in HeartChurch3 years ago

The bible tells us that we have a creator, an owner of our life and that our body belongs to God since our body belongs to him because it was bought by Jesus Christ at the price of precious blood.


1 Corinthians 3:16
16 Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?

In this sense our body belongs to God because it was purchased by Jesus Christ. However, people do not consider such an action and do with their bodies what they want; but the word also warns us that if anyone destroys the temple of God he himself will be destroyed by God. In this case we must take care of our body and give it the necessary attention and thus God will also take care of us

We know that God's mercies are renewed every day and he always gives us that opportunity to reflect on what we are doing in our lives, but just as God is love, he is also a consuming fire, but he loves you so much that he does not want you to see he "the consuming God" he wants to show you his love every day and give you his grace so that you have the option to understand that you are God's property, he gave you life and decides your steps

Our body is the temple of God and is not given to commit any kind of immorality but to take care of it according to what is established in the word of God. Just as there are people who take care of their body to be fit and healthy, it is also necessary that you take care of it for God and avoid spiritual and emotional illnesses, because a sick body due to sin will access endless emotional situations that will hurt " being" of the person and will cause very negative effects for the social and mental environment

When we recognize that we are God's property, we give God the first priority in our lives and everything we have and he has given us, we submit to his will in order to live a full life full of peace and victory.

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