popular opinion

in #stuff2 years ago (edited)

My Phone
My Phone
0 seconds ago
no comments huh

what i see "today" is as merzheimr said in 2015 , the best way to crack russia is to MAKE them attack ukraine and as i said "americans are sore losers" it makes them the biggest threat to global security after pakiganistan and as this guy says : russia will own the place in 2020-2030

everything is making more sense by the day, including , "no zelensky , you are too corrupt, you cant join fix that first for 7+ years" and then 100 days of "putin is looking at you ? youre a saint, please join"

i think humans are done for, at least society as we know it, its past the breaking point now, i dont think china and/or russia will accept a "sorry ole chap, bygones?" by now

My Phone
My Phone
0 seconds ago
well i can speak since my comments get deleted anyway : i feel if nuclear power is part of the solution and it looks like its gonna have to be to prevent worse in the short to mid-term (im talking about sociological/generational timing) the only way i could personally think of is to shoot it at asteroids or something in some belt in the solar system ... which ofcourse requires energy but considering even the half-life of this garbage i dont think dumping it underground is a very good solution (i think the same about storing pockets of carbon underground actually, looking at fukushima for instance, what if one quake sets it all loose ?)

... i can speak

because my comments get deleted anyway ... so yea

its good to see "not your standard 6 oclock propaganda" thats not biased to either side of the current political scale

My Phone
My Phone
13 minutes ago (edited)
if cheap one-time disposable jets were available id say "set course for the heart of the sun" that wont make much difference inthere a few buckets of deadly waste but well

its 2022

utopia is a nice story

maybe china can make something happen still before societies collapse, i dont see the others getting anywhere in time

i do popular opinion very well but i tend to gather it from people like these (and mursheimer and many others who seem to know what they're saying) although formally uneducated myself.
Storing it here seems like the worst idea ever, ofcourse, adding to "the belt" of the planet is probably just as bad b/c thats basically locking humanity inside a belt of deadly shrapnel.
So that leaves what-ifs like "if they let kennedy do and got WITH the russians" we might have a space elevator (or maglev-railgun type) and an orbital hanger or factory, which would make one time jets not utopian since you could almost just give it a push if you start from there)

so that didnt happen

the other solution was stop breeding in the 80s instead of "lets see if climate change is real and mathematical sustainability is not a hippie thing" - that didnt happen either - by that btw i mean a strict 1 child per 2 humans (not marriages) policy globaly to REDUCE the population in the advent of continued automation, not the other way around as gets propagated by poli's who think MORE humans is the solution to economy

its not, ...

so that didnt happen

so atm unless a major event allows systemwide exploitation (some kind of tech) (solarsystemwide) i think the best hope is a virus 10 times the strength of covid 19

which wont be pretty

but neither is the alternative

(thats why ill never get a job speaking at ted)

lawn needs mowing ...

stuff needs doing all the time - i'll have to cut it short and i wont be doing this b/c you dont get facebooklikes for having non-mainstream opinions, ESPECIALLY if they dont choose "a side" b/c one side will alway accuse you of chosing the other for the simple fact you dont choose their dogma as the words of the gods

thats how i see things (among other things)

in short, the waste thing ... its impossible to keep expanding, the way this goes is hunger games, but not the movie and a lot worse than that in the not SO far future

as for the waste thing : you cant shoot it into orbit, its half a miracle satellites dont get shot out by rogue shrapnel by now and its not getting better b/c homo apeiens just does the same up there it does down here

personally i think an orbital hanger is possible at this point, maybe even with only one superpower going at it, but that leaves you with the gravity well, an actual space elevator or maglev-railgun type i fear requires more cooperation than is politically possible at the moment. Its pretty clear any poli wont give up power even if it means putting the country in ruins - though i dont wanna compare zelensky (YOU ARE TOO CORRUPT FOR SEVEN YEARS but now putin is looking at you you're a saint in 100 days) to assad b/c that might get picket fences at my door, i have my opinion on that, if he went in exile and surrendered, economically speaking the balance would be very much not upset like this and all of ukraine would be standing, thats my view and that is that
you dont have to like it

ofcourse there's america who HAS TO win (they always do)

and europe who pretends to still BE something

and china

who STFU's and "does stuff" ...

so if you can shoot the waste out nuclear and hydrogen is an option, if you have to stash it downhere it becomes a (very dangerous) extra hazard imo

that means you need to shoot it to a place where it lands, not where it orbits somewhere your future craft might smack into it

excluding planets and moons eyeballed so far ("the" moon, mars, europa (moon) and maybe even gas on uranus or jupiter (stuff that becomes viable to research if you can fabricate and launch OUTSIDE the well)

you can basically dump it anywhere, terraforming venus or mercury seems unlikely, having it rotate in the belts of saturn or whatever only becomes a problem when you go there mining (for ice or oxygen or whatever else you'll find in smaller quantities)

other than that ... system-wide exploitation at THIS point

and barring an alien invasion that brings about a swift change in 100.000 year old human behaviour

the only solution left i see is

yea twelve monkeys baby


now ..

im sure i'm "pro-russian" again since it says nowhere ANTI in it ...

the usual

so take this as "i dont care about that pro and contra shit" b/C compared to the real issues


(these are vids i keep in a playlist i dubbed "modern history" but the subjects might vary - i tend to keep the opinion to myself since i know all it gets me is bs ...)

yea yea, a lot of the list will amount to we do what we must in a world you created ...

you think its too far ? i think its the horizon so definitely not far enough, im one of freyjas cats if i couldnt even think as far as the horizon then what would i be ? knowledge is 90% of the witches power turned to magic.

if YOU ... then you're probably not a leader but a politician with a 4-6 or 8 year legislature

and maybe past your 70s ... which seems to make it harder i always wonder if that will happen to me too

id feel SO blind

see ?

thats why i never get a job in town ?

right then

heres hoping to keep it to the numbers station for those who care to click and form their own opinion without me adding mine

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