Green Pitch Urban Farms, Boots On The Ground – The Green City Market Farmers Market, June 17, 2017

My Mission

For those of you that haven't checked out my [currently in-need-of-editing intro], I am aspiring to transition out of my current 8-5 corporate profession into operating my own enterprise, via an urban farm utilizing SPIN (Small Plot INtensive) farming techniques [SPIN uses primarily 30" wide beds of vegetables that get from two to three turns per growing season per bed on land totaling less than 1/2 an acre.] Part of reaching this end goal is establishing revenue outlets and one of those is operating at a farmers market. Every week I'm researching farmers markets near where I live in the north side of Chicago. My posts will include photos and commentary.

Follow me on the journey


The Green City Market Farmers Market, June 17, 2017

On Saturday, June 17th, I checked out the Green City Market farmers market and was very impressed by how much it has grown in the last 10 years. When I first checked it out, it was just one row of tents, similar to the most of the farmers markets I've been to so far. When I compare how far this market has come and factor in the increasing decentralization of agriculture, I can see many of the smaller markets growing in scope as time goes on, with market management playing a factor into how much a given market grows.

Overall Assessment

When properly managed and promoted, the GCM is an example of what all farmers markets can become. You could see not only in the number of tents and variety of offerings what it achieved, you could see in the little details what it has become. The market provides signs that show visitors where the farms are located and a little bit of background about each vendor. I did notice strategic placement of above-the-head height signage by a couple of vendors to help make their stand recognizable at a distance.

How a market organization manages their market does seem to make a big difference.

There was lots of foot traffic, entertainment activities and food choices. It also doesn't hurt that across one of the adjacent streets you have the Lincoln Park Zoo and kids farm. Anyone visiting could easily spend a couple of hours here, if they were so inclined.

This farmers market, by its scope and sophistication would represent the "big time" for me. I would need to have elements and offerings that make me stand out from the other vendors, given how much variety of product was offered. I may just opt to start out at a smaller market where the offerings aren't as abundant. We'll see.

Included in this assessment is my video impressions and quite a few photos. If you haven't checked it out, it's worth the visit.

Photos of the Market


A reminder that you're still in the city

I like that the market had signs that gave a little history of the vendors and where they were located as well as distance from the market. That is a level of refinement that I've not seen at any of the other markets so far.

This is the microgreens vendor. They had a pretty good inventory of product on-hand.

The obligatory crepe vendor had prices that straddle both sides of the $10 line. Also note how they have a market-branded tent. That lends itself to the level of sophistication to which the market is managed. Bonus points for them.

One of the specialty vendors offered hot sauces and fruit spreads.

There were at least a half dozen or so produce vendors. Here is an example of one of the better spreads20170617_094008.jpg

Here is an example of great presentation20170617_094854.jpg

There was an absolute abundance of strawberries, and they were a little pricey, in my opinion

Here is one of several bakeries that populated the market

Here is one of the recycle compost stations20170617_100611.jpg

Right across one of the parallel roads is the Lincoln Park Zoo. You could easily make a good day of things

In closing, I'll be back in the summer to see what vendors are there and what they are offering.


Great presentation of what looks like a wonderful farmers market. Visiting​ the farmers market during the summer is a favorite of mine. Did the market feature any local butchers? And did you do any shopping yourself?

There were several meat vendors. I ended up purchasing some eggs (from free range hens) at $6.00/dozen. One stand had them at $7/dozen. I also picked up some carrots that had been through a few frosts (it was supposed to changed the sugars, similar to what happens with kale in a frost. ) I also bought some fried dough. It was pretty good. Mostly I was checking out the market.
Thanks for commenting.

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