Mengapa Yahudi-Israel Serakah dan Lupa Sejarah?

in #news7 years ago

BELUM lama terjadi gencatan senjata Israel dan Hamas, dunia tiba-tiba dikejutkan dengan rencana Israel untuk membangun 3.000 permukiman Yahudi di Tepi Barat dan Yerusalem. Dunia pun tersengat. Bahkan, sekutu terdekat Israel, Amerika Serikat, menyatakan ketidaksetujuannya terhadap rencana Israel itu.


Yet there has been a long time for an Israeli and Hamas ceasefire, the world is suddenly surprised by Israel's plans to build 3,000 Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Jerusalem. The world was stung. In fact, Israel's closest ally, the United States, expressed its disagreement with the Israeli plan.

Di sisi lain, kekuatan pasukan Israel yang dikerahkan di daerah yang menghadap Tepi Barat lebih kecil. Hanya 8 brigade yang terdiri dari 40.000 personil dan 200 tank. Penyebaran pasukan Israel di Front Yordania ditempatkan di tempat-tempat strategis. Antara lain, perbatasan Yerusalem, pasukan yang dikerahkan adalah pasukan Brigade Yerusalem dan tentara tank Harel. Pasukan Israel juga siaga di daerah Latrun yang menghadap ke kota-kota Yerusalem dan Ramallah, sebelah utara perbatasan Tepi Barat, dan Lembah Jizreel. Strategi tempur Israel yang ditempatkan di perbatasan Tepi Barat hanya dimaksudkan untuk menahan serangan Jordan. Tapi setelah melihat fakta bahwa pasukan Yordania dengan cepat mengambil alih markas besar PBB, senjata mulai menyerang Tel Aviv.


On the other hand, the strength of Israeli forces deployed in the area facing the West Bank is smaller. Only 8 brigades consisting of 40,000 personnel and 200 tanks. The deployment of Israeli troops on the Jordanian Front was placed in strategic places. Among other things, the border of Jerusalem, the troops deployed are the Jerusalem Brigades and the Harel tank troops. Israeli troops are also alert in the Latrun area overlooking the cities of Jerusalem and Ramallah, just north of the West Bank border, and the Jezreel Valley. The Israeli fighter strategy deployed on the West Bank border is intended only to withstand the Jordan attack. But after seeing the fact that Jordanian troops quickly took over the UN headquarters, weapons began to attack Tel Aviv.

blog by @riskypratama

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