Introduce My Self For Stemians Friend (From Indonesia)

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Hello Friends of Stemians Indonesia and the World
Previously I did not know what a Stemmit was. I used to think Stemmit is a chat program or regular social networking. But after a friend of mine told me that Stemmit is a large social networking community that can make money writing, I am also interested in following it. Due to my hobby of writing as well as my field of science is my journalism began to wrestle this Stemmit seriously.

Now for me Stemmit is no longer so commonplace. I think Stemmit has made a lot of people turn in a positive direction with the many people who start writing and publishing what they know to all the Stemians and broad audiences.
Friends of the Stemians

Introduce My full name Muhammad Rizki Sitompul or often called Rizki sometimes also often called Tompul. I was born in Blang peuria Geudong, August 01, 1996. From the marriage of Saparuddin sitompul and Asmaulhusna.
Rizki is the third of three children. The first brother named Dafid Irawan sitompul and second sister Rina Lestari.

I started my education in SD 1 Blang peuria but did not finish elementary school in elementary school because when I was in fourth grade I followed the parents moved to west Batuphat and finished elementary school at SD Negeri 12 Blang Naleung Mameh and continue education at state Junior High School 6 Lhokseumawe As well as to SMK Negeri 1 Lhokseumawe. Currently Rizki is continuing education at one of the existing state universities in Aceh and Malikussaleh University which became his goal. At the university, Rizki chose the science communication department as the knowledge he wanted to experience. In accordance with the ideals who want to become a Professional Journalist then the communication science department is considered appropriate for Rizki to be a source of learning that can lead to the profession Journalist .

I am also a student of the bidikmisi scholarship. I always have a strong determination to achieve my goals. Understanding science is not at will I choose. So during the 3rd semester in the selection of concentration in the science department of communication I chose the field of journalism as the concentration to be understood. I do not want to follow friends who choose concentration carelessly. I am in a mood if in college I just play around then the desire to become a journalist will be wasted. Currently Rizki has taken six semesters in communication science majors that make me continue to believe that the ideals of professional journalists can I get.

At the time of this lecture level my achievement continues to improve. I became a Unimal Communications Ambassador, and also a young writer who has given birth to some of my media and news coverage that has aired on National Television such as Net TV and local TV Aceh Puja TV. My motto is "Life is Just Once, and Make Your Life it can be useful for all". bagi semuanya”.

Halo Sahabat Stemians Indonesia dan Dunia

Sebelumnya saya tidak tahu apa itu Stemmit. Dulu saya mengira Stemmit adalah Program chat maupun jejaring Sosial biasa saja. Namun setelah seorang teman saya memberitahu saya bahwa Stemmit adalah suatu komunitas jejaring Sosial besar yang dapat menghasilkan uang dengan menulis, saya pun tertarik untuk mengikutinya. Dikarenakan saya hobi menulis serta bidang ilmu saya adalah jurnalistik saya pun mulai menggeluti Stemmit ini dengan serius.

Sekarang bagi saya Stemmit tidak lagi jadi hal biasa. saya rasa Stemmit telah membuat banyak orang berubah ke arah positif dengan banyak nya orang yang mulai menulis dan mempublikasikan yang mereka ketahui kepada seluruh sobat Stemians dan khalayak luas.

Sahabat Stemians

Perkenalkan Nama lengkap saya Muhammad Rizki Sitompul atau sering dipanggil Rizki terkadang juga sering dipanggil Tompul. saya lahir di Blang peuria Geudong, 01 Agustus 1996. Dari pernikahan Saparuddin sitompul dan Asmaulhusna.
Rizki adalah anak ketiga dari tiga bersaudara. Kakak pertama bernama Dafid Irawan sitompul dan kakak kedua Rina Lestari.

saya mengawali pendidikan di SD 1 Blang peuria tetapi tidak menyelesaikan sekolah dasar di SD tersebut karena saat berada di kelas empat saya mengikuti orang tua pindah ke Batuphat barat dan menyelesaikan sekolah dasar di SD Negeri 12 Blang Naleung Mameh dan terus melanjutkan pendidikan di SMP negeri 6 Lhokseumawe serta ke SMK Negeri 1 Lhokseumawe.

Saat ini Rizki sedang meneruskan pendidikan di salah satu perguruan tinggi negeri yang ada di Aceh dan Universitas Malikussaleh yang menjadi tujuannya. Di Universitas tersebut Rizki memilih jurusan ilmu komunikasi sebagai pengetahuan yang ingin didalaminya. Sesuai dengan cita-cita yang ingin menjadi Jurnalis Professional maka jurusan ilmu komunikasi dianggap tepat bagi Rizki untuk menjadi sumber pembelajaran yang bisa mengarahkan ke profesi Wartawan.

Saya juga adalah mahasiswa penerima beasiswa bidikmisi. saya selalu memiliki tekad yang kuat dalam meraih cita-cita. Pemahaman ilmu tidak sembarangan saya pilih. Sehingga saat semester 3 dalam pemilihan kosentrasi di jurusan ilmu komunikasi saya memilih bidang jurnalistik sebagai kosentrasi yang ingin dipahami. Saya tidak ingin mengikuti teman-teman yang memilih kosentrasi sembarangan. aku menganggab jika di saat kuliah saya hanya bermain-main maka keinginan untuk menjadi jurnalis akan terbuang sia-sia. Saat ini Rizki telah menempuh enam semester di jurusan ilmu komunikasi yang membuat saya terus yakin bahwa cita-cita jurnalis professional bisa saya dapatkan.

Di saat kuliah ini tingkat prestasi saya terus meninggkat. Saya menjadi Duta Komunikasi Unimal, dan juga penulis muda yang telah melahirkan tulisan karyanya ke beberapa media dan liputan berita saya yang telah tayang di Televisi Nasional seperti Net TV dan televisi lokal Aceh Puja TV. Moto saya adalah “Hidup itu Hanya Sekali, dan Jadikalah Hidupmu itu dapat berguna bagi semuanya”.


selamat datang di steemit

Hello friend, welcome in this wonderful world of steemit. You will soon be addictive like us to this network.

Welcome to this great community ! I wish you lots of success :)

Wow awesome post !! :) Woud love to see more Your account was recently created so I thought I'd say hi and welcome you. This post deserves an upvote and full steem ahead! As you are new to steemit, getting those first upvotes are gonna be hard so maybe you want to try Steemfollower where you can earn up to 5x more steem than just upvoting by yourself! It's a simple and safe vote exchange that is free to use. I have also made this post where I explain the site in more depth and a great tutorial as well. Have a nice day and lets earn more together. Also, you can follow me with more updated posts :)

A new Steemian :-) hello @rizkisitompul hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I Have upvoted and will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

welcome to Steemit @rizkisitompul I do hope that you will have a wonderful time on this platform, if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with do not hesitate to ask, I will be more than happy to help.
Please Follow me @Fshllc so that I can be able to see and read your posts, I will comment and upvote the ones I like :)
Let's stay connected and support each other by following, commenting and upvoting each other's posts because together we are strong!

Hey i wish you very good luck for your account.. I voted you up plz vote me too and plz follow me I followed you

glad to see you Rizkisitompul I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunpoom

nice to meet you khupoon.

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