Progressive Fascism:The Relentless Attack On American Values- Chap I

in #informationwar6 years ago

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To the people that believe that there is no "Left-Right" paradigm, or that it's false, I'll make the following stipulation- there is no "Right" in America, only the "Left" and those who disagree with them (I believe it is P.J. O'Rourke we can thank for that observation). So let's call a spade a spade, and uncover the illiberal Left for what it really is... Progressive Fascism- or PF. They seem to enjoy the Progressive tag, so let's go with that. Fascism is more of a mindset than a political system, a way of viewing how people organize themselves politically- or at least they should in this Socio-fascist utopia. It fit's the Socialist set of organizational principles to a "T". Remember, the Nazis were National Socialists and their behavioral characteristics fit those of the PF very well, as we shall see. In point of fact, Hitler, the poster boy of National Socialism was:

Into the Occult

A Vegetarian

An Animal Rights Activist

Pushed Gun Control

Was a Media Darling (Time Magazine "Man of the Year" 1938)


Favored Abortion

Educational Advocate

National Socialism was a movement of the Left... the Left of today tries to seperate themselves, but behavior is far more telling than rhetoric. In fact, if Hitler changed his name, he could run as a Democrat and win the nomination without cheating.

IN the Fascist/PF purview the state is the ultimate arbiter of society, resembling a living organism- in which each citizen is only a cell. The individual, according to this perverse worldview, has value only insofar as he/she serves the state. Individual rights are virtually non-existent- what few there are exist only as a "gift" of the state. Conversely, the principles upon which America was founded are diametrically opposed to Progressive Fascism and in the PF purview must be destroyed, along with the institutions that give them strength. These individualistic principles are articulated in the Declaration of Independence. Under the American organizational paradigm it is the state that is designed to be subservient to the individual and our rights are "endowed by our Creator." The sole purpose of government is to "secure" these rights- that and nothing more.

The belief in the sovereignty of the individual is anathema to the "hive mind," collectivist PF mindset, as it was to the National Socialists. The only substantive difference between the Nazis and the PF's is that the Nazis were more forthcoming and honest about their objectives, if not their methods. The Progressive Fascists use subterfuge and deceit to accomplish their goals. Their attack on American values employs Cultural Marxist principles... or more accurately- their lack of principles.

The first target in the PF takeover is religion. The Framers, even the Deists, understood that a republic/democracy required an electorate with strong moral convictions to remain functional. Thomas Jefferson, a Deist himself, asked: "Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are a gift from God." For the last several decades, particularly the 1960's when prayer was removed from schools, we have been witnessing the effects of removing God from public discourse.

Perhaps the Framers would have done better to have gone with Madison's original wording of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment: "The Civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established, nor shall the full and equal rights of Conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext, be infringed." It is through deceit and pretext that prayer was removed from schools and the "separation of church and state" been perverted. The Framers intended freedom OF, not freedom FROM religion.

Religion is only one facet of American culture under attack and I don't mean to turn this into a religious treatise, but only to show that the attack begins against the institution that provides the foundation of American values. It is only by destroying the foundational institutions that the Progressive Fascists can further their agenda with diminished resistance. This includes the family unit by attacking life itself. The Declaration of Independence assures us that "we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, among them, LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of liberty." It couldn't be stated in any clearer terms... we not only have a right to life- we have an "unalienable" right to life. Yet millions of lives are eradicated each year by abortion. This, like most of the agenda of the PF cowards, is accomplished by deception- benign sounding terms such as "women's reproductive health" or "removal of unwanted extra-uterine tissue." As benign as it might sound, that "tissue" is alive.

It is the cumulative effect of the efforts of the Progressive Fascists in America- through their verbal chicanery, that human life has been reduced. It is now virtually meaningless. Because they are supported by their allies in the halls of government, that the bureaucratic "death panels" of Obamacare were instituted, as they were in Nazi Germany. The government determines quality of life, not the individual. Now the elderly, the "useless eaters" of Nazi Germany, are under attack through assisted suicide- legal now in several states and growing. It may be voluntary now, but when the government is the arbiter of life quality, once an individual can no longer contribute... This is in stark contrast to what the Framers envisioned. They believed that life is sacred, a gift from out Creator, that government has no right to take away. Now because of the Progressive Fascists, it has become cheapened- irrelevant in a governmental sense.

NEXT: The ACLU and Interest Groups



"National Socialism was a movement of the Left... the Left of today tries to seperate themselves, but behavior is far more telling than rhetoric."

A lot of brainwashed college students, unfortunately, don't seem to understand this salient point. The scary thing is that another financial crisis will push these kids even more to the left.

I think that's a lot of why it's already being orchestrated. In times of desperation, people look for a savior... any savior!

Yep. Hitler was a product of the economic desperation gripping Germany at the time. If it wasn't for that, Hitler would have never come to power in the first place.

The fiat system is going to crash soon. Countries around the world are getting away from the dollar, moving toward the gold-backed PetroYuan. The only thing propping the house of cards up is derivatives and Deutsche Bank is sitting on $60 trillion of unfunded liabilities, JP Morgan Chase owns a lot of those as do many other big US banks (Citi, Wells Fargo). The housing bubble is about to burst again- all they did was change the names of what they were doing and just went back to business as usual. Now the subprime auto loan bubble is ready to pop. Get some silver and cryptos and hang on... it's going to be a wild ride. The last bailout was $500 billion- there's no way they can do it with over $100 trillion.

The National Socialists hated the LEFT, per se. They hated communism, and they fought it.
However, socialism is a corporate/religious movement that puts the collective above the individual. Yet, that rule only applies to those who are governed, not to the deities who are above the law, as traitors of God and humanity are.

Point being, the left has become the fascist movement.

You will not previal... :)

Having grown up in atheist, socialist/communist East Germany, and realizing: that same ideology has become a stronghold in most of Europe and the Americas, I couldn't have summarized the problem any better.

There is no such thing as the collective. The value of society rests upon the smallest cell, the individual, and family. Anything else just means to give up one's rights for others to usurp.

The death cult of globalism, technocracy, socialism, communism is wrapped into altruistic sounding packages that prey on the good intentions of decent people. Sheep to the slaughter.

The emphasis should not be on giving up one's rights, but use one's rights to create value for self & for others, to do no harm and to defend one's life, liberty, and property.

The Bible is often misquoted. The commandment doesn't say: Thou shalt not kill. It says:
Thou shalt not murder!

Big difference. Yet, globalists, socialists, technocrats and other ungodly forces kill every day. May God have mercy on your soul.

Is it not interesting that the enemies of life are anti gun? They are not really anti-gun. They are anti self-defense. In Europe, defending one's life and property will result in arrest and harsh prison sentence, while the assailants rights are put above that of a victim. A cesspool of evil - that Europe. It stinks to high heaven.

May America wake up - and kick the hell out of the enemies of life. We're not playin' anymore.

And I thought I was the only one to make the Murder/Kill distinction. Having been in combat I deplore violence and if there was a peaceful solution, I'd be the first to embrace it... But there is only one way to defeat these remorseless people- to kill them. Fortunately, they're cowards so we wouldn't have to kill many. There's an old saying, kill the head and the body dies.

As far as freedom OF religion is concerned, we need to recognize that everyone believes things whether they claim to be "secular", "scientific", or follow one of the major religions. The leftists act as if Islam, Christianity, and atheism are the only choices. They don't realize that Muslims are atheistic with respect to the Christian God and vice versa. However, the PFs hold themselves up as somehow "better" because what THEY believe isn't, on its face, "superstitious". They don't realize that subservience to the fantasies of cult figures like Obama and Clinton isn't a form of believing in "miracles".

The left is dangerous because they are religious fundamentalists. They are willing to die and kill for what they believe but they don't recognize themselves as just another religion.

They powers that should not be, raise themselves to deities. Mao, little rocket man, Marx, Engles, Lenin, Obama. Even science is a cult - and if you're not worshipping their political master, you ain't in it. The deception of evolution and climate are examples.

It all comes back to the point RIch made: Removing God from society - and replacing Him with something else...

The leftist progressives prefer to make evil look glamorous. Attractive, so the dumbed down buy the ideas they are selling. The problem is the well educated have been sold this bill of goods. As if they learned it in school it must be true! I say this because dumbed down does not necessisarily refer to the poor, but the struggling middle class, trying to better the lives of their children. Instead, it has further divided the leftist/progressives from their own parents who might well have been indoctrinated to some degree, yet have the wherewithal to have experienced the truth. Thanks 🐓🐓

They've done a particularly good job on the educational system. I had a kid that worked for me and he would spout that global warming BS chapter and verse... it took me 2 years to wake him up!

My conversion rate is pretty low. Most people just think I am full of crap! Joke is on them. 🐓🐓

The way I look at it is like, I have an obligation to tell the truth, it's up to people to take it or leave it.

My problem is that when verbalizing thoughts I am not very articulate. Better writing things out. 🐓🐓

I know they're trying to hit us on a lot of different fronts and I'm sick of the socialism thanks for the article @richq11

Well, my friend, I'm afraid this one situation we won't be able to pray our way out of. The time to turn the other cheek is over... I'm all out of cheeks. Like Jesus said in Luke... "If you have no sword, sell your cloak and buy one."

Into the Occult, A Vegetarian, An Animal Rights Activist, Pushed Gun Control, Was a Media Darling (Time Magazine "Man of the Year" 1938), Anti-Religious, Favored Abortion, Educational Advocate.

This is the typical modern day pseudo-liberal leftist!

Concerning the Time's "Man of the Year" 1938. It doesn't take much to read between the lines, they bestow upon him covert honor and praise.

Führer of the German people, Commander-in-Chief of the German Army, Navy & Air Force, Chancellor of the Third Reich, Herr Hitler reaped on that day at Munich the harvest of an audacious, defiant, ruthless foreign policy he had pursued for five and a half years. He had torn the Treaty of Versailles to shreds. He had rearmed Germany to the teeth- or as close to the teeth as he was able... Adolf Hitler without doubt became 1938's Man of the Year.

Audacity of Hope... right?

Well, first of all, hope your health is OK. Secondly, glad to see you at work here.

My opinion is that the Progressive Left is angry because life is not fair. They use government/the State to make life fair and "just". They champion "equality" even though they are blissfully ignorant that it does not and cannot exist... well only in that we are equal under the law, or at least that is the ideal. The Left also, like you say, considers the State as an entity that is their tool for change and dominion. Here is what most people do not understand: once you relinquish responsibility to the State, they own you. Unfortuantely the left has that as their goal. Most people think its a fair trade...until it's too late.

It's the old equality of outcome vs the equality of opportunity ruse! My health sucks, but thanks for asking... every post I do takes more and more of my strength. I don't mind, I just hope it's for something and I'm not just pissing into the wind!

The government that governs best is the one that governs least.
best is a relative term.
like least..
as in 'least of two evils'

see what I did there?

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Fascist Takeover
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