
Woo! Successful search! Let's see what I got. Let's hope for a ranged weapon LOL.

We need your axe desperately in this brawl! It does 2 damage ..!
and it's going to be a looooong time before we ever get out of melee combat with the amount of fighting going on and the distance we have to the spawn zone

Okay. It looks like @aussieninja round a hulk so I'll deal with that if I can and then head your way.

Attack the hulk for my second move! @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Darn! Attack the hulk again! @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Shoot. x_x Okay. I'll head over next round!

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