Minecolonies | Chinese Traditional Translation Part 1

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

Contribution to Minecolonies Open Source Project

After contacting @reggaemuffin, the Project Manager, I have completed the Chinese Simplified Translation, and a couple of days ago, I started doing the Chinese Traditional Translation. The Project Manager wants to get his game app approved as soon as possible, so if you find that you are a native speaker of your language you can apply to @reggaemuffin to translate the project. Make sure you are well versed in English and your native language. Both are needed.

Proof of my Translation to Minecolonies

Here is the proof of my translation to Chinese Traditional that I have started the work and brought it to 35% for Part 1, which is the requirement of Utopian rules.


Process of Translation

Since I have started doing the entire project and translated it to Simplified Chinese, I am totally aware of the terms used, so I didn't make more comments in this section.

However, as I was translating, I noticed there were many other translators from other languages involved in this project. Since I know a little bit of French, it is quite fun to see the translation in French and the comments made.

Activity of the Chinese Traditional Translation


I took 2 days to do this translation as I wanted to make sure that the terms are used correctly for the Traditional Chinese.

An important word for translators

During the translation, we came across a word called "Fire worker".

At first, I thought this was a fireman as that would be the first thing that pops into my mind.

In face, this is not a fireman, but 'fire' a worker meaning that the worker needs to leave his job as he is fired. So 'fire' here is actually a verb.

This is important for translators to get in touch with the project manager when we are not sure whether the word is a noun or a verb.

Samples of my Chinese Traditional Translation:

足夠填飽我的家人 General Strings 03:13 AM Undo
好吃! General Strings 03:13 AM Undo
我是一名專業建築師! General Strings 03:12 AM Undo
在摇滚上! General Strings 03:12 AM Undo
我們建了這個城市... General Strings 03:12 AM Undo
我想我能應付 General Strings 03:10 AM Undo
我的頭頂上有個屋頂. General Strings 03:10 AM Undo
成就 General Strings 03:09 AM Undo
你被一名守衛殺死. General Strings 03:09 AM Undo
你的後衛被一名恩德曼殺死了。 General Strings 03:09 AM Undo
你的漁夫被一名監護人殺害。 General Strings 03:08 AM Undo
你的伐木工人被一棵樹殺死。 General Strings 03:08 AM Undo
你的礦工死了。 General Strings 03:08 AM Undo
你的礦工死於熔岩。 General Strings 03:07 AM Undo
友軍火力! General Strings 03:07 AM Undo
別拽著超人的斗篷! General Strings 03:06 AM Undo
恐怖的深渊。 General Strings 03:06 AM Undo
我是格! General Strings 03:05 AM Undo
這是最後的止損。 General Strings 03:05 AM Undo
挖得太深了。 General Strings 03:04 AM Undo
成果 General Strings 03:04 AM Undo
您是否要刪除「%s」? General Strings 03:04 AM Undo
刪除結構 General Strings 03:04 AM Undo
刪除結構 General Strings 03:04 AM Undo
重命名結構 General Strings 03:03 AM Undo
編輯結構 General Strings 03:03 AM Undo
設置巡邏位置。 General Strings 03:02 AM Undo
跟隨 General Strings 03:01 AM Undo
巡邏 General Strings 03:01 AM Undo
衛士 General Strings 03:00 AM Undo
開啟 General Strings 03:00 AM Undo
關閉 General Strings 03:00 AM Undo
自動 General Strings 02:59 AM Undo
手動 General Strings 02:59 AM Undo
遊騎兵 General Strings 02:59 AM Undo
騎士 General Strings 02:59 AM Undo
嘗試檢索低健康狀況: General Strings 02:59 AM Undo
查找巡邏目標: General Strings 02:59 AM Undo
指派警衛到工作:: General Strings 02:58 AM Undo
護措施: General Strings 02:58 AM Undo
一件武器! General Strings 02:58 AM Undo
請建造小屋僱用一名工人。 General Strings 02:57 AM Undo
新增玩家: General Strings 02:57 AM Undo
小屋 General Strings 02:57 AM Undo
升級建築 General Strings 02:56 AM Undo
權限 General Strings 02:56 AM Undo
魅力:%d General Strings 02:56 AM Undo
製造者 General Strings 02:56 AM Undo
敏捷:%d General Strings 02:55 AM Undo
修理大廈 General Strings 02:55 AM Undo
切換專業化 General Strings 02:54 AM Undo
聘請 General Strings 02:54 AM Undo
伐木工人的小屋 General Strings 02:54 AM Undo
建設建設 General Strings 02:53 AM Undo
手動 General Strings 02:53 AM Undo
製造者:%d General Strings 02:53 AM Undo
建立請求創建! General Strings 02:52 AM Undo
交給石匠: General Strings 02:52 AM Undo
操作 General Strings 02:51 AM Undo
沒有升級是可用的 General Strings 02:51 AM Undo
麵包師: %d General Strings 02:50 AM Undo
農民: %d General Strings 02:50 AM Undo
伐木工: %d General Strings 02:49 AM Undo
衛士: %d General Strings 02:49 AM Undo
漁民: %d General Strings 02:48 AM Undo
礦工: %d General Strings 02:48 AM Undo
送貨員:%d General Strings 02:47 AM Undo
選擇一個雇主來完成這項工作 General Strings 02:47 AM Undo
資訊 General Strings 02:46 AM Undo
重新命名殖民地 General Strings 02:45 AM Undo
耐力:%d General Strings 02:45 AM Undo
您已經放置了供應船或供應營地! General Strings 02:44 AM Undo
公民 General Strings 02:44 AM Undo
殖民地名稱 General Strings 02:44 AM Undo
智力: %d General Strings 02:43 AM Undo
公民人數:%d /%d General Strings 02:42 AM Undo
伐木工人 General Strings 02:42 AM Undo
建設者的小屋 General Strings 02:42 AM Undo
沒有裝飾品 General Strings 02:42 AM Undo
公民小屋 General Strings 02:41 AM Undo
交付給衛兵: General Strings 02:41 AM Undo
沒有小屋 General Strings 02:30 AM Undo
工作秩序 General Strings 02:29 AM Undo
裝飾 General Strings 02:29 AM Undo
建立市政廳 General Strings 02:29 AM Undo
解僱工人 General Strings 02:28 AM Undo
魚夫 General Strings 02:24 AM Undo
礦工 General Strings 01:17 AM Undo
農夫 General Strings 01:17 AM Undo
運送員 General Strings 01:17 AM Undo
農夫 General Strings 01:16 AM Undo
田野 General Strings 01:16 AM Undo
設置 General Strings 01:15 AM Undo
自動 General Strings 01:15 AM Undo
節點 General Strings 01:15 AM Undo
待業中 General Strings 01:15 AM Undo
參觀公民箱: General Strings 01:15 AM Undo
添加塊/位置: General Strings 01:14 AM Undo
工人等级: %s General Strings 12:42 AM Undo
建立類型 General Strings 12:42 AM Undo
礦井水平 General Strings 12:41 AM Undo
重新命名欄 General Strings 12:41 AM Undo
礦群落 - 配置 General Strings 12:33 AM Undo
護權杖 General Strings 12:32 AM Undo
警衛%s死於%s的%d%d%d! General Strings 12:32 AM Undo
守衛塔 General Strings 12:31 AM Undo
建立一個市政廳! General Strings 12:31 AM Undo
我們需要一個市政廳! General Strings 12:30 AM Undo
鑽石採集者 General Strings 12:00 AM Undo
Translation File Time
挖挖洞 General Strings 11:59 PM Undo
礦工人 General Strings 11:59 PM Undo
真是個國王! General Strings 11:52 PM Undo
森林砍伐 General Strings 05:49 AM Undo
一個真正的伐木工人 General Strings 05:49 AM Undo
劈劈 General Strings 05:49 AM Undo
只是一個伐木者 General Strings 05:49 AM Undo
多麼高尚的人 General Strings 05:49 AM Undo
聲望 General Strings 05:05 AM Undo
住的地方 General Strings 05:04 AM Undo
公民! General Strings 05:04 AM Undo
多麼強大的人 General Strings 04:05 AM Undo
建設者! General Strings 04:05 AM Undo
建立基礎..。 General Strings 04:05 AM Undo
建築工人 General Strings 04:05 AM Undo
創建您自己的領域 General Strings 04:04 AM Undo
發現一個殖民地 General Strings 04:04 AM Undo
做一個更好的建設者 General Strings 04:04 AM Undo
建築魔杖 General Strings 04:04 AM Undo
獲取供應品 General Strings 04:04 AM Undo
從新開始 General Strings 04:04 AM Undo
%d 被一個弓野蠻人箭手蹂躪 General Strings 04:04 AM Undo
%d 被一個偉大的首領浸渍! General Strings 03:03 AM Undo
%d 被野蠻的切成薄片 General Strings 03:03 AM Undo
%d 被野蠻的切成薄片 General Strings 02:19 AM Undo
野蠻人酋長 General Strings 02:19 AM Undo
野蠻人射手 General Strings 02:19 AM Undo
野蠻人 General Strings 01:14 AM Undo
漁夫的小屋離水太遠了! General Strings 01:14 AM Undo
請升級我的小屋要挖更深! General Strings 01:13 AM Undo
我需要更多的 %s! General Strings 01:12 AM Undo
我需要更好的工具! General Strings 01:12 AM Undo
我需要 %s! General Strings 01:12 AM Undo
需要工具 %s! General Strings 01:12 AM Undo
需要一個級別%d 的產生器以生成或升級此建築物。 General Strings 01:12 AM Undo
我需要 %s (金額: %d) General Strings 01:12 AM Undo
建成%s General Strings 01:11 AM Undo

Translation Done a Day Earlier

Translation File Time
請在我的建築箱裡清空些地方。我無法甩掉我的存貨。 General Strings 11:46 PM Undo
石礦殖民區 General Strings 11:46 PM Undo
這是%d 乘%d 乘%d 立方體。 General Strings 11:46 PM Undo
那是%d 乘%d的方塊 General Strings 11:46 PM Undo
那是一個%d方塊的線. General Strings 11:46 PM Undo
那是同一個方塊 General Strings 11:45 PM Undo
無法保存掃描 General Strings 11:45 PM Undo
掃描成功並保存為%s General Strings 11:45 PM Undo
掃描_%s-%s General Strings 11:44 PM Undo
這是相同的點 General Strings 11:36 PM Undo
第二點保存, 右鍵再次保存示意圖 General Strings 11:36 PM Undo
第一點保存 General Strings 11:36 PM Undo
卡尺 General Strings 11:35 PM Undo
掃描工具 General Strings 11:35 PM Undo
建築工具 General Strings 11:35 PM Undo
扣上牛仔!今晚有一些為你而來的狙擊手 General Strings 11:34 PM Undo
主要劍 General Strings 11:34 PM Undo
古的魔法書 General Strings 11:34 PM Undo
供應營的箱子 General Strings 11:33 PM Undo
供應營 General Strings 11:33 PM Undo
供應船的箱子 General Strings 11:33 PM Undo
你需要先放置一個市政廳! General Strings 11:16 PM Undo
你要靠近你的市政廳! General Strings 11:16 PM Undo
離你的殖民地太遠 General Strings 11:16 PM Undo
離現有市政廳太近 General Strings 11:15 PM Undo
你不能把一個大會堂在這個世界類型 General Strings 10:58 PM Undo
殖民者%s 已經死在%d 的 %d %d %s! General Strings 10:58 PM Undo
你已經放置了一個市政廳 General Strings 10:58 PM Undo
%d 已達到最大尺寸 General Strings 10:58 PM Undo
你無權把小屋放在%s。 General Strings 10:57 PM Undo
你無權在%s 開木屋 General Strings 06:19 AM Undo
建築膠帶 General Strings 06:18 AM Undo
建築膠帶轉角 General Strings 06:18 AM Undo
佔位符塊 General Strings 06:18 AM Undo
市政廳 General Strings 06:17 AM Undo
採石場 General Strings 06:17 AM Undo
礦 General Strings 06:11 AM Undo
漁夫小屋 General Strings 06:10 AM Undo
鋸木廠 General Strings 06:10 AM Undo
建設者的小屋 General Strings 06:10 AM Undo
鋸木廠 General Strings 06:10 AM Undo
農場 General Strings 06:09 AM Undo
建設者的小屋 General Strings 06:09 AM Undo
锻造 General Strings 05:09 AM Undo
建立 General Strings 05:08 AM Undo
麵包店 General Strings 05:08 AM Undo

Link from Crowdin

Here is the public link for moderators to review:


Here is the Github Code Site:


Thank you for your attention,

Hope you have enjoyed reading this post.

谢谢你的阅读!希望你喜欢。如果你喜欢我的分享, 请跟随我。

You can contact me at Utopian here: https://utopian.io/@rosatravels
You can contact me at Steemit here: https://steemit.com/@rosatravels
You can contact me at my Website here: http://LearnPianoWithRosa.com/

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

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Thank you @reggaemuffin. It's been a lot of fun translating your project.

Hey @rosatravels I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


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Thanks for update your post @rosatravels


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@shahin007, I looked at your blog. Try to get a profile picture on your blog and also do a verification post so that people know who is writing the blog.

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