Finding the lost way

in #writing5 years ago

Finding the lost way

When I finally see the light,
the darkness persists in following me,
torments my life and balance,
he's not happy with what he's already destroyed.

Anxiety takes hold of my being,
plays at hurting my body and mind,
feeds on my frustrations
of every empty need I lack.

My teeth grind at the discomfort,
they make me feel lonely,
in the face of a battle that looks more like war,
of a soldier who has no battalion.

It is no longer the lack of love,
is blatant disunity,
makes me feel tied up and voiceless,
like I don't have a choice anymore.

I try to find the peace I once had,
wanting not to stop serving you,
I don't want to leave you hundreds of miles away,
and may my memory forget you.

A daily prayer in my mind,
of a being who wants to be faithful to the end,
I don't want to stop fighting without trying,
to be able to say it and here in peace to be.

If you are there and you listen to me,
guide me in the path I must take,
don't leave me alone in this darkness,
just give me a sign that everything will be fine.



Nunca estamos solos del todo viejo. Siempre nuestro espiritu guía nos acompaña. Y al llegar a la encrucijada tu corazón y tu instinto te dirá hacia donde debes llevar tu rumbo. Desafortunadamente uno no puede realmente volver sobre sus pasos, es así la vida. Y como canta Joan Manuel Serrat y escribió Antonio Machado: Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar.
Al andar se hace el camino y al volver la vista atrás
se ve la senda que nunca se ha de volver a pisar.
Caminante no hay camino sino estelas en la mar.

We're never all alone, all old. Our spirit guide always accompanies us. And when you reach the crossroads your heart and your instinct will tell you where you should take your course. Unfortunately one can't really retrace one's steps, that's life. And as Joan Manuel Serrat sings and Antonio Machado wrote: Caminante no hay camino, se hace camino al andar.
When you walk, you make the way and when you look back.
you see the path you never have to tread again.
Walker, there is no way but stelae in the sea.

Impresionante tu post, realmente me llegó. Muchas gracias por todo, votado, comento y te sigo. De paso un reesteem no viene nada mal. Saludos de este pequeño pez en este gran océano.
Your post is amazing, it really got to me. Thank you very much for everything, voted, commented and follow you. By the way a reesteem doesn't come bad. Greetings from this small fish in this great ocean.

Hi @roadstories,

When reading your poem, I have felt a certain nostalgia and anguish, which denotes in itself, a good style, quality and mastery in the expression of feeling.

Great job!

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