CPS UK (Addendum): Rotten To The Top

in #familyprotection7 years ago

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Just my luck... After posting yesterday's article, I found a video that not only explains and substantiates the eugenics/class structure orientation of the government abuses in the UK, it shows that it is in fact the "nobility" behind the corruption. Most people these days- those that pay attention somewhat- have at least a passing familiarity with the Bilderberg Group, thanks in large part to the internet. Their interference in geopolitics is well documented... working behind the scenes "pulling the strings" while elected officials dance to their tunes. It is this small group of wealthy elites behind the corruption- not only in the UK- but worldwide.

Founded in 1954 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, the group holds annual meetings at resorts around the world. However as it pertains to the corruption of of the government the Bilderberg shows up only behind the scenes. The video traces and documents corruption in British government and society beginning at the bottom and, rather following it down the rabbit-hole, climbs to the very apex of British society and government and then to those "pulling the strings."

In the UK, in addition to being the ones responsible for "kidnapping" children, CPS/Social Services and police serve to cover up criminal activities and corruption. After removing children from their homes, some are trafficked for sex or cheap labor and- something I learned from the video- used as guinea pigs to test risky drugs. If they die, their bodies "disappear" and are parted out and sold off. Rather than reiterate everything in the video (1 hour)- I'll post it... The documentation is impeccable. It shows eugenicists such as Bertrand Russell and Aldous Huxley and a number of others complicit in the corruption. The perception of the elites is that the "lower classes" are just there to be exploited. This too is where pedophilia becomes a prominent factor.

There is one other item I wanted to bring up about the Jersey Scandal... there were, in fact, two. The one mentioned yesterday occured in the 1980's and was investigated much later when pressure was finally brought to bear. The second happened in the 2000's and involved Jimmy Savile and other members of the Royal Family in pedophilia. Jersey and the Channel Islands are not governed as the rest of England- it isn't a part of the Constitutional Monarchy, overseen by Parliament. Jersey is "property" of the City of London Corporation and governed by the Crown. This is why the corruption there was kept secret for so long. The Royalty kept the press away and intimidated civil servants there into silence.

There is one point- a warning- consistent throughout the video I'd like to reiterate- No One Is Safe!

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GIF by @papa-pepper



This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @richq11 for supporting @familyprotection

We will certainly need an army of angels. This practice has been going on for so very long and it is sad that it has been being exposed for so long as well but still continues. I am holding every thought possible that this barbaric system is coming to an end soon.

It is world wide and all connected. Thank you for posting this. The video is a plethora of information for anyone that will make the time to watch. I want to encourage all of those visiting your post to not simply comment but to WATCH THE VIDEO. If we do not do our due diligence to learn the truth it only allows the abuse of these children and their families to continue. In essence those that choose to not investigate further are "part of the part" of the problem unfortunately .

And it permeates every single institution of government, society... The guy in the video did such a wonderful job of documenting everything!

The video is pure gold. He did an outstanding job and has obviously been an advocate for many families.

Yes, his name is Brian Gerrish, from UK Column. There was a video in my post yesterday in which he interviews a former social worker who "blew the whistle" They stuck her in a mental institution for it.

You are in the UK? I was just reading some new info that the President here in the US established a new section in the Dept. of Human Resources. I need to do some research on it and write it up, there may be a window opening....fingers crossed. Of course I may end up in a mental hospital as well, but worth the try.

I'm in the US (Arkansas). I've been researching this stuff for over 20 years. There's a series of 10 -12 articles I wrote about Tavistock Inst. (who gave us the Beatles). This is a worldwide conspiracy (I hate that word) formulated years ago.

Was in Ark. for a couple of trips when I was a teenager. Many many years ago. Clarksville to visit a friend's family and traveled in to Hot Springs. I remember tasting white lightning, saw my first water moccasin and chased fireflies. First contact with the CPS agency was around 1987 when I worked next door to one of their offices. Recognized some things that just weren't right even back then. Worked with many families since who had dealings with them and saw how criminal they really are. Has sort of snowballed since then with helping research and coordinating help when it could be found. Definitely an agency that needs to be defunded and dissolved. I know there are better ways to protect children and families without the need for them. (I don't like that word "conspiracy" either, we need to come up with a new word)

I live in Ft Smith on the OK border. CPS are just bureaucrats... they do what they're told. I want the people giving the orders. The Kids For Cash operation in the US was Bill Clinton's doing, at the behest of the NEA (teacher's union), CDF (Children's Defense Fund) that Hillary used to run, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child... It's actually a global/globalist criminal cabal behind the thing. In the last 5-6 minutes of the video Brian goes through the cast of characters.

A grim picture.

And this is only the nice part!!! It gets bigger- Tavistock, CIA, MI-5 & 6, the whole Cecil Rhodes thing Councils within Councils... I wrote a little novella called The Lottery Council about cancer being a plot to "cull the herd". This is so big- inside and outside of govt. NGO's, cutouts... You know the story! Like George Carlin said: "It's a big fucking club, and you ain't in it!"

Aldous Huxley is also in that?

Yup... and his brother Julian, and what this really ties into (which Bilderberg is actually a small player... Is the Tavistock Institute, The Frankfurt School (Cultural Marxism), The Committee of 300... The Cecil Rhodes world control via the UN... God I sound like the Tinfoil Hat Man lol!

I will have to see that content later, it seemed to me, that Huxley's speech was in favor of individual freedom, and now it turns out that it is handled against.

His whole family is British Deep State. If I'm not mistaken he's related to Freud... or Darwin... I have to look. When you spend all of your time doing research, things get mixed up.

Oprah attends Bilderberg!

its a unbeliveable post.... i am so imoressed to see your post... thanks for sharing this post... i waiting for your next post....

very informative video. i seeing your video 30 minite. Thanks for sharing.

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it is good work for man
thanks for sharing

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