in Steem Ghana2 years ago

Hi guys,

Welcome to my diary game. The Ramadan month has gone so fast that we are almost finishing it. We pray that Allah will accept our Ramadan and allow us to reach the day of Eid. We pray that we can see more Ramadans before our time comes.

Today being a Monday, I didn't have a lot to do with class activities. I had only one lecture so I decided to go to the mosque for taajud(Prayers said in the last 10 days of Ramadan) this prayer is said from around 12:am to 3:am. Because we are students we are not able to extend the time too much, we try our possible best to finish early so that people can have little rest before the day's activities start.

So after these prayers, I made my way back to the hostel with my colleagues. It was already 3:am so we had to wait an hour to have our Suhoor(food taken before we commence the fast for the day). After the suhoor, we waited for a while to perform our Fajr prayers before sleeping again.

As I already said, Today being a Monday meant that I had only one class which was around 10 am. So I had enough time to sleep immediately I woke up I started to prepare for the class.

I made my way to the class even though I was a bit late.

20220421_090224.jpgAt the lecture hall, for my only lecture for the day

I sat at the back for the lecture. This lecture was for about 2 hours and then we will be free for the day.

After the lecture, I had to go to clear our meter. We are using the prepaid meter and anytime light goes off ours doesn't come back again because the switch opens. So to rectify this problem we had to take the card to their office for them to help us clean it.

So immediately we finished the class I made my way to the roadside I get a tricycle to help me get to town.

When I arrived there a few people were there, some where there to buy light, pay their light bill, others were also there to get their problems fixed. I waited for a while and then when it was my turn I entered the office. I told the guy there my problem and he helped me solve it.

20220421_093918.jpgAt the Nedco office to solve our lightening issue

I didn't spend a lot of time there as they only had to put the card in a machine and do a few things.

When I finished, I wanted to buy some stuff in town so I took another tricycle to help me get there.

When I arrived in town j run out of cash but I had money on my mobile money wallet so I had to withdraw at a nearby agent's store.

20220421_093039.jpgWithdrew some cash from the mobile money agent

After withdrawal, I entered the market and got what uIwanted to buy.

After purchasing the items I took a tricycle back to my hostel.

20220421_101146.jpgGoing back to campus in a tricycle

Upon arrival, I performed my afternoon prayers before I did any other thing.

After I performed my afternoon prayers I took a shower before doing any other thing.

Since the steer it engagement challenge is on, I went online to make a few comments and give upvotes to quality content to help them in the race for the title.

I took quite some time on the platform. I was there up until it was time for the second-afternoon prayers.

We managed to pray and then I decided to get some sleep. I was exhausted from all the moving about and then I was fasting. So I had to rest if not the fast will take me for a ride.

When it was night time I was not able to cook so instead I decided to order food.

I ordered the food after prayers but it was delayed for a while.

When it arrived I was already on steemit doing my regular rounds so I ate the find whist I read some posts.

20220423_222008_mfnr.jpgEating whilst reading posts on steemit

When I finished eating it was already late but because I had just finished eating I couldn't go to bed like that.
I had to wait for a while before sleeping.

Whilst I was waiting I did a few things on the platform, I had to get a little sleep because the next dawn I had to go for taajud prayers.

This was how my day went.

Thanks for reading.

 2 years ago 

Great day it was for you. I hope you were able to get the Prepaid in short time.

That feeling when you only have one lecture for the day. It feels so nice. It’s just that you had to run all those errands. Anyways you had a packed day but you managed to do all your activities. thanks for sharing

Thank you for sharing
I hope you are coping with the fasting?

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