in #bitcoin7 years ago

Let's get something straight! If you own Bitcoin then Bitcoin is your money. At least some of your money and if you believe in cryptocurrency that's a good thing; right? Well maybe not. You see if a wicked government has the power to destroy the value of your bitcoin, your online money so to speak, how can that be a good thing? Even with all it's problems the United States government, of all the major powers of the world, is generally seen as the least evil. This fact is proven out by all the people in every other country who are trying to relocate here. It is also the reason that the U.S. Dollar is excepted around the world. Yes we do have a fed and many greedy politicians who degrade the value of our dollar on an ongoing basis but it is nothing compared to what the criminal organization referred to as the Chinese Communist Party is doing to Bitcoin this week. It is high time the cryptocurrency world jettisons Bitcoin and adapts one of the privacy based coins as a standard. People buy alt-coins to escape the clutches of evil governments not surrender to them. It is foolish to knowingly let the Chi-Coms wreck your wealth when there are better viable alternatives. The coins most insulated from the the Chi-Com slaughter have been and will be privacy based coins in my opinion. Not financial advice, just my opinion but if you see the Chi-Com organ van headed your way run for it.



very nice post.

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