Walking among poisoned roses

in #writing5 years ago

Walking among poisoned roses

I've come a long way,
between the thorns of poisoned roses,
between that which lashed me to solitude,
making me a being without peace.

Between loving and hating there is a short way,
promises turn gray tones,
happiness a complete black color,
making a loop, pieces of broken threads.

Maybe the distance was a reason,
neither of us dared to take the first step,
fear was what invaded us,
though I might call it forever cowardice.

What was your sweet voice has no value anymore,
I don't feel like you're here to hold me anymore,
there's no reason even to think about you,
but you take over my dreams in an aberrant way.

Your photographs are hidden,
they shouldn't even exist,
but deep inside me,
says to wait for you.

It seems to be a selfish side of me,
that in spite of time and abuse I hope for you,
Your last word of encouragement was arrow stuck,
straight into my back through my soul.

But there is part of a heart that beats for you,
hiding from me so as not to become extinct,
knowing that if I find it,
I force him to never feel anything for you again.

Part of a heart that still makes me feel,
makes me cry when I remember you,
sighing from old times,
forgetting the selfish pain you made me suffer.

I'm still taking steps among poisoned roses,
there seems to be no end to it,
between a dark path of life,
where memories and petals don't wither.




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