in HeartChurch3 years ago

A language (from Provençal lenguatge and Latin lingua) is a structured communication system for which there is a context of use and certain formal combinatorial principles. ... Human beings develop a complex symbolic language that is expressed with sound sequences and graphic signs

Language in general terms has its limits since it plays an essential role in the way in which the child increasingly understands the world in which he lives. It is the basic instrument through which he tries to make sense, both inside and outside the school, to the social contexts in which he finds himself inserted.

One of the limitations of language is the bad spelling and the meaning of the words when we say or read in pure theory but we do not know their meaning, because if you do not read, you do not understand

It is obvious that if there are limitations in language, there will certainly be limitations in the mind and this shows us that it is because of the lack of a reading culture because if the teachers do not there will be a very poor limitation in the mind; In other words, in their thoughts, in their information, which I allow myself to say that reading is a totally inseparable concept of vital importance for everyone.


It is important to emphasize that it is necessary for people to expand their limits through language, that is, to expand reading practice so that they can extend or make it occupy more space in daily life and thus improve and expandtheir vocabulary and therefore their knowledge

As I have indicated in other reflections about language as the most effective means of communication to transmit information, it is important to introduce reading since this is an eminently intellectual activity whose importance has not been minimized at all by the enormous boom and development of audiovisual media and thanks to reading we connect with the thoughts and feelings of ancient cultures and with the most enlightened and lucid minds of the present.

In our thoughts the world we want to choose is inserted despite the diverse and different options that currently surrounds our social world but it is very important that as educators we introduce ourselves more and more into the reading world since we must day by day instruct ourselves and the The main role of reading is that it instructs and enriches us, enabling us to lead a fully human life both personally and collectively, since it is obvious that if we have reading and research as a lifestyle we will have content with knowledge to be able to transmit and motivate our students to assume reading as the most important means of acquiring knowledge through a knowledge as perfect, rational and objective as possible to the reality that surrounds us and of ourselves

We must never forget that our mind is influenced by what we read by what we look at and if we have limits in our language those same limits will be in our mind.


Many people are currently manipulated for lack of knowledge for not not reading since they ignore so many things and minimize their thoughts because of the lack of information for this reason it is necessary to enrich our previous information through the reading of the search where it is possible that the students also seek to read in an avid way and make it their own substance, intimately linked to their own life

Deeply concerned about the language that we can visualize daily due to the lack of reading and information, it must be said that reading should not be forced, despite its importance, it must be motivated as a lifestyle that must be found to achieve millions of ideas for an avid reader to actually pick them up and use for their own life.

At some point, the famous Argentine author Borges commented on compulsory reading, which he compared with pleasure. Promptly, he mentioned:
“I think that the phrase required reading is a contradiction, reading should not be compulsory.

Should we talk about obligatory pleasure? Why? Pleasure is not mandatory, pleasure is something sought. Mandatory happiness? We also seek happiness. I have been a professor of English literature for twenty years at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Buenos Aires and I always advised my students: if a book bores you, leave it alone, don't read it because it's famous, don't read a book because it is modern, don't read a book because it is old. If a book is tedious for you, leave it… that book has not been written for you. Reading should be a form of happiness ”.


In this order of ideas, reading cannot be forced to do so it must be encouraged from home it must be educated so that it is appreciated and valued and obviously everyone will have their freedom to choose their books to enrich their language because nothing can be forced and there are many literary books that provide diverse knowledge so as not to limit your mind

Reference: Updated edition. Master your language


We must mind our languages and always remember that there is power in the tongue.

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