News 2018

in #amerika6 years ago

before really separate, the iceberg this giant has almost separate from the ice Larsen C. for several months. supplied: NASA researchers it has been monitor the plate ice Larsen C. in Antarctica for some time, but at the end of 2016 ago happen cracks along 18 kilometers. and the last month, the last part of the cracks the separate from the plate Antarctic ice, and the led to the release of an iceberg weighing 1 trillion tons sized 5.800 square kilometers - one of the iceberg largest ever recorded. iceberg it already floats before regardless so that no direct impact on the surface of the sea, but the release of chunk it has left the area of the plate ice Larsen C. reduced more of 12 percent. separation of the show acceleration dramatic of glaciers behind him. 3. human history in Australia backwards 18 thousand years  excavation fossils and artifacts in ancient Kakadu National Park indicate human achieve mainland Australia at least 65 thousand years ago - early 18.000 year of the previous estimates. ABC news digs do in shelters Stone near Kakadu National Park shows human achieved mainland Australia at least 65.000 years ago ie 18.000 years earlier than estimates of the first. these findings be essential for help redefine our understanding of the current human species the first left Africa. among the findings of successful dug in the shelter is axes with the edge of a blunt oldest in the world. separately, the researchers successful completion of the study of Genomics most comprehensive to indigenous Australian ever done to date. this study revealed that modern humans are descendants of the wave migrants to leave Africa around 72.000 years ago. these findings also confirms the citizens of Aboriginal Australia modern is the descendants of the first to stay in Australia - a claim previous taken into debate. 4. crispr help remove the disease is inherited within Gen  device editing Gene new allows scientists filter the DNA of living cells - from plants, animals even human more accurate than ever. supplied to date, the achievement of this may indeed still limited to the results in the laboratory alone, but the scientists successful use editing tools Gene crispr to improve the Gene disease-causing on human embryo safely. researchers inject egg human sperm from patients who have disorders congenital heart at the same time as they send sperm version crispr that have been programmed to find the Gene and throw it away. new technique, which focuses on the early intervention, the success and someday allows scientists to remove the specific diseases of the lineage the family. but irritation of these genes can be a controversial, where a number of researchers worried about the threat of mutations unwanted. this technique is also lead to ethical issues regarding the selection and editing genes that can be done to create 'baby designed' which reminds US on a film science fiction Hollywood starring Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke entitled gattaca. 5. remote Island in the world Heritage list be landfills  Beach on the Island of Henderson, outside of South America, estimated contains about 37,7 million items from Flake debris waste most consists of plastic waste household. supplied: Dr. Jennifer lavers a study found the Beach in the Island of Henderson, outside of South America, contains about 37,7 million items from Flake debris garbage and has a density of plastic waste highest than any area in the world. this is not a scientific discovery that should be proud of. researchers from Australia, Dr. Jennifer lavers said that he is very disappointed with the findings and call it as a warning to the world that pollution plastic same serious with the threat of humanity as climate change. in 2014, the world produce 311 million tons of plastic per year. Dr. lavers said the accumulation of plastic waste on the Island of Henderson it is a plastic generated in 1,98 seconds of the total production plastic waste that world. Island Henderson registered as a region world Heritage this is in the area of the sea rare passed and there are near cruise lines or fisheries, without the city of industry main ground-based within 5.000 kilometers. 6. the findings of the first fossil brain dinosaurs  fossil brain-old 133 years of the species dinosaurs known as iguanodon. supplied: Dr. David wacey / University of Western Australia the last year is a very impressive for palaeontology. towards the end of 2016 and scientists confirm a fossil found more than 1 decade ago really contains a brain tissue already a fossil fossil brain first ever found.  a footprints along 1,7 meters found in Western Australia is the largest ever found. supplied: Dr. Steve Salisbury fossil-old 133 million years was derived from the species dinosaurs known as iguanodon, and show brain structures similar to the brain structures owned by the crocodile and birds modern. researchers investigate the network is petrified it under the microscope and see what it seems like blood vessels from the inside of the brain. scientists also spent a year yesterday to find footprints dinosaurs the world's largest, located in Australia baratm and a new information shows if t.rex not dinosaurs too experts in the run fast. 7. scientists successful create satellite network quantum first  attachment quantum can allow instant communication between two points, no matter the distance. Getty images: nadla do you like if particles you entangled? group of scientists Chinese successfully using satellite quantum called micius to transmit photon that each other entangled - of particle light - distances 1.200 kilometers. two particles mutually entangled it shows the nature of the same, such as round, position and momentum, no matter how distance outstretched between the two - which means changes to the one particles will also affect the other. it can allow the creation of communication network potentially occurs instantly and don't cut off that has been tested by researchers around the world. 8. the findings of 8 planet the size of the Earth system solar trappist-1  solar system trappist-1 has 7 planet estimated the same size by planet Earth and three planet in the zone 'Goldilocks'. NASA / JPL-Caltech managed to find one planet the size of the Earth is a discovery Interestingly enough, but the solar system only within 40 years of light (practical a neighbor interstellar US) was a place to stay of seven planet the size of the planet Earth. three of the planets are also being in the zone called Goldilocks, where the temperature range in surface allows the presence of liquid water and may life. trappist-1 is a star ultra-cool size of Jupiter that are in the Constellation Aquarius and close enough so that scientists can do the research detailed about it. Meanwhile, in April, scientists Australians do a bit of their achievements with identified four new planets in our solar system during observations star performed live in ABC. 9. first baby born of 3 parents  doctor US, Dr. John Zhang, do the procedure controversial in Mexico. new hope fertility Center in an effort to avoid abnormalities innate that have been killed two children before, a number of doctor finally combine cell nucleus of the DNA (nuclear DNA) with the mitochondria (maternal DNA) of a donor cells eggs, which then fertilized with sperm his father, this is an effort to the world's first using techniques three parents controversial, which was first reported in new scientist magazine. parents from the Jordanian this register to get help from doctors in the US and flown to Mexico to undergo the procedure is because techniques conception of 3 parents is not approved in the US. experts criticized the announcement of these experiments conducted through a report in magazine than revealed in the Journal in-review by the scientists, saying need more research done to understand this research. 10. life begins 220 million years earlier than expected  fossil-old 3,7 billion years found at the layer Stone open in Greenland. | supplied: Allen nutman research team led scientists Australia managed to find the fossil-old 3,7 billion years in Greenland. these findings rewind evidence early life that during this is generally accepted the earliest 220 million years. Stone recently exposed due to increased snowmelt shows layer community bacteria fossils, known as stromatolit. the research team is then using advanced techniques to determine the age of layer Stone at the top and bottom of fossils, successful revealed that stromatolit the old 3,71 up to 3,695 billion years.  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