Seeing the Royal Albert Hall

in TravelFeed4 years ago (edited)

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Since I was a child I always wanted to travel the world and know new cultures and places. It was like a dream or a goal I had to fulfill. Once I had the chance to work and save some money I could start planning this adventure. Today I want to tell you a little about my experiences in London, my favorite place ever.

While touring the north of South Kensington, I had the opportunity to see one of the most emblematic theaters in the world, The Royal Albert Hall. This concert venue was formerly called the Central Hall of Arts and Sciences.

Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's consort, wanted this great hall to be built in order to promote art and culture, and although he died without being able to see the work done, the queen proposed the construction of a monument in his memory, the Albert Memorial, located right in front of the hall. At the moment of my visit the theater was closed, but at least I could see the Memorial closely.

Near the theater, there is one of the accesses to the extraordinary and enormous Hyde Park, which I had the chance to know partially as it would take days to tour it wholly.

The iconic Hyde Park is one of the Royal Parks of London that has an area of 1.4 square kilometers. The park's main entrance, adorned with beautiful Ionic columns and arches, is located in the Hyde Park Corner.

The park is well known for its Speakers' Corner, a point located to the northeast, where public speaking is allowed. The park has been the scene of important protests and manifestations over the years.

This impressive vegetable lung is divided into two areas by Lake Serpentine, which is supplied with water by the River Thames. The lake has a curved shape that resembles a serpent, and has a varied wildlife. The lovely Kensington Gardens are located nearby.

I would love to return to London and continue knowing these wonderful and beautiful places.

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