Donald Marshall- The Elites- The Vril- Cannibalism- Pedogate: History and Connections

in #donaldmarshall7 years ago


[This is going to be difficult- there's so much to explain in one post... Unfortunately, I'm going to have to save the connections between the Vril, technology (in particular nanotechnology) human cloning and the upcoming Technocracy for another post)

Seeing that Donald Marshall isn't a household name (except in certain circles) I wanted to do a short introduction before tackling the "meat" of the discussion. I also have to admit that I was heretofore unaware of the Vril until I began reading Donald's writings....

Donald Marshall is a Mi'kmaq Indian who first came up when I was researching the disappearance of 10 indigenous children from a picnic with Queen Elizabeth and her husband Prince Phillip at the children's residential home in Kamloops, British Columbia. A group of children were taken on a picnic and according to witnesses, 10 were missing after being taken off by the Queen and Prince Phillip when the group returned to the home. Similarly, allegations began to mount against another Jesuit run home in Ontario where Satanic rituals were performed by members of the Royal Family on native children there. The Royals and others in the 9th Circle Cult were found guilty by the International Common Law Court in Brussels( see link below) ... the relevance is that this gives validity to the claims Donald has been making all along. Not only were the Royal Family involved, but former Prime Minister Edward Heath, Jimmy Savile along with members of Parliament and other British notables. The Jersey Boys Home became a favorite "hunting ground" for elites and many of the boys from there were never seen again until recently when mass graves were uncovered.

There has been evidence mounting that not only have the Royal families of Europe, along with other global elites, been engaging in the ritual abuse of children, but cannibalism as well- a phenomenon now known as pedovoria (see video at end). When we look at what Donald has written on the subject of the Vril- in particular their sexual and eating habits (odd to link together, I know)- explaining the behavior of many elites becomes much easier. This involves the British Royal Family and elites in both Europe and in the US and what I'm seeing is unusual patterns of erratic behavior, particularly among celebrities in both music and movies. Although these incidents are usually explained away by PR firms, they still leave many questions about what precipitates these outbursts.
01.png According to Donald, these creatures, who live deep in the Earth, enter people through the insertion of a proboscis into an eye causing sometimes permanent damage (the drawing above shows this appendage). A parasite is inserted causing the infected person to lose most of their own identity and assume the identity of the parasite in addition. It's entirely possible that the advent of nanotechnology may be designed in part to avoid this invasive procedure- but that's a topic for another post. This is a process that Donald calls "droning." (I'll leave a link to Donald's explanation, but not cite it here in the interest of brevity) If you watch the first 5-6 minutes of this video you can see the Illuminati symbolism (encircling the eye) and a behavioral transformation.

To tie this together, let's look at the Vril from an historical perspective. The Nazi elites, many of whom had ties to Queen Elizabeth and her husband's families, had a fascination to the occult (I want to stay away from the Vril Society here because too much fiction is involved with it) and Antarctica. Many believe that it was the site of the Nazi Secret Space program... however, in light of Donald's revelations that the Vril are not necessarily aliens but predated the dinosaurs, coupled with Teutonic mythology it's more likely that Antarctica has an opening into the underworld- the world of the Vril. In Teutonic mythology the Niebelungen lived in caverns deep in the Earth, mined gems and worked metals, just as Donald's Vril. It was when Siegfried slew their protective dragon that he was able to defeat their king.
(from the 1928 movie)
In mythologies around the world these creatures have had many names- trolls, fairies, gremlins, etc., all playing a big part in pagan religions... and most mythology has some basis in fact (this would make a great post by itself). Throughout history, they've been tied to alien life forms as well. If Antarctica is indeed an access point, it's equally possible that there's an access at the other pole- in fact, researcher Brooks Agnew, a hollow earth theorist is supposed to lead an expedition there.

According to Donald, the Vril predate the dinosaurs and have taken over the bodies of many elites including members of the Illuminati, Freemasons, the Rothschild diaspora, the royalty of many countries and the "American Royalty," elites in government and behind the scenes, as well as the Hollywood "glitterati." He also says that many elites keep the Vril as pets, keeping them hidden: "- no... some true some is bs they’ve spread.... right about rockefellers hiding them... roths[childs] too.... no space travel though these things can make a sandwich but no... Saucers? Lol." Like I said before this goes a long way toward explaining the erratic behavior, as shown in the previous video- both in terms of ritualistic behavior and ties to pedophilia, cannibalism and other equally horrific practices. It may also explain the peculiar look many of the upper echelons of Illuminati society have, such as Jacob Rothschild...
Donald goes on to describe the sexual and eating habits of the Vril along with their human counterparts (drones)...
"- people... occasionally because the vrill thing gets mad... like a druggie needs humanbevery once in while... real too...1 June at 20:47

  • its going to sound like im scaring you.... with this but Im not.... you must know this... the Vrill prefer... to eat children, said they taste better... same difference from eating a large old lobster and a smaller younger lobster... some say smaller younger lobsters taste better... also some say female lobsters are better than male... the popes sex slaves that no one can believe about..... theyre used as sex slaves.... then thrown into the pit to be eaten by Vrill... while others watch.... im sorry to just say so plainly... 2 June at 10:11
  • kidnap children to feed the things... also feed them live victims because as someone else said to me and surprised me they knew... they frighten their prey first...for the adrenaline surge, it makes human blood and tissuez taste better to vrill 2 June at 12:21" (I left this in its original form)

Donald mentions adrenaline and the Vril's preference for it. Adrenochrome is a "drug" released into the bloodstream during times of terror or extreme fright. It's been referenced in conjunction with the cannibalism, blood drinking and rituals surrounding Pizzagate/Pedogate. It is also the topic of a short documentary by Jay Myers...

I can't state definitively if Donald is right or wrong, but he does provide a credible contextual framework to rethink a lot of what we already know about the Illuminati, elites in general, Hollywood, the music industry, as well as Pizzagate/Pedogate. Perhaps Satanic Ritual Abuse is more about feeding the Vril within than about worship... or perhaps it's both. What I can say with certitude is that the Pizzagate/Pedogate revelations have opened a door into a world that goes far beyond mere pedophilia and Donald has provided us with a "new pair of glasses" through which to view them.


This topic is so repulsive and horrible that even if one can present conclusive, undeniable evidence for it, most people will not have the stomach to accept it. Reality is already bad enough as it is. If any of this is actually true, it would imply that we are living in hell...

The behavior as evinced in the videos and article about the Queen, is real... it's only the cause that's in question. I've always looked at this life as a test to determine where we will spend eternity... as for people having the stomach to accept it- I often wonder if I do. After learning the things I have over the last few days, I've been doing a lot of praying. If there was ever something I wished I could unlearn- that would be it!

I hear you my friend. The deeper I have been digging, the more filth I have found. I have never imagined that it could turn out that bad when I started my journey. I sometimes wonder if the oblivious sheeple are not better of than us. I am just glad that I must learn this shit at the end of my life and not when I was young. At least I had a good life in blissful ignorance...

Amen to that... If you run into any blue pills let me know!

This is all new to me. I never knew about the human cloning centers. I knew about the pizzagate pedogate cannibalism for about 2 years. I knew the "elite" scumbags were at the top of this pyramid... The Great Awakening is happening.

Mark 4:22 There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. There is nothing kept secret that will not come to light.

Romans 3:4 Let God be true and every man a liar!!!

Honestly I rather kick the bucket before any of this crap comes to light. Wouldn't want to live in a world like this. Just thinking about it makes me vomit. Glad I'm old. That's just too much.


How are the "Vril" related to David Icke's "Reptilian" entities?

From what I gather from reading Donald's stuff, they're not. Icke's reptilians are some form of aliens and the vril are indigenous to Earth, predating dinosaurs. There's a lot of confusion I think because of the Vril Society and their supposed links to alien life forms on Alpha Centauri... From what I understand there's no connection. The Vril are the gnomes, trolls, gremlins etc from mythology.

Vril is also a type of energy used by the ancients reptilians to contact alien life forms..
Lovely stuff

I read that... Win or lose, I think we're all going to get a good education out of this!

Oh I am bowing and giving you a well-deserved curtsy for this post!
Great background info in here.

Good luck with your entry! I've read two others so far and am thoroughly intrigued with all the different views and perspectives so far of the people FTG has chosen for the top 9 potential candidates.

Thank you... There's so much information to try to squeeze into one post it's hard to do justice. I could probably write 5 more just on what's here. I'd really like to get into cloning, transhumanism and nanotechnology as it relates to what Donald has uncovered!

I will be waiting for 5 more of these, Human cloning is becoming more and more unique and the possibilities are right in front of us.

I don't know how thrilled I am with the possibilities. I've written about cloning before and included it as part of lectures I did on designing the perfect society... all from an ethical standpoint. A lot of the impetus driving the cloning "movement" if you will is from the perspective of "spare parts." But what is being created is another human and humans have rights. There's a lot we need to straighten out in ourselves (socially, politically, ethically) before we start running off copies!

I had nightmares about this last night. I watched the video of the post I sent you yesterday and it scares the hell out of me! I'm looking forward to reading more on this....

If you really want to get scared, watch the last video on this post!

Dear @richq11, well I must say you did not take much of a break from these horrific offenses. My thoughts and prayers remain with you as you forge ahead with this dirty business.

Having noted the muted interest in the north poles recent expedition and the lack of information received to this date, it makes sense that there is a connection here. Other connections also beginning to add up.
Voluntary or involuntary, it is rather interesting the elites are most frequently the ones chosen or that choose to participate in these activities of the vril.
Your friend @mother2chicks

My opinion is that the elites choose to do these things to gain power... they've always had a fascination with the occult. There's a lot about the poles we're not being told about... even the explorations years ago were hushed up.

I figured a day or two spent in prayer would do the trick, but honestly, I'm on the verge of exhaustion- physically and spiritually, not to mention emotionally. God will give me what I need to complete his task!

I am watching these videos and it is sick and scary. I have seen videos like this before but it has been awhile. I understand we need to wake the sheeple and you and I are together in this information war. It just is overwhelming sometimes to hear their false reality. Thanks @richq11

Thank you my friend! This is a sick and scary topic... whether Vril are real or imaginary, the behavior remains- unchecked by any form of moral braking system it seems. It appears to me to be a type of voluntary insanity. If it is an internal parasite (Vril) that is making people do these sick things, it's a better explanation than them doing it by choice. If I should get the opportunity to do this series, I want to take Donald's work from the beginning and try to put it in perspective. He's been ridiculed and right or wrong, he's an incredibly courageous man. His message has never wavered nor has his resolve.

I was reading this and trying to remember why it sounded so damn familiar. Then I remembered I did watch one of Donald's clips and the things that he described. I can usually tell when someone is gas-lighting but the way he tells his story; something about him comes off as credible.

I'm not saying that I believe in any of it, but it's one of those things that is seemingly impossible to investigate, so it kind of got lodged into the x-files center of my brain.

Speaking of brain, their is a recent work of television fiction that mirrors the story of the vrill, it was called braindead (featuring alien ants) and was quickly cancelled after the second season.

It should not have been cancelled, but it was...

One thing important to remember about Donald- he isn't a PhD candidate. He explains things that none of us really understand from within the parameters of how he understands them himself. I don't say this to diminish him or his efforts (both of which I believe are genuine). You're right- some of it is impossible to investigate- but then some of it is, that's what I try to stick to- making links and comparisons to things I know about.

One thing you have to give him- he believes it, his story never wavered nor did his efforts. I have a lot of respect for him... what he lacks in erudition, he makes up for in chutzpah!

I tend to agree that he does believe what he's saying, that's what makes his story so compelling. At the same time it's so outlandish, and pretty much horrifying if true. Like for example the clone stations in the DUMB's.

Even if his story is not true, that's exactly where they'd put a human cloning station, and the notion that they haven't been cloning human's or making human hybrids, we'd have to be idiots to think that they aren't, or that they can't.

I've seen this sculpture that depicted some kind of half man/pig hybrid, it was so real looking I couldn't help but think that it didn't come from the artists imagination, but rather from something that she saw in person. Now, granted I cannot prove it, but you could have a look for yourself if you wanted.

We live in a world where science fiction is a reality, only most of it is occulted (or classified). It's amazing in the age of the internet that they are able to keep things a secret. I think part of the way that they do keep it a secret is by creating fiction that mirrors some of the real stuff that is going on.

That way if anyone comes out to talk about it, peoples minds will immediately gravitate to the fiction and say, well that sounds like a ripoff of 'movie title'.

The world is due for some disruptive disclosures,
hopefully it will happen sooner, rather than later!

Nothing beats reading this, the details are just the missing dots have been trying to connect. Great Work my dear old friend, an excellent entry and i hope you win my friend...With love from the other side

And I hope you come in second! I'm just kidding my dear friend- I hope you win!

Twisted and scary, but some of these horrific things I've bumped into before and it littarly makes me sick to my stomach.. will follow these posts though, cause its interesting too. Thanks for sharing!

Thank you, there's another related post I did today.

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