Vegan Stop Eating Your Friends

in #food8 years ago

Please take a look at this video Stop Eating Your Friends!

Are you where you want to be right now with the evil that's going to play out?
It doesn't matter how passionately you call to people to wake up, how clearly you tell them the truth for they aren't interested in truth.
Most truthers themselves are motivated by greed and selfishness, violence and cruelty. Most can't even be bothered to choose from the vast array of foods that have harmed no-one when all they have to do is walk down a different food aisle and they could spare animals from being horribly tortured, people starving and the world being catastrophically destroyed by those harmful industries?
People who don't care enough to make that effort... you think they're going to have moral values in any other way?
Find the safest place to be and live VEGAN. Speak out for the real victims in all this. Humans are just getting what they deserve and directly funded and paid for all along.
The animal abuse industries are more profitable than oil. Its not the vegan, fair trade, environmentally friendly companies in the back pockets of politicians. If people lived vegan and brought their children up vegan, to respect all life and be conscious of the consequence of their actions avoiding harming anyone...who of those children would go be a soldier, go kill innocent people for profit? Violent exploitation is a mindset which itself has spawned the Illuminati.
This whole Illuminati, evil elite could not have risen to power in a vegan world. We are not controlled and created by them...they are a product of our own evil. If humans were vegan, those who embodied vegan values would become their leaders. When the cultural mindset is violent exploitation....they get the Illuminati, who haven't even begun to dish out their karma. They're just in the preparation stages. The only thing going to seriously change any of this is humans...going vegan. I hope you're vegan. If you're not, I hope you go vegan. If you are vegan, then I hope you are safe. If you aren't vegan...I suppose you may as well stay where you are because karma's gonna get your ass soon.

The idea that humans must consume animal flesh and excretions as part of a balanced diet is a monstrous myth that is quietly murdering billions of humans, animals and the environment. Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke, Diabetes and the other 15 leading causes of human death have now been repeatedly verified and concluded through scientific meta-studies to be caused by the consumption of animal products. Furthermore, switching to a plant-based diet has proven to reverse almost all of them! The following documentary proves beyond any reasonable doubt that humans are NOT natural omnivores or carnivores, in fact every organ in our bodies is that of a frugivore/herbivore, and our choice to believe otherwise is slowly killing all of our friends, human and animal.

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