Breaking News: Greenpeace Ship Seized

in #fakenews7 years ago


Just in: Somali pirates have seized a Greenpeace ship in the Indian Ocean earlier today. The ship was carrying 35 environmental activists protesting the effects of piracy on endangered species. There seemed to be something about them that particularly set the pirates off. The pirates have demanded $10, million for the safe return of the activists.

The incident was witnessed by independent journalist, Mike Hunt who saw the protesters being loaded aboard two rowboats allegedly belonging to the Somali Navy. The protesters, armed only with bullhorns protested loudly shouting: "Our president will get you!" When this failed, several racial invectives were hurled at the pirates, but to no avail. As a last ditch effort, one of the activists shouted: "You can't do this to me, I'm gay and this is really offensive!" To which, according to Hunt, one of the pirates responded in broken English saying, "I bake you cake."

When reached for comment, President Trump responded by Tweeting... "Just tell them (the pirates) that 'Love Trumps Hate'." Stay tuned for more on this ongoing story.

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More Breaking News just came through our window.
The 7 Somali pirates who seized a Greenpeace ship in the Indian Ocean earlier today have revoked their previous ransom demand and are now demanding to be rescued from the 35 environmental activists.

Hahaha!!!! That's great!

Excellent post. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Thanks... I thought of it in the middle of the night!

Let me guess- they didn't have firearms?

I know it's just satire : )

Here's my response to that M-14 pic- I know I know this is no M-14 but it is sporting the perfect combat glass on top- ACOG of course with the red dot atop.

Cute... Nice for squirrels! I'm kidding- I like a little more pop not to mention range. That .223 has plenty of pop at close range but most of what I did was over 700 meters. Believe me, when you see guys getting shot with 9mm's on tv and keep on coming... that's tv stuff. When my buddy got his body armor we got drunk and I let him shoot me with a 22... it knocked me dead on my ass and left a bruise the size of a softball. My ribs hurt for a month!

They were experimenting with a .177 sniper rifle back in the 60's. Supposed to be accurate to a mile (something like a half-inch drop at 1500 meters). I don't know what happened, I don't think they ever went into production. They had projectiles with mercury in them or something like that.

I actually like 22's my outside carry gun is a Sig .45 but my around the house gun is a .22 mag. it'll get er done!


Good one...

The ship was carrying 35 environmental activists protesting the effects of piracy on endangered species.

I was about to post something snarky right there; glad I read the rest of it!

You can't do this to me... I was inspired in the middle of the night- it's the oxycodone, you know lol!

Jeez... those Greenpeace activists were getting desperate... "You can't do this to me, I'm gay and this is really offensive!"

Why did he think that would work?!?!?! THEY'RE LITERALLY PIRATES!!!!

That about spells it out. LOL.

nice post, thank for sharing.

Rich you are the best, I so wish I could write half the way you do, and I like your humour, there is nothing worse to me than slab dash humour maybe im to stupid to laugh at it but good humour can really make my day.

Thank you so very much... That hit me in the middle of the night. I had to jump up and scribble it down so I wouldn't forget when I went back to sleep! The new Night Gods is posted too.

Hilarious! Thanks for the laughs.

Glad you enjoyed it!

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