Skynet: What If It Isn't Fiction

in #technology7 years ago


Time to don my tinfoil hat... I watched a video earlier that got me to thinking (dangerous I know)

By Ron Johnson... Posted for your perusal

The conclusion that Mr. Johnson draws is that the Skynet Conspiracy is real and upon us... it's also the topic of a Wired Magazine article (see link below). Given that all good conspiracies contain an element of truth, there may just be something to all of this.

Now I'm the first to admit that I didn't see all of the Terminator series (I did watch one... the one with the chick and the kid, I think)... so I'm certainly not an expert. However, given what I do know about how governments function, it's not outside the realm of possibility. Not having seen Skynet myself, for this too, I had to turn to an outside source. (see link)

In James Cameron's fictional story, Cyberdyne (suspiciously like DynCorp) develops a defense network for SAC-NORAD (Strategic Air Command- North American Air Defense) that in turn turns on its creators and the public in general. The defense system, besides being programmed for air defense, also contains humanoid anti-personnel robots. Cameron, as in the other episodes of the Terminator series, gives the "robots" AI (Artificial Intelligence). However, the whole scenario begs the question, is this life imitating art, or art imitating life? I'm certainly not suggesting that the government is developing AI bearing Terminators to fight its battles. What I am suggesting is that it's entirely possible to develop battle-ready androids devoid of AI... remote controlled "battle-bots" if you will.

Another thing not outside the realm of possibility (even probability) is a corporate-run government would turn the military against its own citizens. We've witnessed it throughout history and it's happening in the US right now with police forces across the country. Police academies typically train recruits to adopt an "us against them" mentality. Oathkeepers is a group inside the military and police determined to enforce the Constitution AGAINST a coercive government. What better way to counteract such seditious behavior than the use of robotics... all controlled from an undisclosed, centralized location?

Now, I didn't see the movie, as I said before, so I'm not positive how these things operate... but is seems entirely plausible that a centralized location may be unnecessary. These bots could be distributed throughout the country in places predetermined to be "hot spots." We do know that the NSA has satellites that monitor all electronic transmissions and respond to key words and phrases. How difficult would it be to implant a chip in the bots that are programmed in sync with the satellites to pick up transmissions and locate the source through the GPS implanted in each. The bot then responds to the location to "neutralize" the perceived threat.

There's no doubt in my mind that the government would use violence against its own populace, nor would it shrink from employing whatever technology is available to do so. So the only real question is whether the technology is real, or merely science fiction. Surely if it were a real threat... CNN would have told us!

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Steem On!

No doubt that AI is getting better. Once computers begin to design computers, and AI's begin to design other AI's... That's really interesting. However, I'm still nowhere as concerned about being destroyed by a computer program gone awry, than I am from my own government - hoaxing a terror event - and killing thousands of it's own citizens - all for the purpose of going to another country so that they can kill millions of their citizens. THAT is REALLY scary.

At the bottom of every camera lense, light sensor, and optic sensor is probably some circuits, some wires, and some programming.

At the back of every eyeball is a nerve, connected to a human brain. This is more dangerous, by far.

I'm worried about both... There's no doubt the government will do it... especially with the technology to make it more impersonal! You should read my horror story- The Night Gods II... It's truth disguised as fiction and about this very thing!

Where can I find that story? Is it on your blog? "The Night Gods II"

Yes... This is the last chapter... there's a link back to the beginning

You are "in" a computer program........... ;)

Nice work, i hope you grow fast on steemit :)
Upvoted and ReSteemed...

Thank you! I've been on here for some time now but usually write fiction, economics, or about politics. This is my first venture into technology... something I'm not as familiar with as I'd like to be. Thanks again for your kind words.

You are more than welcome

All you have to do is look at the current drone use in the military.
Right now, some 18 year old Air Force jockey is flying a drone half-way around the world. DARPA contests that had self-driving cars was years ago. Boeing just launched a plane that can take off, fly and land itself. All you need is AI, currently use to detect military movement via satellites, to start controlling drones.

Boom. We are done.

The only thing lacking to wipe us all out is the political will... Like you said BOOM!

I noticed late, that you have a monkey avatar. So, distopia number 3. But, I don't expect any apes getting smarter than man and such.

It's the typewriter Dude!

Upvoted and followed on the basis of sarcasm about CNN



Thanks... Followed back!

Spooky! I personally watch most of Arnold Schwarzenegger's movies, so Terminator was a hit in the neural net! It's certainly possible...

I'm certain the Schwarzenegger character is more sophisticated than the available technology... but the "battle bots" are certainly possible.

Arnold is something else.

This seems true though

cyberdyne is a real company.
soylent is a real company.

Which distopia do you fear most?

None... I'm 72 and in lousy health. I'm already on my way out- it's you guys that have something to fear!

They have a place for you at Soylent.

Given that all good conspiracies contain an element of truth,
Your assumption is invalid.

I will buy some tin foil for sure thank you.

Get the good stuff lol!

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