The Rich and Poor Stories (Owners of Two Gardens)

in #kisah7 years ago


Surat Al-Kahf is a letter in the Qur'an that contains stories of wisdom. And it appears from most of his verses. There are at least four main stories in this letter: the story of Ashhabul Kahf, the story of the owner of two gardens, the story of Prophet Musa 'alaihissalam, and the story of Dzul Qarnain. Well .. this time writing only invites the readers enter the charge of faidah from the story of Owner Two Gardens. The story that God puts between verses 32 through 44 from the letter of Al-Kahf.

There is no authentic hadith from the Prophet ﷺ which tells us about this story. The only edition we have is the Qur'an. Therefore, it will be described one by one verses of the Qur'an as a story tool. What the Qur'an does not mention, nor will we talk about it.

The Qur'an tells of two men in the past. Both are friends. One is a believer. And his friend disbelieved. The Qur'an does not explain who they are. His name. In whose day they live. Where they live. All disguised. So we do not know who they are. where they live. And in what age are they there.

Believers in this story, God ﷻ test with the narrowness of life. Little sustenance, possessions, and possessions. But God gave him the greatest blessing, which is the favors of faith, conviction, and pleasure with the fate of God. As well as hoping that heaven is on His side. This favor is more than mortal wealth and material.

His friend who disbelieved, Allah test with spaciousness sustenance. Earthly Ease. And Allah gave him abundant wealth and material. God tested him, whether grateful or even kufr. Whether humble or boastful.

Allah blesses the disbelievers with two gardens. The Qur'an mentions two gardens as follows:

جعلنا لأحدهما الجنتين من أعناب

"We made for one of them two vineyards, and we surrounded the two gardens with palm trees, and between the two gardens We made fields. The fruit of the orchard yields its fruit, and the garden has no fruit, and We bring the river into the gaps of the two gardens, and he has great wealth. "(Surat al-Kahf: 32-34).

The heathen has two vineyards. The palm trees surrounded his garden as a fence. Between the two gardens, there is a field. God put water into the garden. At harvest, he tasted an abundance of grapes, dates, and crops. He is rich, enjoying his harvest.

With this great garden arrangement, he was proud of it. He has the knowledge in regulating and maximizing the land. He is able to combine different plants with neat arrangements, as well as good irrigation. Plus, with the treatment, he can harvest with the maximum. He went into the garden arrogantly, when he tarnished himself. He disbelieves with his Rabb's grace. And arrogant to others.

He said,

فقال لصاحبه وهو يحاوره أنا أكثر منك مالا وأعز نفرا

"So he said to his companion when he talked with him:" My hand is more than your wealth and my followers are stronger. "(Surat al-Kahf: 34).

Not only that, the pleasures of treasure and followers have made him forget. He thought his property was eternal. Yet how can something mortal become immortal. He said,

ودخل جنته وهو ظالم لنفسه قال ما أظن أن تبيد هذه أبدا

"And he entered his garden while he was unjust to himself; he said: "I do not think this garden will perish for ever." (Surat al-Kahf: 35).

His treasures and material really drowned him.

وما أظن الساعة قائمة ولئن رددت إلى ربي لأجدن خيرا منها منقلبا

"And I do not think that Judgment Day will come, and if I return it to my Lord, surely I shall have a better place of return than the gardens." (Surat al-Kahf: 36).

That is how one feels when feeling the power of the peak and rich. He is arrogant. Thinking of the gift of treasure is a proof of God's affection for him. So he thought in the afterlife will get a similar position. Or better yet.

His faithful friend invited him to remember God. Trying to save the friend who feels already in the clouds. Fly, forget the land.

قال له صاحبه وهو يحاوره أكفرت بالذي خلقك من تراب ثم من نطفة ثم سواك رجلا

His friend (the believer) said to him - while he was talking to him: "Do you disbelieve in (Allah) who created you from the ground, then from a drop of semen, then He made you a perfect man? (Surah Al-Kahf, Verse: 37).

His friend tried to remind him to believe in God. Lean back and surrender to Him. Not surrender dir

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