AlleyCat - AlleyCat - dull sundae

in #dsound5 years ago (edited)

@miss @tygertyger - i did a search on the harddrive with all remaining goodies and it came up with about 400-500 .rns files but none titled "dull sundae" so i can only assume it got lost with all the rest and all i have is the finished track - i lost most of my stuff which all got done between the 1990s and the 2002s and even more when i got stuck back here. Things just break and disappear while lying on a shelf or in a closed. It's like some ghost trying to erase me whenever i leave the place for more than five minutes . If you can work with this please do, actually im quite slightly honoured youd even notice :) - if you can do anything with any of my stuff please help yourself.

I personally like your work, especially what i call the "angry Emily" bits :

(this is really weird i just typed this whole text and by the time i tab back the tab is gone - it must be the aliens again its the witching hour after all ... it was 2:22 which is ofcourse as we all know the hour of abducting aliens so i probably fell through a hole in space to end up in another dimension than i was yesterday. I think i originate a bit further than proxima centauri myself but im not sure

they wiped my memory - bits of it ...
i think :)

id love to take the scalpel to a few of those tracks but that will require me to get rid of my bad head park first, not just because sitting down and trying never gets more than popmusic a computer could work out by itself but more so because its just too good for a two hour workover ...

im not much of a sorter either ... or a keeper-tracker ...

im sure it was an .rns file but the software wasnt mine and i dont really have a demo-version (ahem) at the moment so i cant even go browsing throught the bits i have left to see if untitled_234.rns might be it, im very sorry for that - whatever you can do with the track itself feel free, there's no copyright on it, i have never sold a track in my life its just expression and emotion (i used to have that) - an honourable mention is always nice ofcourse :)

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let me know, ill keep an eye on the replies or i have discord at rudyardcatling#3199 - which i dont check much either but if i know someone would i will

most likely check more :p a bit of a force of chaos and i think there's not much left of me but stitched together issues i didnt ask for myself

no worries as im not much of a talker im not much of a stalker either

let me know - sometime :)
if you like


I will make this work :D thank you for posting it for me :)

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