ビリューエンの新しい料理センター、Cafe GEDUNG PUTIHは、あなたの味覚を誘惑します

in Steem Japan3 years ago


親愛なるSTEEMIANSの友達、どこにいても。 私たち全員が常に全能のアッラーによって保護され、健康を与えられ、私たちのすべての事柄と維持を促進し、私たちのすべての願望と常に私たち全員の成功を達成しますように。


Hello everyone...Peace be upon you, and God's mercy and blessings for you

Dear STEEMIANS friends wherever you are. May all of us always be protected by Allah the Almighty, given health, facilitating all our affairs and sustenance and achieving all our aspirations and always success for all of us. Amen ya Rabbal 'Alamin

At our meeting tonight, I want to tell you in this post about a cafe that is very charming, very beautiful and very interesting to visit, namely the White House Cafe, one of the famous cafes in Bireuen which provides a variety of unique and complete and delicious food.


The white building cafe is a new cafe in Bireuen Regency. This cafe has just opened and was inaugurated about 2 months ago but due to the strategic location of caffeine and beautiful views in this cafe as well as a complete service and food and beverage menu make this cafe quickly famous and become a cafe that is hunted by coffee and beverage and other food connoisseurs


The more value of this cafe is the place that feels comfortable, the area is so spacious that it is easy to access everything both for car parking and also for a relaxing place while waiting for food and drink orders as well as a comfortable and spacious atmosphere on each side


Furthermore, this cafe also has more value in terms of food served when seeing many new menus that are not even found in other cafes in Bireun City so this has become one of the new culinary search places in Bireuen City


Among the menus that I think are different from other cafes is the amount of food from the Java region that is provided in this cafe, such as spicy food, spicy noodles served in a mixture with various recipes and spices which I don't know how to make.


You can see for yourself in the photos below which I show, there is a menu of cooked noodles mixed with various other ingredients, one of which is young bamboo in the lungs, there is also a kind of stuffed meatball which is typical he said from the Sundanese region before trying You can see for yourself in the photos that I show


Then in terms of drinks, see also the many types of drinks on the menu that can be ordered and the taste is quite delicious and delicious, the way of serving is also good


Furthermore, what is more value than this Cafe is the waiters who are indeed friendly and attentive to the orders of the customers who visit this Cafe, they oversee the condition of the guests who sometimes want to add food or drink orders so that they feel really good. fully serviced by the workers in this cafe


Dan inilah Anda bisa melihat contoh-contoh makanan yang seperti ini hanya Baru beberapa saja dan juga dari pemandangan yang ada di kafe ini ada bisa melihat sendiri indah sekali dan menawan sekali sehingga saya berani mengatakan bahwa Cafe gedung putih ini adalah sebua kafe yang patut untuk Anda kunjungi di wilayah Bireuen


the last one to find this cafe is very easy because it is located close to the city of Bireuen from the city center of Bireuen, you only need to turn around the monument roundabout to go to the west side or to the sea the road to the end of Blang and about 200 meters from the Regent's pavilion directly next door on the right there is this white building cafe and you will definitely be calm and comfortable to eat and drink at this cafe welcome to visit and enjoy


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また、あらゆる形で、あらゆる形で私を助けてくれたすべての関係者に感謝します。 皆様に心より感謝申し上げます。

This is the post tonight about the restaurant or cafe that you really need when you are in a city. And this is the White House Cafe which can be one of your next goals while you are in. Hopefully this post is useful to all of you. Thank you for reading it and thank you Thank you for supporting us and all of our friends on this STEEMIT social media that we love.

Thank you very much to all the friends who support each other in the social media platform STEEMIT that we love, may we continue to grow together, help each other, help each other, maintain mutual respect and progress and success together. moreover we are one nation, the same struggle, we are independent people and we are a nation that loves each other

Thank you very much for everything until we meet again in the next post assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

Such is my post on this occasion. hopefully what I have written and I posted here can all be useful for all of us and also we pray to God that we are able to practice it and keep it.

Thank you very much and Thank you very much to all the friends who have visited, read, provided comments / criticism / suggestions, and gave an evaluation (Upvote) to my writing.

And also many thanks to all parties who have helped me in any form and in any form. To all of you I give my highest appreciation.

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Tgk @rijalaronaceh

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