"Hey Spike? What Happened To Your Face?" by Richard F. Yates

in #drawings5 years ago

[Ink on notebook paper with digital embellishments and color. 2020.]

Poor Spike. Wasn't his fault, really. He was just waiting in line for an icecream cone at the Henpeck Mall (at Shmucka's Sprinkle Booth), when two robots started arguing. (Might have been a lovers' spat.) And things quickly got heated.

Spike tried to ignore the combatants, which wasn't easy thanks to the sparks and bits of metal debris flying everywhere as the bots got serious about their brawl. Security Spiders were called, and they started shooting webs everywhere, just as Spike was being handed his chocolate icecream with rainbow sprinkles. Spike turned from the counter as a robotic fist flew towards a Security Spider, who ducked, and the punch caught Spike right in the eye.

Spike was rocked backwards, slammed into the counter, dropped his cone on the floor, staggered forward away from the counter, SLIPPED on his spilled cone, and then hit his face on the edge of a table as he fell, blackening his OTHER eye!

As he clunked to the floor, the bot who clocked him jumped to his side, apologizing profusely. The Spider who ducked felt so bad for moving out of the way and letting Spike take the punch that he RE-BOUGHT Spike's dropped cone. The other bot and all the spiders quickly calmed down, and the robots agreed to peacefully leave the mall---AND the giant snake (who owns the mall) was convinced by the Head Spider not to press charges against anyone.

Poor Spike... He's still seeing some stars, (undoubtedly concussed), but at least he looks pretty bad-ass now---and he still got to eat his icecream! Woooo!

And that's what happened to Spike today! Me? I just spent tge full day watching my grandkid... What did you do?

---Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)

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