August Homeschooling Miscellany

in #unschooling6 years ago

This month, we started sliding back into normal. Seeing as most grocery stores have now stopped providing single-use plastic bags, we've ended up with a lot more cardboard boxes which get put to good use:

Here after watching Guardians of the Galaxy 2 he's made a cardboard version of the Infinity Gauntlet complete with the little stone things on top.

As usual gymnastics kind of dominated our month again as our gym did regionals, which went over three weekends. @gorc and @pixietrix competed in their levels and did pretty well. The older kids and I also did our usual volunteering thing, helping to set up and reset at the beginning, between the boys and girls comps (different apparatuses required) and back to normal at the end, and then me playing security guard at the door and @pixietrix running errands and selling raffle tickets with her friends.

seriously how hard is it to get this to embed, here have a dtube link

@pixietrix usually comes to the PCYC on @gorc's training days just to hang out, and after a while expressed an interest in coaching. I told her she would have to ask the head coach and she claimed to be "too shy", so I went with her but she had to ask. The head coach was happy for her to help out so she is now helping coach girls level 2 and 3 on one of @gorc's training days.

We finally made it to Araluen, which we found out about sometime after moving here but never quite got around to going to. The original plan was to go for a picnic and look at the tulips seeing as it was the right time of year for them, but as we'd invited the in-laws to join us it ended up being snaffling food from various vendors that were in the area that apparently hadn't been there when the in-laws had last visited some years ago.

There were so many tulips. In so many colours.

@pixietrix wanted to go on the mini train ride that we spotted on the way to lunch. @gorc was uninterested, we tried to convince @shadowlioncub to come with us but he wasn't having a bar of it, so @pixietrix and I went on our own.

@pixietrix with her train ticket

originally excavated as a swimming pool, apparently had a diving board and everything, then reeds happened and now it's an artificial lake and no swimming allowed

Grove of the Unforgotten memorial to Young Australia League members who died in WWI.

Both the boys had chased the train part of the way just for fun (because the train wasn't moving that fast) but as I half-expected @shadowlioncub was miserable that he hadn't come on the ride. His siblings were very sweet and commiserated with him for a bit.

Then we did a photoshoot with the log as the kids complained that I never "let" them pose, and to try and cheer @shadowlioncub up. I told them they were free to pose as much as they wanted, I just tended to take candid shots as it was easier and I like them more.

@pixietrix and @gorc inside giant log

@shadowlioncub inside giant tree

We did try to calculate how big the tree the log came from would have been but didn't actually know what the tree was to begin with to know how big it could grow.

@shadowlioncub apparently wanted to hang out with me one on one, so @pixietrix, ever the social problem solver, immediately suggested he go for a walk with me and she and @gorc would hang with Nanna and Pop. This was quickly and easily organised and @shadowlioncub and I took some photos with tulips, only one of which turned out good as in my infinite wisdom I took a lot of them into the sun. @shadowlioncub suggested this area as it had the most tulips in the background that was close enough to the colours in my mohawk.

the only reason you're seeing my ugly mug again is because I wanted to show off my awesome rainbow mohawk and also because @shadowlioncub helped set up this selfie and apparently that counts as art

Then we went past the creek that we'd crossed a bridge over on the way in. Water is @shadowlioncub's happy place.

The kids raced twigs down the creek, with some observations on how they could snag on rocks and branches that were too heavy to float, creating a bigger and bigger trap that would eventually cause a dam, but the creek was forceful enough that eventually the buildup would usually be cleared out.

From the outset @pixietrix wanted me to take some photos for her Instagram, so we had a few photoshoots while exploring. These two are my favourites.

Bloody gymnasts can't take them anywhere

Then everyone but me came down with a nasty gastro and that was the rest of the month gone. On the bright side it reinforced the necessity of quarantining when sick, washing hands between patients and before eating/handling food to avoid the spread of disease.

@pixietrix started working intermittently on Khan Academy again, the reports have gone a bit awkward so I'll have to try and work out if there's an easy way to show what I want for screenie purposes at some stage. Another homeschooler wrote a pretty good review of MathBot so I'm intending on checking that out and trying the kids on it soon.

Last thing we're trying is assigning days. Previously I'd been trying to get the kids to tell me what they were interested in and where they would like to go but this usually ended up with one of them asking me what we were doing that day and then whining about decisions myself or any of the other ones made. This way each of them get to decide where we're going or if they want to have a social or home day and that's what everyone is doing (or in the case of one of them going to a friend's house then they're doing that and th rest of us are having a home day). Had a bit of a sputtery start and still got a few kinks to work out but getting there.

This post also appears on my blog.

Post payout will be divided between @gorc, @pixietrix and @shadowlioncub. And I'm going to try out the "Add Beneficiaries" button SteemPeak added whenever they added it even though I think beneficiaries are still currently getting paid only in sp.

Thanks for looking! ^_^

If you want to natter I usually haunt both the #teamaustralia channels (yes there's two, the PAL one and one for Aus/NZ), Be Awesome, and hang with the @steemartists on the server with the same name on Discord with a bunch of awesome people :D


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The steemaroo divider is free to use. Ask me nicely if you want an upgoat/cute critter footer.</cente


Oh wow, nature won over the swimming pool! That doesn't often happen.

It took me a moment to see your Mohawk. It blended so well with the tulips! Lioncub was so right.

Izzy had a try at seeing whether coaching might be up her alley. It's a big club, though, and the level 3s were crazy enough. Apparently the level 1 and 2s are worse! She's just not got the voice to be heard over them. Plus, you know, after training 4 1/2 hours herself, she rather wanted a bit of the day back for R&R! ;D

Just had a quick look at mathbot. Izzy finds the Khan maths a bit boring. This looks much more up her alley. I'll have to get her trying it out. Thank you so much for mentioning it.

I don't know if it was always creek fed (by the one in the happy place photo) but if it was I reckon that would have done it XD

Crazy how, behaviour wise? Pixie seems to have been assigned to one child who appears to be one of those kids that pretty much needs someone to focus them all the time. And lately I've noticed that she's coaching like her coach which is kind of adorable XD She's enjoying it so far :) Guess Izzy just needed to find her coaching voice XD Pixie is usually pretty soft spoken (think quiet little girly girl) but can be loud and forceful when needed, maybe comes from having two brothers XD

If that's 4.5 hours in one session no wonder she wants some time out after XD Pixie does 4.5hrs in a week (2hrs one day and 2.5 on another) and I think she wouldn't mind more x_x

Good luck with mathbot, I was trying it out before getting the kids onto it and I'm now stuck XD Cub was having a great time til he got stuck as well and I can't logic enough to help him so we're going to have to get Dad to help XD I found out about it from one of @kafkanarchy84's unschooling posts.

Crazy in that they kind of run around over-excited and trying to get them all to focus for a moment while they instruct them on what's happening next is a challenge for even the louder coaches. They usually have at least two experienced coaches per group.

Yes, Saturday is a 4.5 hour session with a short fruit break. It's a 30 minute trip, so I don't want to take her extra days, so this would be the only time she could do at the moment. For level 5 and up they can train up to four days for 15 hours. Izzy just does 3 for 11.5 hours though. That is the absolute minimum they'd allow for her level without threatening to hold her back. They are one of the best achieving clubs SA. Some girls even score better than Gym Jets girls, as were now discovering. So the hours thing and their strictness on girls meeting the skill requirements is understandable. Apart from this, they do try to keep it enjoyable and they are like a second family to many.

I'll try and get Izzy onto mathbot today. I'd really like to see if she prefers it to Khan. I must go back and look through Grahams posts. I must have missed that one.

Do you split your levels into groups as well? Our particularly big classes tend to get split into smaller groups with one coach managing 5-8 kids. There is a cap on the classes but I can't actually remember what the number is, I want to say 12-15 but it could be as high as 20, all I know is there's a waiting list these days x_x Back when we joined up we managed to slot straight in!

Oh wow you do have a lot of hours, as I said before pixie would love to be able to do more I think. That 4.5hrs per week that she does is all she does because that's all they've got. I'm not sure how they'd fit any more hours than what they've got in though, managing the floor with everything that's happening on any given day is already a logistical nightmare that the coaches manage with remarkable efficiency XD

They do split into 2 groups when there are a lot, but groups have been as large as 15. There's never a waiting list for WAG, but they have to try out in the lower levels to be accepted now. The waiting list for general gym is huge. They've had to extend out to the local school gyms to try and reduce it. They want to extend the main gym again, but it doesn't look like it's happening any time soon.

Sounds pretty intense :O

Our PCYC doesn't have general gym (unless Tiny Tots, Gym Mites and Twist and Shout can count as general gym XD), everyone is just doing WAG or MAG but the competitions (we only do regionals and states) are optional. Everyone who passes badge test does regionals and whoever qualifies for states at regionals goes on to that. Everyone who doesn't does optionals or challenge comp. Anyone who doesn't want to compete doesn't have to. Not sure how the other PCYCs run, I spent a few years assuming they would all be similar but being a little bit more involved now I'm not so sure XD

Looks like everyone is having fun, and it's great that you're always on the look out to give them some new materials to learn, fyn.    
And wow, a rainbow mohawk! I've never seen anyone rocking a rainbow one hahaha, did you dye it yourself? XD      

We try to have fun, best way to learn :)

Had to get the hairdresser to do it as my hair is stubborn and requires multiple coats of bleach to get light enough to take bright colours :) The hairdresser was so happy as well, when I'd got her to do my steem colours she had asked if we could do rainbow next time and was stoked when I came back after the steem colours had grown out and asked for the rainbow XD

Such a pretty post, I felt you should have hid amongst the flowers for us to find you. 😂

And then you ended it on such a dramatic note:

Then everyone but me came down with a nasty gastro and that was the rest of the month gone.

Keeping it real, Ryi! But I hope your family gets well soon!

I've been told that people who have been to this park previously have taken photos of themselves or their kids lying among the tulips but when we went there were lots of "please keep out of the garden beds" type signs, guess people doing that were damaging them.

I also did get asked by one of the staff at one point if I was going to take photos with different coloured tulips, though they said they didn't have any blue ones XD

But that's what happened :D and we're all good now thanks :) I was just slightly annoyed as we have been doing bugger all over the last couple of months due to having to shut down the business and I was really feeling like I was neglecting their education :S so wanted to start making up!

But I can pull learning opportunities out of anything so it's all good in the end :)

I love that you're unschooling. I know a couple of people on facey doing that and have always wanted to do that if I ever have another kid. Gotta remember to hit you up for tips.

Also!! Dat hair!! 👌🌈 You're fabulous Ry xxx

Hehe thanks XD

First tip I always give people, it's hard work XD Most of it being in keeping records for the education department >_< though you could probably fly under the radar if you do it from the outset. There are days I regret registering but it's mostly been all right.

Thanks ^_^ It's all faded and pastelly now but still looks pretty cool. I think I will do this again at some stage XD

There is a bit of everything in here! I loved that log!!

We usually try to do at least a little bit of everything ;D That log was pretty epic! And it was only a small part of the tree :O

Haha! Aside from the nasty gastro bug, this month was chock full of fun! Great of @pixietrix to be developing an inclination to coaching. I kept awww-ing at the kids' insistence on posing. Y u no let dem pose!?

The pose they chose was outstanding! They should be in charge of photoshoots all the time. The awwws continued when @shadowlioncub wanted some alone time. I keep forgetting that he's so young!

Most importantly, that rainbow mohawk looks awesome on you! Makes me wish hair color never fades. And just like that, we have more wild Fyn sightings in the past months than we ever had since the dawn of Steemit! You two look so cute together, mother and Cub!

They can pose if they want all they have to do is tell me! LoL XD I think I've got pretty photogenic kids but I'm severely biased ;D

Yeh the cub is still in single digits til next year! Which is still little as far as I'm concerned :)

Thanks! Rainbow mohawk is on my list of would do again XD It's pretty faded in this pic. And there probably won't be any more wild fyn sightings for a while XD

I can't compare to real life because I haven't seen them in person, but from what I could see I could attest that they are super photogenic! Not that "regular photogenic" ugh which is meh at best.

Cherish Cub before he becomes... a lion?

When @randomli and I first reunited/met she was sporting an ombre so maybe combine that with the rainbow next?

I need to pop into the Steemartists discord more often.

I was homeschooled, it's the best way to be :)

I like the rainbow hair!

Keep checking back intermittently throughout your day if you're not too busy, sometimes we've missed you by 5min or something :D

My boys certainly seem to think so, both of them are pretty adamant they don't want to go to school. My daughter wants to go to high school, think she thinks she's missing out on something or something as currently all her friends are going to school (including ones that were previously homeschooled due to life circumstances changing). Hoping she'll change her mind once we get back into the swing of things as having one in school and two out is seriously going to do my head in unless we somehow manage to afford to move to a neighbourhood where I don't have to worry about her commuting by herself XD

Thanks ^_^

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Nice cardboard box craftiness!

Thanks :) He does remarkably well with a steak knife (his preferred method of cutting cardboard boxes) and imagination XD

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