperm motility and viability accompanied by changing levels in ROS and decrease in total antioxidant capacity. 

           Studies performed on rodents revealed many negative impacts on the male and female reproductive systems when exposed to EMF

  • Sneaking Suspicions and Deep State Agenda

 Our reality is nothing more than varying frequencies. Control your frequency and you control your reality (tesla and Einstein believe this as well as MANY more of the best scientific minds)
 5G is a “war on humanity”
 FCC has admitted to not caring about regulation or testing
 Human body is an expression of an electromagnetic information field. These EMFs can and has disrupted this information field, and by proxy our bodies.
 These effects will be cumulative not instant. People won’t drop dead all of a sudden.
 People’s desire for more technology blind them to the risk
 Those who are aware of the risks but continue the implementation of 5G are using the human race as a testing field. We are guinea pigs.
 Sweat ducts act like mini antennas when it comes to these EMF
 More than 90% of the power density is absorbed by the surface levels of the skin

 Tom Wheeler (former head of FCC): 5G will use much higher frequency bands that will be aimed and amplified. Will require massive infrastructure.
• “Will rake in billions of dollars and that’s DAMN important, because that means U.S. Companies will be the first out of the gate. That is why 5G is a national priority.”
• “Stay OUT OF THE WAY of technological development.” Wtf.
• “Unlike other countries, we do not believe we should spend years studying what 5G should be or how it should operate. The future has a way of inventing itself.”
• “Turning innovators loose is far preferable to expecting committees and regulators to define the future. We WON’T WAIT for the standards.”
• He wants to share with the satellites and military operations
• “If anyone tells you they know the details of what 5G will become…run the other way.”
• If something can be connected, it will be connected. Everything will have a microchip.
• 5G will touch all corners of the earth. Even rural areas will be saturated.
• Pressure local governments and fast track local deployment

 Intensity can be turned up and burn the skin. This could be used to control and disperse crowds, riots, etc. Can be focused, aimed, and directed. This will be everywhere with no escape.

 The brain works electrically as well as the heart. These affect us now, but will be taken to the next level with 5G.

 Bigger picture is to expand the internet of things into the “internet of everything”. Brain/technology interface is imminent (see neuralink). 5G will be instrumental to this plan.

 Can be used to manipulate states of emotion through disruption of the electrical signals generated by the CNS. Can induce states of rage, or calmness. Since thoughts dictate our reality,
our reality will be subject to control and manipulation.

 Over 20,000 satellites are being primed to beam 5G signals down onto the earth. No escape.

 FCC represents and lobbies for Telecommunications industry

 It won’t matter if you use 5G or not. You will be subjected to it.

 People will deny to protect their perception of the world. They refuse to think anyone could be this evil. They wish to control us through this technology.

o Interesting Patents:

 As discussed earlier, VGCCs are stimulated causing oxidative stress and calcium overload. When calcium salts collect in the various organs in the human body, they become ionizing…
which allows electrical current to flow easily. This leaves these organs vulnerable to electrical currents which can be induced using a variety of methods to control and manipulate the CNS
and various other biological processes.

o “Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields From Monitors”

   REAL U.S. patent for Hendricus G. Loos. Many suspect this is a pseudonym 
   Describes how using pulsed EMFs at low frequencies can be used to excite a sensory resonance. 
   Explains how to use T.V.s, computer monitors, and various other technology to do this. 
   Can overlay images and sounds in addition to the waves to manipulate thoughts and emotions of viewers 
   Has many schematics and circuit diagrams showing how to do this. 
   Describes device known as “Graham Potentializer” which uses motion, light, and sound as well as an alternating electric field aimed at the head. 
           •    Certain cutaneous receptors can be stimulated and can provide a signal input to the brain along the natural neural pathways. 
           •    Can produce following states/effects:
                  o Ptosis of eyelids
                  o Relaxation 
                  o Drowsiness
                  o Freeling of pressure at centered spot on lower edge of the brow
                  o Seeing moving patterns of dark purple and greenish yellow with the eyes closed
                  o Tonic smile
                  o Tense feeling in the stomach
                  o Sudden loose stool 
                  o Sexual excitement 

 Same author published patents titled:
• “Remote magnetic Manipulation of Nervous Systems”
• “Pulse Variability in electric field manipulation of Nervous systems”
• “Subliminal Acoustic Manipulation of Nervous Systems”
• “Magnetic Excitation of Sensory Resonances”
• “Apparatus and Method for Generating and Containing Plasma Having Ultra-High Temperatures”

 Another patent titled: “Methods and Apparatus for Neuromodulation (Grossman et al.)

o “Thought Transmission Unit Sends Modulated Electromagnetic Wave Beams to Human Receiver to Influence Thoughts and Actions Without Electronic Receiver”

   REAL patent invented by Bengt Noelting 
   Abstract: A thought transmission unit sends modulated electromagnetic wave beams over long distances to a human receiver to influence the thoughts, actions or perceptions of the 
             organism with or without their consent but without them requiring an electronic receiver.
   Goes on to literally describe in detail how to used visual/auditory stimulation along with EMFs to control minds and to use telepathy.
   Describes how to use millimeter waves to influence certain parts of the body
   Actively refutes the idea of mind control being a fantasy multiple times and backs it up using scientific methods and data. 
   Explains telepathy and how to manipulate CNS electrical signals to actually achieve telepathy. 
   States the uses of telepathy in controlling the masses in times of emergency or turbulation. 
   Can be used to manipulated convicted criminals to respond to threats inconspicuous or investigate
   Patent was recently “withdrawn” but can still be viewed at Google Patents

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