no that's the viewport thingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #i6 years ago (edited)

Screenshot from 2018-11-28 14-45-59.png

i betcha fiver it looks completely different on my phone

which i have to locate somewhere

i have no clue, that thing doesn't hold a simcard

the flashlight is useful though

you'll have to excuse me before the "make-a-living-by-downvoters" latch on

(they don't ? where do they get that 10 and 20 k delegation from then ? that's not "a living ?")

don't try that shit on me, normal people are like dirty glass


but you can still see through it, damn, i need own quotes section on my own web-shit

this is irrelevant until i can afford combell btw

what's 5 euros a month ?

its non-existent until certain


i really need my own quotes section

the math, precious ?

do not ask me to prove myself

you will get defensive and destructive

when i came inhere the steem price was over 15 USD

that makes 10.000 how much ?


times nine (it's said ten) a day (but no one really proves that) is HOW MUCH voteworth ?

that is NOT a living ?

living-by-downvoting ?

is it NOT ?

right ...

you still don't see the protection-racket enforcer metafor ?

where dafuk did you grow up ? on t.v. ?


you did, didn' you ?

“Why could you not have left me as I was, in the sea of being?"

"Because the world has need of your humility, your piety, your great teaching and your Machiavellian scheming.”
― Roger Zelazny, Lord of Light


you DID , didnt you ?

im downgrading my sp so i cant post too much and it wont be worth it until the price goes up anymore, passive income is my first goal anyway

weird though that might sound

a person like me needs groceries first since i DO NOT FIT INTO YOUR WORLD

talent ?

yea out of my ass, by the fucking fart ... if talent were methane i'd shit all over the place

ego ?

i dont need that but i clearly CAN, but only to piss you off

now, where was i ?

o yea

here ....

STUCK ... knee-deep in the swamp were old people and ideas come to die

look a bit cooler comma if


is that so ? well i have one pants with no holes , will that do ? the last one was worse

my balls kept falling out , will THAT DO ?

nah, i found the solution ... think of me as an autist stand-up comedian

even if i'm not it will soothe your every sense into comfort, they can even say faggot and nigger and its still funny

dont even have to be gay or black

its like the perfect disguise for bitter old sarcasm

yea leave it to an a.i. or a downvote-for-living bot with 20k delegated power by some elder skoolteacher stuck in the 40s to judge your whole post on two keywords ....

no ofcourse not ... that wouldnt

you know someone once told me, and im not a religious person so i think its hellafunny in a painful way,

never said i was not a mystic

someone once told me people here got downvoted on plagiarism

for quoting the bible

is that el-Mao or what ?

so i'll quote mine again :

“His followers called him Mahasamatman and said he was a god. He preferred to drop the Maha- and the -atman, however, and called himself Sam. He never claimed to be a god, but then he never claimed not to be a god.”
― Roger Zelazny, Lord of Light

i actually have a whole library of bibles

getting first editions of all of that alone will need a bit more thank nine to five snickering

so WHAT ? i got MY jesus from a book ?

where did you get yours

yup ... didnt see that coming, right ?

tickles your psychopath doesn't it ?

get the urge to kill yet ?


“Time passed slowly, like and old man climbing a hill.” ― Roger Zelazny, Lord of Light

"trying" doesnt work

that just ends you in a pop-tart or regurgitating

and burnt-out in the end

but not like me

i got burnt-out by swimming seas on fire through the passageways they wouldnt let me after i sacked my own ships

its not quite the same

i'm like a dessicated mummy, quite immortal

with a bit of a temper but very hard to love


that doesnt even make sense, cat

it doesnt have to, precious

what matters is the audience does not WANT to admit they dont get it

i told you all about MY kinds of jeses

and prophets

in the end makkavelli turns the day

so pray it comes with good intentions

i said i'm not the man i used to be

is that why all my friends leave me alone with their wife these days ?

now THERE you might be onto something, dearie

“Which one is the right way?" "Huh? You're asking me that? How should I know?" "Mortals call you Buddha." "That is only because they are afflicted with language and ignorance.” ― Roger Zelazny, Lord of Light

mmmm hm ?

were expecting ?

what are you , a pregnant woman ? and what's more , HOW THE HELL WOULD YOU EXPECT FROM ME ?

you dont know me

i dont owe you

it might be worlds apart and their worlds sure are ... Vance is prone more to science fiction while zelazny (like me but not limited to in both or either ways and sense of the words) is born from mysticism, legend and a good stir o' the old spoon in the witches kettle

they're like the fucking turntablists on paper avant garde to me

and they KNOW the truth

“I had contrived a method by which a transient might locate the best restaurant in town. He must find the local bookshop and take advice from the proprietor, who infallibly will possess this information. Why the bookshop? Because bookshop owners are usually discriminating gourmets without too much money.”
― Jack Vance, This Is Me, Jack Vance!: Or, More Properly, This Is "I"

they understand why ART ?

beCAUSE ...

“If I adhere to any fundamental principle in my writing, perhaps it is my belief that the function of fiction is essentially to amuse or entertain the reader. The mark of good writing, in my opinion, is that the reader is not aware that the story has been written; as he reads, the ideas and images flow into his mind as if he were living them. The utmost accolade a writer can receive is that the reader is incognizant of his presence.”
― Jack Vance, This Is Me, Jack Vance!: Or, More Properly, This Is "I"

i have no illusion on the fact that it will get me more than a few cents unless i take care of myself

if i breathe and shit and fart and piss talent

it matters not until it sells


what DOES sell ?

“I don't know that I ever wanted greatness, on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something - or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise, it's just an ego trip.” ― Roger Zelazny, Prince of Chaos

the handmaids tale

the man in the tower thing ?

westwood ?

or the remix of the karate-kid ?

oh, was that world ?

by sir john hopson ?

i'm not good with names, dear ...

i'm even worse at patience when it comes to people pissing on me

you think this holds no worth because

it not presented properly

do you now ?

so why are you not offering me to present it for a price ?

a cut, if you like ?

i mean, you dont sound or seem to be very good at

selling yourself and

i havent even gotten to Van Voght yet ... who, unlike the other two , REALLY puts the science in fiction

but not like those pop-tarts

clarke and the other one ?

asimov, right ...

you seem to suck at selling yourself ... or you suck at what you try to make others do maybe ?

which one is it ?

i have NO pre-tense

so which one is it, i'm confused ?

time to smoke a fag

in the backyard

please dont call the vice squad or homicide

took YEARS last time before the grass grew back after they dug up the whole yard,

grass ...

how many languages is that word ?

cos its got at least three or four meanings i know off like un ver ver danzun ver ver

you can fill in the dots

i dont think spelling is important in the current era

well youooo know

does thing have timestamps ?? YEA ACTUALLY IT DOES but only for the savvy ones

... i'll never forget the bit of Trey RatCliffe (pardon the name if i got it wrong) the one-eyed (more or less) google-wonder on that google talk (back when google was doing no evil but still trying to take over everything from yo moma's to TED)

a supreme photographer who will never have the chance to prove his talent because he wasnt picked out of a slum

yes that works both ways, alas

the because the universe needs balance

otherwise it would TIP OVER TO ONE SIDE

and everyone would fall off, how hard is THAT where DID you grow up DAMN....

"you should never force yourself" to do what you like to do

because you will come to associate it with bad moods

and fucking right the man was !

same thing i said before

only more recent people

running out of quotes here

those people are all mortal you know there's an end to them

after that it's all vox mortis

i got one like that too

not here but there , i mean here
on morgan

i don't go with the theory of "it wasnt meant to..."

i go with the theory of "it can be"

like i'm not a believer OR an atheist

that's not a logical and , strangely , right ?

i believe anything is possible until proven otherwise, like freestyles using the same punchlines in different battles

that's too much contamination , cat no one gets that

do you see my giveafuck, precious ?

mmmmh , i just saw the island made news

but gotta balance

the irish, the scots, the englanders

Inglanders ?

Europe ?

same thing

it will never fit under one hood

and who's gonna pay for that ?

not me, i can tell you that much

i just hope i never get in one room with those irish, scots and inglanders at once

it's easy to get along but not when they're shooting at each other and you are in the middle

still time

took the chinese MORE than thousand years but

they only have about three languages to deal with , give or take leaving out the dialect

something we all can agree on, i think

“I have a better idea,' said she. 'Know that under a mortal name am I mistress of the Palace of Kama in Khaipur.'
'The Fornicatorium, madam?'
She frowned. 'As such is it often known to the vulgar, and do not call me 'madam' in the same breath-- it smacks of ancient jest. It is a place of rest, pleasure, holiness and much of my revenue.”
― Roger Zelazny, Lord of Light

even after you mix in the Italians, the Polish and the French ?

the only holy ground is Switzerland, right ?


that's too bad but i AM the great psyco-social of your time ... i would LOV3E to find my old Sicilian friends and ask them if they grandpa doesnt have a job

i mean its HARD to get one these days, it REALLY is and especially one that pays DECENT money where you can organize your own as long as you bring in the results ?

but if i did that

EVEN IF, after dumping it all on the one time in life i fell for the dopamine promise that "working hard" would fix it all ?

then Venice would never let me back in

and i fell in love with Venice ...

europe huh ?

don't just

just dont simply dont try to START to understand it

you think my style is worth five cents precious ?

you keep telling me how to do it

where's your offer ?

if its worth THAT much and YOU know how to do it

where's your offer ?

seems to be one thing that unites them lately

more and more ...

no explanation needed there i hope

“It was my turn to be silent while a small family of moments crossed my path, single file, from the left, sticking their tongues out at me.”
― Roger Zelazny, The Hand of Oberon

yes, that's

and that's what's scary

so i dont like to talk much but sometimes i have to since if i don't uncork my head the pressure makes it explode all over the place with unforeseen consequence, however

i don't have pre-tense

certainly not the part where i "plan" things into existence

my arsenal is broad

“When you light a candle, you also cast a shadow.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin

i like to leave that to the divine ... which you might call "god" or something

i would call the universe but that's not close to calling it and

the fact that it it singular, the singularity ALONE makes me doubt it holds real power in my metaverse

so maybe

the divine

creates with one thought

not with one plan made of many

.... maybe

i dont have the pre-tense to say I KNOW

Owh ... (this might lash-back on competitive ego)

i got one for the elder letters !

“You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.” ― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed

(this is where i personally go


so you see ?

i suck at standing up comediant

to be dis-posessed

not owned

even after some neo ashton thinks it served you ?

give that up ?

for ...

for what ? you think you could do that ?

so it's 5 euros a day for starters

or its NOTHING

does THAT explain it ?

it's endless btw

“To learn which questions are unanswerable, and not to answer them: this skill is most needful in times of stress and darkness.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness

but like just one koan or parable

any single one of any of my jeseses, black white male or female

can take a lifetime to acquire

the lack of pain goes a long way in the membrane

kiplings cat does not choose sides

for it is the cat that walks by himself

but if you keep it in a box long enough

it SURE will come out dead

“It is very hard for evil to take hold of the unconsenting soul.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin, A Wizard of Earthsea

creative use of plagiarism ?

how could i be me if i saw "the" world only through YOUR eyes ?

i earned my place by the fire, if not i doubt i would approach


the true savvy can see how many times i corrected myself too
now THAT should tell you something :p

“Light is the left hand of darkness
and darkness the right hand of light.
Two are one, life and death, lying
together like lovers in kemmer,
like hands joined together,
like the end and the way.”
― Ursula K. Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness

"dont use quotes"

they say

while not having anything to say themselves, right ?

lol ol ol

talent is never wasted , precious

its merely unseen at best

i'm afraid shin-sekai has gained a twin

born from all those people trying

well everything that's not in like fancy dark grey is me

but its never published or sold

so it doesn't count

that's basically what you communicate to me

by not paying for it

which is ?
which is probably a threat or something ?

if i had to heed all those

all those

people threatening me that i'm threatening them ?

then i wouldnt have any time left to get my thoughts digitized


makes it look like something it is not

but that is what illusion is about

any good book will give you at least that much

you know

i'm a very SIMPLE person

i have entry of breaking and
(haha) entering
crawling over a fence STEALING empty crates to turn in for money

to get a pack of tobacco and catfood

im totally harmless when my cats are safe, thats how simple i am

but the paper says

what the paper says

and privacy says the cops can only read the first two lines and (i corrected myself on the -c- there)

i dont want to break privacy i really dont so all the world's a paradox

“When action grows unprofitable, gather information; when information grows unprofitable, sleep.”
― Ursula K. LeGuin, The Left Hand of Darkness

Ursula ...

would have loved the fuck if we grew up as the girl next door i'm sure of that

i think its time for the kids to go to bed now

the ones you didnt fuck up yet

yea well

i was born like THAT

not as whatever the fuck it is you think you see when you look at me now

"its a shame" is a bit of a waste of time as time does not

until proven otherwise

go backward

tsch ...

just the epilogue ?

the epilogue, precious ... announces the fact that the story is over and

first of all my life is not a story


i have no intention of quitting but i can try a few words like

lemme see

"the higher self"
"exists only in the self the self one thinks it is creating"

would that work ?

get to bed, kids

if you're already smart enough to understand

i can assure you this much

you will NEED your sleep for later

at my age you don't inject sperm into society to pro-create

one day you'll understand

humans werent BORN to live to 45

they were born to get out of belgium by 40

ask Aubrey

its for the ones who told me to "explore"

i'm sure that front page picture tells the world about it

time to get to bed

Screenshot from 2018-11-28 16-58-43.png


the adults

need to talk

i dont know where to find them



that doesnt matter if you got great balls ... dont get me started on THAT)


ragazza :p

no offense

“What is an anarchist? One who, choosing, accepts the responsibility of choice.” ― Ursula K. Le Guin

the cat feels safe, knowing it is understood

i could probably write a six-page essay on that statement alone on how

"the very nature of law by itself denies responsibility by laying choice in the hands of others"

but i wont, for the six cents im getting for this, its already too much :)

not ?
it is

"i was only following orders"

the closer to the asphalt the more hard the truth gets

so its really time for bed, kid

you might find out once your face hits the truth

how true that is

i just did and i realized

thats why i never re-read myself

im just too fucking good for words


i think that's a nice ending for a six cent post

dutch is simply not my language

not for the fact i was born into it

it's less versatile to me

the concept is not born from trying it simply shows itself after the fact

and THAT

is where the salesforce comes in

but i still dont see your offer ?

i hear "how can we be you to sell ourselves"

but i dont see your offer to sell me ?


untalented live-by-downvoting-parasites

you can be me by having my life after you were born with my genetic composition and pre-disposition into the environment i had to endure until now

otherwise ?

otherwise id stick to making offers


i dont try to be YOU , do i ?

i was bred to be a following leader actually

that clearly failed

safe to say

fucking minds is the kind of orgasm you won't get poking your dick into that warm wet spot

yea it goes on forever

the silence exists only

outside my head

can i wrap this up , now ?

i still feel like it doesnt pay what its worth


im NOT ... okay people are gonna start thinking im some gay dude, baby, which is not good since i hate to push it into peoples faces AFTER they start rubbing my ass

no disrespect


because i can ?


because its there ? like that mountain ?


because the cat CAN resist the mouse and even the BYRD

until it moves


closer, probably

a lot of weird theories i hear about me

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