Reflection for the Family.


Our families must be a place of refuge for tempted youth. Many of them are at a crossroads. Each influence, each new impression places them before a choice that decides their destiny, both here and for eternity. Sins are tempting. The places of sinful pleasures are bright and attractive. Everyone is welcome there.

All around us we see young people who have no relatives and those whose family environment does not help at all; it does not exert an exalted influence on them. As a result, young people let themselves be led by the course of sin. She dies on the threshold of our houses.

These young people need someone with sympathy to communicate with them. A few simple and kind words and kind attention can disperse the clouds of temptations that accumulate over the soul. The expression of a sincere understanding, which comes from above, has the power to conquer hearts that need loving words spoken according to the example of Christ, and a calm spirit of the spirit of Christ's love.

If we show that we are interested in youth, we will invite them into our home and exert a pleasant and useful influence on them, then there will be many who will gladly direct their feet on the path that leads upward.

Our life is short. We go this way only once. Therefore, as we walk the path of life, we will do our best to use life in the best way. If we accept the sacred foundation of life in our hearts and homes, we will become the channel through which the life-giving force will be poured out. Flows of healing will flow from our families, and where now there is only dry land and hunger, there will be life, beauty and fertility.

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