11/8 Trading Futures Update - Precious Metals-Down, S&P500-Flat, Crypto-Down

As we open trading futures during the aftermath of the USSA election for a stagnate legislature, a new direction will begin today. A look into the future will begin.

Precious metals are down about a third of a percent. Silver attempted a rise to the upper resistance of 14.84, and fell short. The USD was down initially but recovered. Interest rates on the 10 year resumed higher above 3.2%.

S&P was up big yesterday as a result of the mixed decision of the election, with that out of the way, the futures are flat this morning. There is a possibility of a rate hike as the FED meets today, if they want to surprise the market, today would be the day as euphoria is present. Interesting how the market matched last weeks high, bust em up, then bust em down, wall street steals from the sheep.

Crypto is back down as they showed some upward momentum, so at this point, still no clear trend. Interesting on how 10 token have dropped off to 2090 today, from a high of exactly 2100 on Monday.

Keep stacking. Go get you some.

Thanks for following @RollingThunder


Most People will turn in their Physical U.S. Coinage, for an "equal" amount of U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents... Who knows what that will do to the Prices of all other Crypto's... I think I know what it will do to the Prices of Precious Metals, the Stock Market and everything else of Value...

We can only express our thoughts, prepare for the reset the best we can, and see what the new world financial order has prepared for us on the other side.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63607.88
ETH 2506.13
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.59