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RE: Last Chat On The Deadbed, An entry for @wakeupkitty's contest

in Freewriters2 months ago

Yes I egree that our life has noted may be in our bone or the others, but We have learned theat the bigges cloud is LAUHUL MAHFUDZ, which have meaning wide bone that can be written. As we know that this bone full of notes of all the creature include human from the birth to the death has notes with all the journey in our life.
We have made a appointment before our birth when God give us life at the beginning we are asked who is the God then we are given about everything.
Unfortunately, we life with emotion greed and all of of them make us forget to the appointment. And then we often shocked when some tning bad happen to us.

in my opinion imagination come from our thought and our memory and also our desire and then make our brain walk to the way to reacj the dn it failde our imagination will work again and try to reach again


Ingat De Javu? Hehe.. kok rasa2nya pernah ke sini, ketemu si anu, makan itu, sedih begini... Lhaa kan sudah ditunjukin duluan 😉

Ya kita sering mengalami pengembalian memori dalam benuk dejavu. atau jangan-jangan saat saya berkomentar begini tiba tiba akan teringat pernah berkomentar yang sama..
Yes... I agree banget deh...dan seneng banget dikeontari para senior dan banyak belajar di Steemit.
betapa indahnay jika semua orangbterlibat dalam obrolan hangat nggih

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