ceurace waterfall, remote waterfall in the wilderness of Bireuen

in #travel7 years ago

imagenot only the Beach and culinary, bireuen district fact still keep natural charm hidden behind the Forest and cliffs towering. of the many nature that as untouched this, because the location is difficult to achieve and not a lot of travelers who know it. one of which is a waterfall ceuraceu unspoiled and awake sustainability.

waterfall ceuraceu is a waterfall pretty have some level with the rush clear water from the mountains. travelers can enjoy some level of this from the lowest level up to the level of the most of the overall number 7. natural charm around still beautiful and air segarpun be the phenomenon of its own love to be missed. 


geographically, where the waterfall ceuraceu this is at villagers samagadeng, district pandrah, bireuen district, the province. to achieve the location of the falls, at least traveler must distances as far as 8 miles from the road Banda Aceh-field. in fact, the location of the falls close enough of Highway but because difficult terrain and location hidden make this waterfall not a lot of known.

to enjoy deburan the water in the waterfall ceuraceu this is required struggle extra. from the Street Banda Aceh-field travelers can lead to the dam tumiba09. it is the beginning the road is paved with good, but from the dam the adventure actually started.

rating will be faced with the path is still a soil and dusty when the dry season. Street will be a muddy and filled puddles when the rainy season arrived. the side of the left side of the view is dominated by the wilderness filled with Green trees. after 3 mile trip, line was the narrow and become path that could not passed by the vehicle. forced to travelers also have to walk towards to the location of the waterfall ceuraceu this.

charm waterfall ceuraceu

time traveler arrived right in the location of the waterfall ceuraceu, will be presented a phenomenon waterfall beautiful complete with the rush of water fall from the top hit the rocks. the beauty of the falls as hypnotize view of visitors to immediately enjoy the cold and fresh water in this resort.

uniqueness waterfall ceuraceu this is at the level of waterfall location separate but still in the region. travelers can menulusuri the beauty of Niagara mentioned, with a look for the levels that offers its own charm. licinnya rock River as becomes obstacle small to go through the traveler to enjoy the beauty of this waterfall. 

waterfall ceuraceu also form a pool of natural right under falls. in this pool tourists can bath, swimming or just sit dibebatuan and dip feet to the fresh water. it's long trip passed tourists, lost instantly pays off with the beauty of this waterfall.

landscape around surrounded by the wilderness unspoiled also be added value for the waterfall ceuraceu this. many encountered trees, and Green plants so it is bad for seen the eye. but be careful, at this place is also a lot found plants can make itchy skin tourists.

Unfortunately, this resort not open to the public. traveler required to report prior to the local villagers before heading to the waterfall. this is due to prevent the deeds immoral. regardless of it all, the charm of Niagara ceuraceu indeed very eligible to enjoyed.

waterfall ceuraceu indeed very suitable visit for travelers who loves wisatawa nature. this place so awake sustainability, and still untouched by hands irresponsible. landscape around also still very beautiful and natural. Twitter birds perch diranting trees as a friend loyal breaking the silence wilderness.

facilities waterfall ceuraceu

Unfortunately facilities in Niagara ceuraceu not worth the beauty to offer. traveler certainly can't find public facilities such as the toilet, where secure parking or mushola to worship. it is quite understandable given the location of these sights are the middle of wilderness.

in addition, also still haven't found shops are selling the vicinity of the location of the waterfall. traveler advised to bring food and drink own from home or buy first in the city. not only that, the road to to Niagara was quite extreme and still a soil. directions was totally not found, so travelers can get lost.

if you want to spend the night, travelers can stay in bireuen. there are some hotels and lodging that can be hired to spend the night. traveled in Niagara ceuraceu could be attractive option dikala weekend. following activities can be done traveler when is the place.
enjoy the beauty of waterfall

Waterfall ceuraceu will actually pamper your views with charm stunning. if you visit in tourist attractions located in bireuen this, you can enjoy every drop of water fall on the rocks. you can feel the sensation of standing right under the waterfall, and enjoy every deburan water down the body.

in addition, you can freely water play, swimming and bath dikolam natural containing with water sourced from the mountains. this place is suitable for you who crave a tourist attractions quiet and peaceful to refreshing.

Photo hunting

the beauty of the waterfall ceuraceu indeed very Dear if not immortalized with the camera. you can take pictures natural scenery around the waterfall, or also photographing in the levels of other waterfall. everything is good enough for you portrait into a photographic work landscape.

in addition, don't forget to take pictures selfie with friends while in waterfall. you can use the falls as background pictured, or sit dibebatuan River existing around the waterfall. but always beware, because the stones slippery so it can make you slip and fall into the River.

admission price waterfall ceuraceu

to enter the waterfall ceuraceu, traveler cost you least alias for free.

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