Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W3: A little bit of motivation can go a long way by @sachin08 | #burnsteem25


Hello everyone!
Week 3 of Engagement Challenge has started and there are another amazing interested contests.


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Pick TWO of these characters and tell us why you have picked it and what you see as the meaning of these words.

Here, I have to choose two characters and I jave to tell the meaning of these words. First of all, I would like to chhose Merida character.



Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it.

I am really impressed by this thought as Our Fate or we can say Our future lives within us and We should have courage to accept it and We should be brave enough to accept it in our life.

We cannot change our fate easily and We should have courage to face it and to see it. It remains within us and We should accept it happily.

Secondly, I have decided to chhose Spongebob SquarePants character.

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I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready!

This character says that I'm ready three times which means It is ready at anytime anywhere. And We should be also like it.

We should be ready all the time irrespective of the situation. We should be ready to face any type of situation in our life.

In any type of problem or situation we are facing, We should say, I'm ready to face it. We should have courage to face any situation.

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Do you think the statement “A little bit of motivation can go a long way” is true or false? Explain your answer.

Well, I think It is true. A little bit of motivation can a long way as We all just need some kind of motivation in our life to move ahead and do our best in our work.

A little bit of motivation can push us to do our best and try our best. We are motivated to do anything which will push our career ahead after some motivation.

We only need some motivation at a point of our life as A Little bit Motivation can also help us for a long time vision.

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Why is motivation important to you as a person?

Motivation is really important to me as I am not always be ready to do everything. I also feel sometimes lazy to do some work and Here, Motivation helps me.

Motivation can help me to push me harder. I can take motivation from various things like I can motivate myself through a successful person.

Motivation works best in our life because sometimes, We all feel lazy to do our work and We also sometimes feel that we can not do something but A motivation can push us to do anything and to do our best.

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Do you motivate others? Give two examples.

Yes, I love to motivate others. Motivating others feels very great to me as I can help them to push them harder in their work.

I always motivate my friends in studies as Some of my friends are preparing for an exam and I always try to motivate them and I also help them in every possible way so that they can do their best.

I also motivate some of my friends in trading as Trading requires lots of dedication, confidence and patience. I always motivate them to learn about trading and helps them in trading.

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What habits can you create to increase motivating yourself?

There are many habits through which I can motivate myself. The very first habit is doing exercises. Workout really helps in motivating myself and I really motivate myself after doing workout.

Another habit can be watching videos of successful person or viewing their thoughts on many things motivates me a lot.

Another habit I can create is I can make my small small goals and If I achieve some first small goals and It will motivate me to achieve other one and that's how, I will be achieving all my goals.

I would like to invite @shohana1, @ijelady and @wase1234 to participate in this contest.

 2 years ago 

I agree, motivation will give us a long-term vision. because we need that motivation every day, success for you.

 2 years ago 

Yes, Motivation really help us in giving us courage.

 2 years ago 

A little bit of motivation is important in human life style. yes I agree with all your points motivation keeps us going.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for going through my post.

 2 years ago 

Motivation can go a long way to help us in life. The word am ready 3 times showed that one need to be ready all time to move ahead despite Challenges.
Thank you for the invite my friend.

 2 years ago 

Yes, I am impressed by these words of SpongeBob character which tells us that We should be ready all time to face any kind of challenge.

 2 years ago 

Great great great
I love how you interpreted what Merida said... in every situation in life we need courage to face it, untop of that we need to also he ready just like sponge Bob said.

Good luck in the contest

 2 years ago 

Thank you.

 2 years ago 
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➜1. You have picked two characters and you have written why and the meaning thereof
➜2. You have written how a little bit of motivation can go a long way.
➜3. You have written why motivation is important to you as a person.
➜4. You have written how you motivate others and gave two examples.
➜5. You have written about the habits you can form to increase motivating yourself.
A little bit of motivation can indeed help us to push harder. Great post!
 2 years ago 

Motivasi yang sangat berharga, terimakasih telah berbagi artikel motivasi dengan kami

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