[ROS] Guide Rules of Survival: How to Win Without Hack or Cheat!

in #gaming7 years ago


Notice the Control Scheme


Before we start with any high-level strategy, start with the basics first. Usually when you play a popular clone game like this, the first thing you might have to do is set the camera's sensitivity.

If you are not familiar with the default control scheme in Rules of Survival, try with others. Even if you're feeling fine with the default control scheme, we still recommend checking the Advance menu and turning on the "double tap to turn around" control.

Find the best place to jump or land


Just like most other battle royale games, the game starts with all the players loaded in planes flying over the arena of the battle arena.

Before trying to really play competitively, try to practice jumping out of the plane and see how far the parachute can take you and learn how far you can deviate from the plane path.

If you pull the parachute earlier, you can move further, but the drawback is it takes a longer time to get down entirely. Players who are patient wait until the last moment to pull their parachute will reach the ground and can do looting first.

There are two different strategies you can take when jumping, and both are equally valid. you can choose to jump out and hope to land in the middle of the map and immediately kill each other early or you can find the place as far as possible to move according to the strategy you have previously thought.

The first strategy is good, because by killing and looting other players is a great way to get supplies quickly, but we are personally more likely to choose a more methodical approach to taking time and moving slowly.

The most important thing to do when you're on a parachute is to look around to see where other players are landing, then remember and mark the area where people have the potential to come to kill you.

If you see someone heading to the exact same spot, you need to decide whether you want to find another path or engage in battle to kill and rob them first!

Priority items during looting


Obviously the first time you land, you want to fight for any weapon that can be found, because no one knows when you will meet other players. And the first thing you should look for is a backpack and helmet!

Backpack significantly increases the capacity of items you can carry that determines how much ammunition and everything else you can carry.

You will be in a losing position if you are forced to make some medical items and some other important items, because you do not have a backpack. Helmet protects you from headshot, so make sure you always get it.

After getting both items, our next ideal item is a weapon that has a good melee capability like a shotgun or submachine gun and a rifle rifle equipped with optics.

Scopes is one of the powerful items in the Rules of Survival, because you have the potential to shoot people from a distance so they can not even see our poisisi!

The disadvantage is that scoped rifle guns are less suitable for close combat, such as in a home or the like.

That's where you can switch to shotugun or SMG!

Play the enemy psychology


When you enter the house for looting in the Rules of Survival, you must open the door first. At first you probably did not think much about it, but you'll soon realize that you've left a very clear footprint!

Speaking of battle royale games then we are talking about how to master the psychology of the opponent. By letting the house door closed and the looting items are still complete, then indirectly we can trick other players, because they assume the house has not been touched.

You can hide first in the bathroom and wait until they get in and off guard.

Patience is the key


For whatever reason, it looks like there are still many new players who try to battle royale game to apply the style of play like fast-paced game or other deathmatch.

In the Rules of Survival you can often be in the top 25 by doing nothing but bending and waiting for a few minutes. I always try to relax and be patient, slowly go to the first circle, and avoid all conflicts.

Collect gears and ammo, make sure HP is not dying, and let other players fight each other. They can often be easily killed when their HP is dying and become careless because it is too confident after successfully killing several other players.

Camping is one of the best ways to win this game, so find a strategic place and relax! Let other players come to you!

Always use the headset


Maybe you often play mobile games with dead sounds, but do not do that in the game Rules of Survival. Use sound or ideally use a headset. In this game you need every information in the form of visual and sound, because it will affect what to do next.

Not many people consider this in the Rules of Survival.

For example the best thing to do when hearing a car or footprints is to be alert and find a strategic position.


When the target is close enough, the indicator will appear on the top of the screen HUD. Actually these sound cues are just as good as running a wall hack program, because you can feel accurately where other players are positioned even before they are visible though.

By using sound and patience as our previous suggestions can make you last longer than running ga ga. In addition, the passing plane and the bombs dropped in the red zone can mask your own movement!

Take advantage of third-person cameras


Although it may not be obvious when you first play, you can take advantage of a third-person camera to look around corners, above walls, and through windows without showing characters.

Learn how far you can move before it looks and how to get a full view of the window without exposing yourself is an important thing to stay invisible!

Crates are perfect baits


In the occasional Rules of Survival the plane will cross the island and drop the crate that contains some useful items in the game. At first maybe you would think that you need the crate, but wait a minute, the problem is everyone will have the same thoughts with you!

The moment when I managed to kill a lot of players is when I get a strategic position or high ground close to where land crate. When the players start to get lusty to approach the crate, then you can start bulldozing them all!

Regard Gamers : @rizarahmad

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