Engadget Trending News

in #vqpde6jw64 years ago

Watch a Boston Dynamics robot herd sheep in New Zealand

"New Zealand-based robotics company Rocos shared a video of Boston Dynamics' Spot herding sheep across grassy pastures."


Photoshop for iPad gets Curves and Apple Pencil pressure settings

" When Adobe launched Photoshop for the iPad late last year, users were less than impressed with its limited features – to say the tablet version of the software was a pared back take on the desktop standard was something of an understatement. However, Adobe wa…"


‘Crucible’ proves that Amazon is finally serious about video games

" Amazon does seemingly everything. The e-commerce giant has a foothold in audiobooks, fresh groceries, Netflix-style video streaming and oh-so-much-more. It’s no surprise, therefore, that the company wants to widen its influence in the video game industry. The…"


IFA will be one of the first big in-person tech events post-lockdown

" Many of 2020’s technology events have been relegated to virtual gatherings or cancelled outright due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but IFA will still be an in-person expo — albeit with very tight restrictions. Organizers have received the go-ahead to hold IFA 202…"


Apple is reportedly buying older TV shows to take on Netflix and Amazon

" When Apple TV+ launched last year its MO was very much original content. The company had poured an eye-watering sum of money into creating new shows specifically for the platform and people were, understandably, a bit wary of paying for a service to..."


Google 开始测试一个「简化」的智能显示界面

"智能显示器虽然平常都是当作一个超强化的相框放在一边,但事实上它能做到的事情要多很多,特别是在新冠疫情肆虐,大家都被关在家里的现在。除了与家人连系之外,它们也能提供娱乐来打发时间,但对于平常未接触科技的老人家来说,无论是学习这些新功能如何使用,或是设定好一台智能显示器,都不是件容易的事。因此 Google 将在美国华盛顿州的退休社区开始试验一个「新体验」的智能显示器介面,简化设定与操作,协助老人家熟悉智能显示产品的真正潜力。 为此,Google 将送出近 1,000 台 Nest Hub"


Strava is moving some free features behind a subscription

" Strava, the social fitness network that tracks cycling and running, is putting some of its previously free features behind a subscription paywall. In a press release, the company said that it’s not yet a profitable company, and that its “commitment t..."


OnePlus will disable a filter that lets the 8 Pro see through some materials

" It worked pretty well in showing what’s inside an Apple TV, but it couldn’t show what’s inside most phones, laptops and mice."


The Morning After: The artificial smart window that can mimic sunlight

" For years, Samsung’s C-Lab has backed projects and products that are a bit out of place, sold alongside its TVs, phones and, er, washing machines. The latest group to receive backing includes the timeliest of gadgets, given lockdown: an artificial smart windo…"



" 製薬会社を買収し、独占的販売権を持つHIV患者向け肺炎予防薬の価格を56倍に吊り上げた悪行で知られ、2017年に詐欺の有罪判決を受けたマーティン・シュクレリ氏が「深刻なアレルギーと喘息のため、刑務所の中では感染による重症化リスクが高い」「新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)の研究を行う」などと主張、収監されている刑務所からの出所を要請しました...が、あえなく却下されました。"



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