Desa Tsunami Di Kota Lhokseumawe Kec. Blang Mangat/ Tsunami Village In Lhokseumawe

in #aceh6 years ago (edited)

Assalamu'alaikum Steemian dan pecinta crypto, semoga semua masih dalam keadaan sehat. Malam ini postingan saya tentang desa Tsunami di Aceh ,Kota Lhokseumawe, Kec. Blang Mangat, tepatnya Desa Jambo Timu.

Assalamu'alaikum steemian and crypto lover, wishing you all are in healthy. Tonight my posting is about The Tsunami Village in Lhokseumawe, exactly the village of Jambo Timu.

Ini adalah situasi terbaru jalan desa jambo timu. Jalan ini di buat oleh Lsm luar negeri pasca tsunami. Alhamdulillah, kualitas jalan sangat bagus. Hotmix tidak pecah walau sudah 13 tahun.

This is the current view of village jambo timu pavement. this road was developed by Maltesser NGO from Germany. it has good quality hotmix.

Ketinggian air saat terjadi Tsunami adalah 15 meter, dengan korban jiwa lebih dari 600 orang. Kerusakan bangunan lebih dari 500 unit.

When the Tsunami was happened, the high of ride was more than fifteen metres, with the habitant victims were around 600 people. Building houses destroyed were about 500 units.

Ini adalah bekas tapak rumah korban Tsunami. Pembangunan rumah baru dilakukan di lokasi lain yang lebih aman. Pemerintah melarang pembangunan rumah baru dekat pantai.

This is the descendent of house buiding which was destroyed by big tide of Tsunami. The new house has been build on other locations far from beach. The government prohibited to build houses in range one km from beach.

Hoping so much that Giant wave Will never happened forever again.

thanks for stopping by.

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