BUMO- Next-generation commercial-grade public Blockchain
Public Blockchain for ubiquitous and trusted value transfer.
BUMOThe world is constantly advancing, this is how every day living beings face changes which often represent solutions to the problems that afflict society or simply to make their lives easier. The technology currently has various tools that improve the lives of its users, including the blockchain technology, which provides many benefits and security, this type of technology offers a decentralized ecosystem.

The blockchain technology is responsible for a huge advance in the digital era, because as its name implies it is a chain of blocks, ie a connection between all and the network can fall but if one of them continues up the information will not be lost, it is a decentralized world that shares the information, and therefore generates a reliability in the transfer of information and in the recovery or even existence of it. For delicate systems that handle detailed information or digital coin systems is a breakthrough that came from the boom of bitcoin.
The blockchain provides security and confidence to the users since it is not as it used to be, transfer from one to another that could disappear, no, now thanks to the decentralized technology of the blockchain a transfer can be made through a network, several nodes integrated systems that support the information.
What is Bumo?
It is a decentralized commercial blockchain that is based on the transfer of information in a simpler way, it applies the blockchain technology from any available device at present. His vision is based on the circulation of values in an obicuous way and fluidity like water.
Bumo hopes that with its implementation people can make the best use of the blockchain economy from any device, in this way people can feel more attracted to the massive adoption of the cryptocurrency economy since it would be a simpler way to use them unlike what you think so far.
Bumo is built with two fundamental bases ubiquitous trust network and trustable value circulation system, so that based on a ubiquitous network the trust is guaranteed since the information will flow smoothly and will be tested on each node so that data can not be lost.
Bumo has three key points that offer a perfect experience for the user of the blockchain technology where confidence in the transfer of values is the most important.
Ubiquitous trust network: Trust is a very important aspect in terms of the transfer of information or values refers, it is there where Bumo has a point in favor because in the main factors is the Ubiquitous trust network, which refers to all data rights or information they are in the owners, besides that it is of total trust the transfer of information since all the nodes are involved, it is to decide the trust network is everywhere.
Reliable value transfer system: Betting on the importance of trust Bumo gives the opportunity to make an alizaza of the digital and real world based on digital trust through a system of digital trust so that the value flows will be omnipresent.
DApp Ecosystem of public exchange: Within the Bumo ecosystem several aspects are presented, such as digital identity, tokenization protocol, value transfer, decentralized transactions, in-dapp exchange, all this and more is publicly present within the platform, users can generate on their part your own DApps.
Technology inside Bumo
For many the blockchain technology can be a bit complicated. Previously, there was no mention anywhere of the adoption of a cryptocurrency or something similar with this type of technology, but nowadays Bumo has changed that since with its implementation it can be accessed to a blockchain technology from any device. In this way Bumo creates a link between the real world and the virtual one, since it allows the implementation of any device in the blockchain technology, acting as a node.
The physical composition of Bumo mainly includes:
Node: Any device connected to the network is a node, that is, a component of the blockchain network and has opening and autonomy characteristics.
Candidate node: Any node can be a candidate, in simpler words it is one more step to be elected validator node.
Validator node: He is responsible for the entire network, in addition he must send the resources but also receives the rewards of the transaction costs, on the other hand these are chosen from the cantidated nodes through an election carried out by an algorithm.
"Bumo is a new generation of public chain for business. It builds an internet infrastructure that can move value around through core technologies like BU Firework, BU Orbits, BU Canal and BU CodeMach."

Smart contracts
In the affand e to be a blockchain technology very complete and organized BUMO has intelligent contracts which have their own internal memory, therefore everything agreed is scheduled completely secure.
BuContract (BUMO Contract): Developers can arrange the contract as they see fit using the templates provided for it, among other things
BuVM (BUMO Virtual Machine) : It is about the execution of the environment of intelligent contracts, dealing in this step with the most technical part of layers and combinations.
The BuChain Architecture
BU Token
"BU" is the name of the Bumo token, this is worked as an incentive within the blockchain platform. This incentive gives a high dynamism to the platform. On the other hand, it must be taken into account that it has a fairly important use since it must be taken when starting to carry out activities on the platform.
Bumo offers its users three types of virtual wallets so that they can affiliate in the way they feel most comfortable.
Some problems to solve with Bumo
The blockchain technology is a great technological advance but nevertheless it has not finished arrazar worldwide, within it there are several challenges to confront. That is why companies or dealers still do not massively adopt this technology, it is true that it contributes a lot but it does not finish breaking all the barriers, some of these problems are bottlenecks within the internet, we can mention:
Performance problem: Many platforms are used to make transfers but not all offer a service with thousands of transfers per second, this is how you can generate a crash or blockchain congestion
Energy consumption problem: Usually the blockchain technology is worked on computers of great power, the miners have special equipment to carry out their task. In this way the energy consumption of such devices is quite high.
Application threshold: For many platforms it is very complicated to connect many devices as blockchain nodes, which is why users of blockchain technology use slightly more complex devices that in turn carry some inconveniences
Value isolated island: At present, despite technological advances, it is very common to see that the field for the application of blockchain technology is still very desolate on many platforms.
These are some of the bottlenecks that must still break the blockchain technology. It is thought that its application is quite advanced but on the other hand it is complicated since many platforms have not managed to overcome the present challenges of such an important technology.
The blockchain is in charge of connecting but it is not yet a perfect technology. For its part Bumo is responsible for getting rid of all bottlenecks always present, with the different tools and technologies available Bumo can offer a platform with up to 10,000 transactions per minute, in addition to the consumption of energy with the implementation of Bumo is much lower that the traditional one for the blochain miners since it can be used from any device and not only from a special and powerful one that consumes too much energy.
Bumo leaves aside the complicated thing of having to connect in varied platforms since there is no problem that the block chain is very wide due to the fact that Bumo allows to register from any available device. Bumo takes a leap into the future by solving all these problems of blockchain technology, for Bumo the bottlenecks are no longer a challenge, it is a goal exceeded.
Bumo integrated into business
Blockchain technology has become a technological breakthrough for network users, even more so for visionaries. At present it is very common to find millions of people who handle the world of the critomonedas and blockchain technology, for its part a large number of companies have adopted this type of technology since it allows them to ener greater efficiency and performance, both with the public as for its own internal staff. It is important to mention that although it is an important step that several companies have given many other necgociantes do not adopt it because it is a bit complex to work for the necessary devices, among other things. Bumo contributes a grain of area a little big to improve that, allowing more epresarios or dealers to adapt this type of technologies. The vision of this platform can be quite attractive for business owners since Bumo allows the use of any device to carry out the chain of blocks, that is, a heavy and powerful technology is not necessary to implement it, since with only use of any device to reach user can manipulate the blockchain technology.
It is important to mention some of The biggest features of distributed business model driven by the blockchain, according to Whitepaper, page 5
1)The basic technology architecture is embodied in the distributed network structure, and the relevant participants are in the point-to-point peering relationship but not subordinate to each other.
2)The value creation mechanism is embodied in the zero marginal cost under the digital rule.
3)The value growth mechanism is embodied in "Moore's law", that is, once crossing the inflection point, exponential growth will be realized immediately.
4)The organizational mechanism is embodied in taking the community autonomy, platform organization and ecosystem as the operation architecture.
5)Cooperation mechanism is embodied in depending on consensus rather than instructions.
6)The incentive mechanism is embodied in the internet thinking of "Wool from the sheep";
7)The mechanism of benefit distribution is embodied in common sharing, separate sharing and shared by others.
Bumo generates a huge step in terms of business technology linked to neogocios, breaking barriers that have been present for a long time in the blockchain technology and with the tools available to it integrates very well with companies and businesses.
Security and confidence needed and desired in the transfer of data
At present it is very common to transfer information and data easily and quickly via the Internet, but many times that information or those values when leaving the issuer may be lost or only remain in the receiver and therefore also disappear. The blockchain technology allows this does not happen, block chains work in such a way that each node has the information or the values sent, that is to say that even if you fall to the network if one of the nodes is still running, there is no problem because there the infomation or the value sent is highlighted. It is important to emphasize that Bumo provides this facility, through tools such as Ubiquitous Trust Network, Trusted Value Transfer System, Public-Sharing DApp Ecosytem, they offer the user the necessary trust for the transfer of their information or values.
At present it is common for the files to be lost because all the information is centralized, with the blockchain technology of Bumo this is broken as the system is decentralized and everything is supported, besides that it offers a speed of up to 10,000 transactions per minute , thus giving a plus of atractive to the adoption of this technology and this platform in specific.
Use case
John is the owner of an accounting agency, it is going through a good run, so he has the financial data of many people, basically nowadays his business is working like Wall Street with so much financial data that he must manage. As a leader, he brings together his group of experts and tells them that they need to find a way to make information flow fast, that they update and be quite reliable. They begin to inquire and bring to the table "Bumo", after an exhaustive investigation they decided that this was the platform they just needed. Since with this through a blockchain technology could have the information on various devices, which were, make thousands of transactions quickly and also have their customers protected in a very secure network, all thanks to the blockchain commercial technology of Bumo
Check my video about BUMO
Currently the world is evolving every day more to the pace of technological advances. The chains of blocks have taken force but they have not taken the whole world because it poses a certain level of complexity for its management and imlementation, now that challenge has been overcome thanks to Bumo , since with this platform it is not necessary to implement devices. complex for its manipulation, with this blockchain technology of Bumo any device is a node, so anyone can make use of this wonderful platform to transfer in a safe, fast and reliable way all its values without any problem, thanks to Bumo the future of the blockchain technology is already in our hands.
More information here
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BUMO WhitePaper
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