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RE: What really happens when you are dumb enough to close the borders to diversity.

in #dmania6 years ago

to breakdown the 3 sections:

Part 1: We stop drug dealers. rapists,murders & violent gangs

If drug usage was decriminalized, then they would be taxed, and we would not have a huge amount non-violent racially profiled people in jail (immigrant or not).

Most of gang activity would be gone.

Cartels make money from Illegal production and import, they go borke asap.

as to violant crime:
Research Showing Lower Crime Rates

Alex Nowrasteh, with the libertarian Cato Institute, analyzed the Texas data to make a comparison of immigrants in the country illegally and native-born residents. In a recent post he noted that in 2015 Texas police made 815,689 arrests of native-born Americans, 37,776 arrests of immigrants in the country illegally and 20,323 arrests of legal immigrants. Given the relative populations for each group, he wrote, “The arrest rate for illegal immigrants was 40 percent below that of native-born Americans.”

Another study, “Does Undocumented Immigration Increase Violent Crime?,” which was published in the journal Criminology in March, looked at the influx of undocumented immigrants into communities in recent decades and concluded, “Increased concentrations of undocumented immigrants are associated with statistically significant decreases in violent crime.”

One of the study’s authors, Michael Light, a professor of sociology and Chicano/Latino studies at the University of Wisconsin, told us via email that the president is conflating two different issues and misusing statistics.

“The claim that immigrants are less crime prone refers exactly to the type of findings [from his study and the one from Cato]: that the rate of crime within the immigrant community is lower than the rate of crime among U.S. citizens. OR, that communities with high levels of immigrants tend to have lower crime rates than communities with fewer immigrants,” Light said. “And those statements are not contradicted by stating the number of offenses committed by immigrants (as the President did).”

Part two: Its puts a burden on our health care, education & our welfare systems.

Right now I'm going to skip the facts about untruths of these statements

to deal with the comment
Part 3 : : "It changes our language & culture.":

This comment at least is: "ill informed, uneducated and UN-knowledgeable about our countries history, economics, belief system and strengths."
And at most "makes you a racist, and Bigot of the worst form, who is subverting our countries tenants and is evil in heart and action."


Extremely well written. i really enjoyed ready it. I'm no match to you
1st heroin , cocaine, crystal meth crack cocaine, amphetamines & a dozen of other
drugs will never be legalized.
2nd It does change our language and culture . Many immigrants come here as adults.
They have been here 10,15 even 20 years.They can't speak English and don't
care to learn & yet the Democrats want to give them the right to vote

3rd In California immigrants make up 30% of the inmate population.They have to
release dangerous criminals due to overcrowding
In Philadelphia ICE arrested a immigrant. The Judge released him , he then went out and committed rape and murder.
In Chicago a Democrat controlled city it's anarchy in the streets

4th The Bible says teach a man to fish & you don't have to feed him anymore
Trump says deport him & you don't have to feed him anymore

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