3 Steps To Demolish Objection & Finally Step Into Every Single Thing You Desire

I have been at the edge of defeat. so. many. times…  

I was that comfortable professional that had big dreams and absolutely NO follow through…  

I was that new entrepreneur who felt the deep dark pain of transition from employee to business owner  

So I know what it is like to be just about ready to quit…  


You are fed up with the lack of response, you are fed up of putting yourself out there…  

You are fed up of having passivity thrown back in your face as you try so hard to help people see how you can help them…  

And you are ready to quit!  


Quit and go back to the old life doing what you hate to do to make a few pennies?  

Quit and go back to the caps on the income you are born to make?  

Quit and be forever small in a sea of ‘norms’ that refuse to get off their butt and do the work they were born to do?  

Quit and tell yourself that you tried everything and it did not work?  

Is that what you want to go back to?!!  

To forever regret not staying on the narrow path for you — Is that really what you want?  



But the only way you get to have it…  

They only way you get to live out all those dreams that you have in your heart…  

Is by staying on course…  

Is by dragging your bloodied body up off the floor and getting back in the boxing ring and duking it out for your DELIBERATE life of abundance, fulfilment, freedom…  

And most are not up to the task… They want it easy…  

They want to see the end from the beginning and so they never make a start…  

They want a whole lot of stuff that they are not willing to defeat themselves to get…  

And I do mean defeat themselves…  


It is simply with who you used to be…  

Who you may be a little even right now…  

That weak, wimpy person that no longer wants to fight for anything…  

That wimp that wants to settle for any little scraps that life throws at them…  

That wimp thinks it can settle and find an element of happiness in being small, in not going for it all…  

And that is who you battle every single day.  

That wimp wants to win too! (And by win, I mean, it wants you to quit, to roll over and surrender, it wants you to believe that you cannot do what you set your mind to)  

It is scared — simple and short…  

SCARED to death of everything…  

OF change…  

And so it does whatever it takes to keep you thinking, over thinking, analysing everything when really, you just need to keep inviting in more of the people you are called to serve with the words you have to say…  


With no filter…  

With no hiding…  

With all the uncertainty and vulnerability that comes with that…  

And that makes your inner wimp afraid…  

Afraid of YOU, the real you, winning because that would mean that you would be seen by your people and they may find you wanting…  

AFRAID of losing because then you may be unhappy and broke for the rest of your life…  

And both alternatives seems pretty terrible to your inner wimp and so you stay stuck in indecision, not really sure what you want…  

But you are working very, very hard to stand still…  

And so yes, you tire…  

You tire a lot…  

And you hide from all that internal turmoil by sometimes, working your butt off…  

And sometimes, not being able to come up with any idea of what to do next.  

Leader, it is time for a deeper clarity…  


1. MAKE A ‘BECAUSE I WANT TO’ LIST What do you want? Make a list! No filter, just make. that. list. Include a ‘What I no longer want’ list as well as that may help you get even more clear on what you do want.  

2. TAKE THE TIME TO GET CLEAR ON WHY YOU HAVE HELD ONTO YOUR CURRENT VERSION OF LIFE… What are you scared of letting go of in your current experience of life? What do you think would happen when you get everything on your vision list.  

What is the reward for staying still? Really think about it because there is a reason that you are not quite doing all you need to do to get a win.  

What is it? Maybe it is more than one reason. Whatever bubbles up, handle it. Do not disregard what your intuition is telling you because you fight a losing battle if you do not acknowledge your internal fears.  

3. KEEP TAKING MASSIVE ACTION Make no mistake about it. You still need to take massive, incredible action while at the same time, managing your mindset. There is no other way around it.  

The Work Always Works.  

Always, Always, ALWAYS! And as much as the lack of internal clarity will prevent you doing the work, you still have to be able to defeat the resistance and keep moving forward while at the same time, getting more and more and more clear about what is standing in your way.  

You can have the life you want but you must do what it takes to get it. And so, even though internally you doubt yourself, you wake up each morning, you get your head in gear and you DO THE WORK. It is that simple and also that hard.  

Your choice!  

So, you started this just about ready to quit and now, I ask you to stay in the game, to fight another day, to show up again because today is the day things turn around for you and I don’t want you missing your breakthrough because you wimped out.  

And I only talk from experience so let’s keep moving forward.  

Much Amazing Love

Rosemary Nonny Knight

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