Bonds of social conformity and how to break them

in #security7 years ago

I am not sure if there is a term called 'conformity syndrome' but I am using it anyway. Most of us may be plagued with conformity syndrome. Most times we believe that we know what we are doing or we think we are making the choices and no one has control over our decisions. Well, I felt the same way about myself until I heard about the behavior psychology called social conformity.

What is it?


Social conformity is a phenomena in which people match the behaviors of their peers to confirm their place within the group and avoid any conflicts that may result if they had not confirmed. It is so pervasive that we never realize that we are being driven by the need to confirm with the perceived standards of our peers and the society.


You will see the experiment that takes place in the elevator and shows a paradigm about human behavior in this 'power of conformity' video:

There are a lot of experiments on the subject of social conformity that you can easily search.

Are we affected?

It is an addiction our whole race goes through generation after generation. The cars we drive, houses we live in, food we eat, the way we eat, places where we shop, communities we stay in, groups we interact with, social events we attend, education, marriage, family and on and on, everything we do, we do it to match the generally accepted behaviors in our societies.

We succumb to the social pressure, most times, without ever realizing it. This knowledge gives us a new insight into our own behavior.

We cannot fix anything until we know what is wrong in the first place.

It made me think about my own behavior, my dressing style, way I drink, drive and so on.

It turns out that I am a social conformist like 97% of the population. I do many things that I do not have a logical reasoning for doing. This new insight into the psychology made me look at the world from a different perspective.

I sold my car and did not buy a car and now I walk to home from train station and use Uber when weather is not congenial for a walk. People ask me, you live in Atlanta without a car? (public transportation is not great here yet). I do. And I am going to continue this experiment as long as it works.

Social conformity everywhere:

Yesterday night couple of my friends and I sat together for a drink, since I did not want to be a social outcast (peer pressure!) I agreed to join them on one condition that I will drink wine and they can drink any liquor of their choice.

My friend said 'why do you want to drink wine while we spoil our livers with hard liquor?'

I said 'if you feel that way, why don't you drink wine with me?'

He said 'well, I can, but since everyone else is drinking whiskey I would rather join them'.

Everyone in the room smiled and felt proud that he cares for them, what they did not realize is that they were all confirming each other’s behavior, even if it meant compromising their health.

Why do we confirm?

It is amazing to see how many times we do things we know are not good for our financial, physical and/or mental health but we do it anyway because everyone else is doing it.

Social drinking, smoking, drugs, shopping, spending money and even our eating habits (junk food/take aways) in spite of being aware of the fact that they are not good. We still continue doing them just because it is the NORM, even if consequences are bad.

Being accepted by family, friends, society is of prime importance even if it means killing the voice inside of us.

This knowledge of social conformity is as intriguing as it is scary.

When we are aware of the fact that our decisions are being driven by our dire need to confirm, it gives us an opportunity to evaluate our decisions with more clarity.

Asking ourselves "what would my decision be if I did not feel the compulsion to conform?" can go a long way in making smart decisions that are in congruence with our inner voice.

I googled about this to find out that in some cases our reality may actually be determined by the group psychology, that is if the group believes something and acts from that standpoint, we tend to follow them with the same attitude even though we inherently know it not to be true.

We will no longer question our behavior which we knew was based on a false premise to start with. Take for example, drinking, it is now considered 'social & civilized' to drink which was only less than 2 decades ago was considered only social outcasts did - wonder what persuasive advertising can do!

Maybe you never wanted to buy that house in the first place because of the flexibility renting offers but you bought it anyway to maintain your social status (peer pressure).

Or perhaps, you always wanted to drive the military hummer but since you believed it will not fit the ambiance of your office meetings you settled for a classic Benz because that seemed like a norm for the business class.

May be, you never wanted to attend the church/mosque/temple but since everyone is going you just followed to stay within the group.

We can come up with an alarmingly massive list of things that our behavior is affected by the peer pressure, it makes me wonder if there is anything that we do that is NOT affected by this phenomena.


Do you really want success?

In many instances, people are afraid of success because it means alienation with their current group.

If you do not have stories about debt, car that breaks down, spouse who makes your life a living hell, kids who don't listen, bills that always seem to increase and so on, how will you fit in with your group?

If you desire financial independence and declare that your target is to quit the job in an year and find things that you would rather enjoy doing, you are considered an immediate social outcast, why? because that just ain't expected or accepted.

Our dreams are not a HERD THING.

Our dreams may be totally different once we start thinking from a non-conformists standpoint. We may find many new things about ourselves, things that may leave us befuddled or make us smile.

Many people after achieving things that thought they wanted are left even more miserable than they were when they did not have them, because they were running after wrong things, things that they never actually wanted.

Is there a way out?

To me greatest tragedy in life after being introduced to the herd mentality is wasting my life in running after things that my heart never truly desired.

It is a transition we have to deal with if we ever want to come out of the enslavement of social conformity.

First step in breaking this chain is to recognize that our feet are already tied to it and farthest distance we can go depends on the length of this chain unless we are willing to break the chain and, gather the courage to explore the world from our own truth.

Is it easy?

This transition is NOT easy, it is probably the most difficult endeavor we can ever take up but I am hopeful that it will help us realize our true self.

It can help us find things that we truly love (not what we think we should love while thinking from a conformist mindset). It may actually open the doors to our deepest desires and aspirations and help us find what we truly want.

Picture source:


Great Post! I find it very difficult to fight the conformity, not because I can't do it, but because people around me can't do it and they fight me every step of the way to follow them.

For example; I started eating pretty healthy the last few years. Don't get me wrong, I still like a good slice of cheesecake or whatever, but I've really cut down on my sugar intake. And if I do eat sugar, I make sure it's not fructose or some other form of junk sugar. Now I am constantly after my wife to stop buying junk food for herself. I don't push it a lot because it's really her own choice, but she is constantly buying chips, cookies, chocolate bars, etc, all filled with fake ingredients. She doesn't realize that she wants that stuff only because she's been told she wants it by society.

Food choice is just one small example. Another is, I'm always trying to get people to stop giving us plastic things as gifts. I can't stand plastic stuff. Sure, it has it's uses, but we don't need to be making everything out of plastic. And we certainly don't need to be buying each other plastic things just because we're brainwashed to feel we have to for every special occasion.

I do find that little by little, people are starting to change, though. People are starting to realize they are being tricked and are changing their habits. The only thing is, it could be because more and more around them are changing and the majority are just trying to conform.

I am completely with you there...and that is how change begins.

Those who take the first plunge are always the 'clowns' until more and more people join, then it becomes norm and those standing on the sidelines become clowns...its one shift to other...

I have found that if I go for shopping AFTER having a meal - it is easy to control my wife from buying fact, she says - may be we will skip the candy! try it, it may work...

And kudos, for silently being part of the change for the better.

Not being a people pleaser. This doesn't come naturally to many. We want to please others often times, and it seems natural to keep other's happy. But it probably won't make us happy; and that's the hard part to comprehend often times.

True...because it is innocently injected into us as 'being nice' and as we grow up we confuse it with 'compromise'...

This is a huge subject and goes very deep...

Yeah man, walk, bike, public transpo, no need for car or other debts. Sure you can have stuff, it's useful, but in the city there isn't a need. Nor a house. I'm not much into conformity, don't fit into the usual mold of things lol.

If you do not have stories about debt, car that breaks down, spouse who makes your life a living hell, kids who don't listen, bills that always seem to increase and so on, how will you fit in with your group?


I've worked and quit, worked and quit... Some people here don't like it if you make money but don't have a job lol. That's apparently why I keep getting flagged. Good post. Resteemed.

I have noticed that too...people scorn baselessly at my closest friend who has not been in a job for several years but gets by without complaint...people cannot accept or agree that it can be done! to each their own!

I feel like everyone on steemit dont follow the norm, we are all rebels in our own way.

welcome to the club my friend. It is a lonely world,and when you are with people you find yourself having nothing in common with them and nothing to relate with them about. but in saying that, it is a very fulfilling life, you do the things you want to do when you want to do them and nothing can hold you back.

I find you end up being a lone wolf, a trailblazer but I have also noticed that people gravitate towards you, as they want to be like you. Ive walked this path alone my hole life, to me it just seems normal but to others I know they see me as an outcast, someone they cant quite figure out and I think they are envious.

so keep on keeping it reel man and enjoy it!


Thank you...You are right about people gravitating to you.

I am not sure about them wanting to be like me but I have noticed people do like you when you are genuine self...whatever that may be...

yea exactly. i think maybe they wanna be like you cuz you are doing what they wanna be doing - following your dreams/heart whatever you call it, instead of following the hurd

I think there are a lot of psychological reasons reasons to conform. It is not like people are a bunch of brainless zombies. Conformity brings order - and through it peace to those who are not very comfortable with ambiguity and unpredictability. Their feelings - fear of unknown - are not less valid or important than the feelings of those more open to new experiences and changes. I can't blame people for choosing to conform, nor can I blame them for not realizing that their perception of the world is not the only possible one.

Disclaimer: I am a happy foreigner in Japan. Social expectations towards me are to be white and speak English. Really easy. I dig the hell you describe in your post when I was back home - where everybody saw me as part of a larger culture. My mom, for example, would enforce certain culturally defined rules on herself and the family that she would herself complain about later. Only recently, after we had a conversation about it, she started to realize that it doesn't have to be that way - although she does genuinely care about what others would think if she did something differently. I can't deny her feelings, either - if falling out of others' grace would cause her psychological harm, I can't possibly ask her to rebel against the rules.

My point is, I am not "right" in my non-conformist thinking in any way. Being myself, which happens to be being different, is what makes me feel comfortable. Being the same is what makes her feel comfortable. Being past the age where she can influence me helps a lot, but if you are, say, married to a person like that, dialogue is the only solution. Friends? Maybe talk to them if you like them, run away if you don't. Be smart about it, not cynical or despondent.

Just my 2 cents on this. =)

You bring up the angle that I deliberately omitted in my article to make a point. We do not have to re-invent the wheel, that is - there is value in using the experience - we don't want to go back to using square wooden wheels to learn that round rubber ones are better...that is not what I am saying...

I am talking about people who are in deep slumber without realizing that there is choice. Like you pointed out 'certain expectations' are just taken on as 'mandates' and never realize (like your mom realized later) that there is a choice.

And if my article succeeds in hinting that 'choice' then I would consider it mission accomplished.

Thank you for your reply with contextual insights and raising the angle that shouldn't be missed.

Frankly, I think it is enough that you understand it. It is not your job to enlighten others. Plus, knowing this gives you an edge in life. That said, I don't really keep anybody like that as friends - I am a fairly reclusive person who meets a friend once in a few months. And one reason for that is that I can live in my own little world and do my own little thing without anybody telling me how weird it may be.

This platform is not to "Enlighten" anyone. I am laying my thoughts out here to invite a dialog (like this one)...

The job of en'lightening' people assumes that there is darkness in other's lives. I believe that everyone has light in them and it shines bright when people who think alike come together and let their thoughts unite...

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I meant it is not your job to enlighten (as in "fight") those who made you reflect on conformity and write that post (because in my experience it costs you more than you gain from it). I do think sharing thoughts and opinions to invite a dialogue here is a great thing) That's exactly what I am trying to make my channel all about)

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