

I loved this one even more, what a great piece of writing as a whole, powerful.

Thanks you so very much, namaste :)

The Imminent Death Of Politics....? Oh, I like that already :)

Reactionism is a natural opposition to every revolution. Just imagine Ned Ludd and his movement. They tought that new tech was undermining workers and society but actually it was making so many things easier. The same way I see nowadays bankers and those opposed to the cryptos - they are not aware of the fact that cryptos are going to make our financial composition much much faster, safer and private, above all making it a pillar of a new world freedom not "order". Like posts like this, I upvoted.

Edit: they are aware, that's the main reason why cryptos are still marginalized as a safe way of conducting financial relations. They would rather take transaction fees and interest than make a world a better place.

The freedoms allowed can be much deeper than simple economic freedoms. Take a look at my TL comment, futarchy is interesting.

Economy has becomed the basis of human being , and it's in that position for a very long time, evolutioned through centuries of human development. Every time something big happened in the human history you can most certainly connect it with - money. Wars, battles, peace, architectural wonders or successful merchant republics? Art? Philosophy? French revoltion? Well, I'm sure everyone knows that. But making money flow through civic relations more freely is something new and revolutionary. Finally we are on a doorstep of having an financially uncontrolled or part-controlled society which will be having many benefits for civilization if accompanied by a humanistic cause. :)

I don't disagree, I am not discrediting the influence of money. I believe there is more to the picture.

I saw the article and was also meaning to add some of my comments but you took to the strong points very nicely.

The crypto-anarchic future we are possibly heading towards will be characterized by vigilantism as new tools allow decenteralized bounty structures emerge.

The traditional governments will strongly oppose the 'legislation by the people' granted by these new crypto technologies. The new anarchic politics will only emerge due to support by the people. Think of this as a sort of ad-hoc policital system. Laws are decenteralized from the government - elected by the citizen stakeholders. Decenteralized bounties exist to support an independent vigilante force.

I don't believe this will happen quickly, or even that it will happen at all. I just know these crypto economics can support new types of governance structures only dreamed about in science fiction.

Take a look at futarchy as an example of a society where decisions are made based on prediction markets. The citizens vote on the metrics to be optimized by the markets.

Excellently-articulated outlook / contribution to the dialogue.

"Decentralized bounty structures"

The potentials... :-)

I have several articles in the work around my ideas here. None are close to being done. I have to articulate some of these things correctly - writing is not my strongest trait.

Stoked to read as they come together & out...

And it's odd to think of how often we refer to governments as "they" - as though these entities are antagonistic structures run at the whim of some elite puppet masters

Quite right. Governments may at times be slow, inefficient or even plain stupid, but it's not institutionalized maliciousness.

  • Most people that get a government job do it for safety, not out of power hunger. Some just do it because their parents or friends did.
  • Most just do their job, though some will abuse their 'power'
  • Gov. workers follow their guidelines 'blindly' not out of stupidity but because they'll be fired if they dont. And even stupid guidelines may have had good intentions. Like corruption prevention rules make the process of acquisition really slow and inefficient. And dont prevent all corruption, just the overt one.
  • While the ability to set the guidelines may be abused to some extent, you cant just go all puppet master on a mature republic and turn it into an autocracy. That will take you decades (not pointing fingers, you know your own examples).
  • Bureacracies are really slow to change course, just like mega tankers. Or bitcoin (just a joke, dont throw rocks ;). But depending on the new direction that can be a good thing.

So, while some parts of government will fight decentralisation, others will embrace it. Or simply not give a shit. Just like the rest of humanity.

Excellent points / addition to the dialogue. 👌

Great piece.

Probably the kind of thing that would have gotten you arrested for reading a few decades ago.

Thanks for reminding those of us who are unhappy with the current system, that there's still a light at the end of the tunnel.

And that light seems to be getting brighter and brighter, just as the train we're on heading towards it keeps speeding up... ;-)

Great read indeed!, many interesting ideas here... The possibility of decentralization and it consequences are huge, this is a really game changer for humanity!

This is a brilliant piece of work. Kudos.
I hope you're right and we finally see an end to this paradigm in my lifetime.

He is right. it's coming THIS YEAR. You folks better wake the fuck up, you're gonna get caught with no food soon. This is no joke, and it's gonna collapse shit this year 100% THE US DOLLAR IS ALREADY DEAD. 23+ countries don't accept it. Bonds are being bought by THEMSELVES to prop up the economy. It's already here. GUNS FOOD WATER AMMO BITCOIN GOLD SILVER..

You will need ALL TO SURVIVE. (most)

You're preaching to the converted dude. Hopefully those in the dark will see our interactions and take the red pill. If not they'll be waiting on line for a handout that ain't coming.

Or most likely not. People been screaming the sky is falling like this for a long time... more likely there will be some speedbumps, with the same folks shouting the same thing same time next year, and the year after...

Once the masses realize they can earn a decent income on the blockchain it will set in motion some interesting events: The gamification of everything. Irrelevance of the central banking model. The shopping retail mall implosion. Irrelevance of state taxation model. I could on but I have to finish my coffee.

First they have to survive the shutdown. When the central banks fall this year, it's gonna take a good year to boot up. You must fend for yourself during that time. Are you ready?

YES. Exciting prospects ahead indeed...

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