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RE: College Admissions Scandal _ Oligarchy on Full Display

Well, we can stop playing the college game. There are other avenues for learning, remote resources like Udemy and Sololearn, Hackerspaces, and teaching yourself. Also, the attitude about college degrees in industry is changing. Experience is more valuable,something which universities are the worst about providing, at least in my area of work, STEM. I see more and more good paying jobs just requiring an associate's and the right experience. We can also stop pushing kids to go to college, and encourage them to take other routes to achieve their goals. So much of this college crap is engrained our culture. The boomers were the worst about it. Unnending pressure from them, my generation to, X. They all need to shut the fuck up.


Yes, too much of college can be theory without actual application. It's a luxury many can't afford right now.

Oh absolutely and the expense is just ridiculous now. The cost far outweighs the benefit majority of the time

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