Landfill Land Use PLN Allegedly Use "Illegal Materials"

in #news7 years ago

The technical manpower of PLN landfill project, Jasman who was questioned by reporters, admitted that it did not know whether the mine site where the landfill was taken had official permission or not.

"Related to that I do not know. For my existence here is only limited to help for technical personnel, "said Jasman who also serves as a member of the South Aceh DPRK from the Hanura party.

Meanwhile, the Head of PLN Rayon Tapaktuan, Komarudin when asked for confirmation said, so far as he has a territory admitted there has been no notice or coordination step of any related parties following the commencement of the work process of the project.

"Actually it is related to the absolute authority of the Parent Development Unit II PLN Medan Medan North Sumatra. But at least we who have the territory informed and conveyed information materials that can be explained to the public, "said Komarudin.

As a result, continued Komarudin, so far it has not known how much the budget and how much area has been purchased from the community in Gampong Gunong Cut is currently in the process of hoarding.

As for the project work plan based on information obtained it, he said, after the landfill process in the location is planned to be built Office building and warehouse where the power transformer. The building is specially functioned as Transmission Substation. Electric current will be supplied from Nagan Raya Steam Power Plant (PLTU).

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