HOT NEWS!!! bounty monkey D'Luffy " 1,5m Berry"

in #anime6 years ago (edited)

after the end of the WCI arc. shocking news also occurred in the latest chapter today.

following his review.

 - Sanji gets Raid Suit from Niji, but she does not want to wear. Luffy and Chopper tell Sanji not to waste, because going to remove Laser Beam!

- Nami with Zeus. Zeus and Sanji debate over who is Nami's slave.

- Sanji bounty up to 330 million Berry because he is the center of Big Mom's homicide plan. He can also Dead or Alive.

- Sanji is glad he can bounty bigger than Zoro, but he is annoyed that there is a Vinsmoke name diposter there. Vinsmoke Sanji - 330 Million Berry.

- Luffy rose to 1 billion 500 Million Berry.

- Coby and Helmeppo accompany the dressrosa kingdom to Mariejois.

- Shirahoshi to Mariejois so he's not exactly weak by Luffy.

- Big news disputes Luffy and Big Mom spread and even up to the ears of Kaido, Kurohige and Shanks. Shanks smiles at Luffy's action at Totto Land.


setelah berakhirnya arc WCI,![Luffy_bounty_new_1024x1024.jpg]() kabar mengejutkan pun terjadi di chapter terbaru saat ini.

berikut ulasan nya.

 - Sanji mendapat Raid Suit dari Niji, tapi ia tak mau pakai. Luffy dan Chopper nyuruh Sanji jangan buang, karena bakal mengeluarkan Laser Beam!

- Nami bersama Zeus. Zeus dan Sanji debat soal siapa yang jadi budak Nami.

- bounty Sanji naik jadi 330 juta Berry karena ia adalah pusat rencana pembunuhan yang dijalankan Big Mom. Dia juga dapat Dead or Alive.

- Sanji senang ia dapat bounty lebih besar dibanding Zoro, tapi ia kesal karena diposter ada nama Vinsmoke di sana. Vinsmoke Sanji - 330 Juta Berry.

- Luffy naik jadi 1 milliar 500 Juta Berry.

- Coby dan Helmeppo mendampingi kerajaan Dressrosa ke Mariejois.

- Shirahoshi ke Mariejois agar ia gak dibilang lemah oleh Luffy.

- Berita besar perselisihan Luffy dan Big Mom menyebar dan bahkan sampai telinga Kaido, Kurohige dan Shanks. Shanks tersenyum melihat aksi Luffy di Totto Land. 


source : mangaku

your mantap djiwa8c7cc6a9c1b449739f8e822059e5b255_480.jpg

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