Your Health And Sleep!!(#club75)

in Steem Ghana2 years ago (edited)


Hello friends

Greeting to you all. I know you are in health as we gradually come to the end of the month of march. Today i want to share with you on an interesting subject i have titled Your health and sleep i am sure you would not mind reading till the end.


You must understand that your health is vital. I was having a chat with a friend sometime last week and she said it is only when you are healthy that you can make money this statement struck a cord in me. Yes it true!

Some of us has shifted from focusing on health to other things and it is beginning to affect the body. And this is the reason for my write up today.

Your Health and Sleep

Sleep is one of the basic and most important thing the human body needs apart from food and water. There has been several definition for the word Sleep but from my perception Sleep is defined as a time when the body tells you i need to rest by making your eyes to be heavy in order for it to close.
it is a state of inactivity of the outer body part

The human body has been structured to accommodate sleep but there are alot of persons that has also found a way to fight this process called sleep making them stay awake either because of their job or what ever may be their reason. I remember when i joined crypto academy last year, i would stay awake all night writing homework for the week. I continued for a long time that way and sometimes for 3days i had not slept. My body began to react, i began to feel very ill as if i had no blood in my body. Now these are just one of the adverse effects of not sleeping.


When you sleep

Have you ever felt very tired and weak but when you slept and woke up, you felt so much strength and energy? Yes you felt strength and energy because sleep has a very positive impact on the body. Let me tell you some of the impact of sleep, i mean positive impact.


Even though your outer body, i mean your eyes, legs, hands and the rest are inactive when you are asleep, your inner parts like your intestine, your cells and blood tissue, your heart , your brain, are all active. That time you felt tired and slept what happens is that, activities went on in your brain and body cells . Your body cells replenishes itself, i mean, the cells that became weak were discarded and new ones replaced them. While in your brain, the unwanted materials were dismissed and more space was made available to accommodate new information. So when you woke up you felt strengthened in your body. The next time you feel tired or weak, try a natural remedy which is sleeping okey.


Sleep and its Gains

Do you know you gain alot when you allow your body to sleep?
Each time you sleep your body goes through a circle that helps you stay healthy. Anyone who sleeps well especially at night has passed the first stage of staying healthy. Your immune system is revitalized during your hours of sleep because dead and unwanted cells and tissue are discarded and new one are formed. When your immune system is strong, it is impossible to fall sick.

Do you also know that sleeping at night helps you loss weight? Let me tell you how. When you are awake you eat more or tend to have craving or temptation to eat food or any other thing like junk this makes you add some weight. You tend to get hungry when you are awake than when you are sleeping. Another process where sleep helps in weight loss is when you sleep and sweat at night. When you sweat, it simply means some fat leaves your body. The next time you want to loose weight why dont you try sleeping because doing so will reduce the volume of things that enters your mouth.

Another thing you gain when you sleep is that Your brain and eye sight works better. I remember those times i denied myself sleep, my eyes began its wonders, i was feeling itching on my eyes! I just knew i needed to sleep, at a point it was as if i was not seeing clearly. Why dont you give your brain the opportunity to work better and produce result for you by sleeping. Stop overworking your brain.


How many hours should you sleep


Of course sleeping is good but it does not mean that one should sleep all day.
As an adult i would advice that you should sleep well, in fact at night you should sleep for at least 6 hours. But i know children should definately sleep more because they are still growing. I suggest 8 hours sleep for them. They may have played all day and need back the energy in the morning.



Sleep is important and the absence or lack of it has resulted to so many health challenge and one of it high blood pressure. So the next time you are too busy i want you to remember that you need to stay alive and healthy to make money or do other things you are involved with. Rest! Get some sleep! Your body needs it.

Thank you for reading.


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 2 years ago 

Thank you @jimah1k for your support

 2 years ago 

It is very important to rest in other to regain your strength for the next day.

Great entry and thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading it.

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