Argentina, travel writer, blogger, cryptofan-couple, Beatle fan, Benji's mother, location independent family

Hi Steemians,

I'm Flor and I'm here because I'm the couple of Juan, a cryptofan. ;)
And the only one of the two that writes and speaks English - not perfectly nor properly, but I will do my best.

We are not married but we are a family with our little son Benjamín. He's 8 months right now and in the next photo he is taking a nap in the couch (thanks God) XD

Here we are drinking "mate" and eating "dulce de leche" pancakes

Reasons we joined Steemit

Mainly because:

  1. We think that blockchain and crypto money is the future and we don't want to miss it. So, we are in!

  2. To share our travel experience, along with useful information and recommendations. We have a travel blog called Ruta del Mate, that is written in Spanish and we have lots of articles there about travelling through Europe and Asia mainly. I always wanted to translate it to English, because we have been to a lot of places where there is not so much information written, i.e. the countries ended in "stan".

Less important reasons are:

  1. A way to practise my English and learn new vocabulary.

  2. To be far away from the other unproductive social media networks that are so demanding and take a lot of time from us.

A little about the family

As a whole

We are Argentines and we are currently living in Playa de Gandía, south of Valencia, in Spain, only for a season.

For more than a year we have been living a nomadic life, in which we have the privilege of choosing the place to live. I like to say we are a location independent family. This is possible because we work online.

Juan and I are from the same hometown, Pergamino, but we met at University. We were -and we are- really good friends.

Making long story short, in 2007 Juan got married with another girl and after his wedding party, I went to work and live to Madrid, Spain.

In 2010, he got the divorce and went to visit me Spain, we hadn't seen each other since his wedding, and we made a trip around the main cities in Europe. The crazy Oktoberfest in Munich and the romantic Paris did their job. He came to live and work to Spain the very next year.

And now we are three :)

We like to say we are "wanderlusters"

Our passion is to travel. We have visited more than 60 countries in 4 continents and we want more!

We have fulfilled many dreams, one of them in 2014-2015 when we did, as a couple, a long journey of 14 months by more than 30 countries in Europe and Asia.

Seeing the map is incredible, still can't believe all the places we have been.

Our current dream is a long family trip.

We are professionals in finance and marketing

We are professionals who have dedicated throughout our lives to the world of finance, having professional experience in accounting, auditing, marketing and hotel management.

We have reoriented our career to the development of online ventures and the design of digital marketing strategies, also covering the creation of content, management of social networks, web design, email marketing, etc.

At the same time, our blog and social networks are a powerful online platform for companies that want to promote their brands and services.



  • Passionate about football. He likes River Plate and Douglas Haig, a local team of our home, Pergamino.
  • He likes to be informed about politics and economy (globally but mainly locally).
  • He is the weather guy (internal joke)


  • I said a little bit about me in the title, but I also love dulce de leche and beer (not both at the same time) and apart from the Beatles, I like Bon Jovi since I was a teenager.


  • He has two teeth.
  • He loves to take anything he founds to his mouth.
  • He enjoys looking through the window.
  • He likes waking up the family between 6:30 and 7 AM

Why Ruta del Mate?

RUTA means route in English and summarizes our wanderlust for the way, the path. No matter which kind of route
we talk about (air, river, gravel, pavement, any route...), and to always be moving, walking, traveling...

MATE is a traditional Argentina infusion (also it is drunk in other South American countries and in Siria!), which involves a series of values with which we feel identify with: the mate as a reason for meeting, the mate to share between the people that you meet and the mate as fellowship.

The "mate" is ready to travel

Our long trip: 14 months through Europe and Asia

We are really proud and thankful for the long trip we made in 2014-2105. It changed our minds completely and teached a lot of things to us.

I want to share wit you a video I prepared for a travel talk we gave in Madrid.

The words in Spanish that appears in the video are the message we wanted to give to the audience:

"Overcome fear and leave the comfort zone, go far, enjoy every moment, contemplate nature, become an explorer, try new flavors, be the protagonist of your story, meet new cultures, get lost in the cities and feel the hospitality of people. Travel, the world is waiting for you."

beautiful song from Coldplay

We hope you like all the information and recommendations that we are going to share with you.


PS, here is where you can find us:

Ruta del Mate Travel Blog

Let's keep in touch


¡Bienvenidos, amigos! Desde ya pendiente de lo que publiquen, mucha suerte y abrazos.

Hola! Muchas gracias! Con todas las ganas de pertenecer a esta linda comunidad! Estamos en contacto! :)

Upvoted! welcome and enjoy the platform! like to connect with travel-minded peope, will keep my eyes out for your posts about that super nice trip.
I traveled for four years and post about it now, hope you like it
Have fun on Steemit

Hey! Thank you! Your trip sounds interesting too. Looking forward to reading a little bit about it :)

Welcome to the community 😊
Have a safe travels 🍻

Thank you! Hope to share more of my adventures and read awesome content :)

¡Desearía poder viajar tanto como ustedes! Hay tantas culturas y todo un mundo por conocer, los seguiré en su maravillosa aventura ¡Saludos!

Hola Asuka08, deseálo con más fuerza que se cumple, te lo aseguro. Yo jamás imaginé poder conocer tanto como ahora! ;)

Seguro que sí lo desearé con todas mis fuerzas !

Hola chicos,

Os sigo por aquí también, viajeros. Un abrazo desde la cálida Chiang Mai

Hola Eli! Followback ;) jajaja
A ver qué nos depara el mundillo steemitiano.
Beso desde Playa de Gandía!

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