in HeartChurch4 years ago (edited)

In our daily way of living, transcendental and definitive changes must come automatically and these are basically seen by what the Christian man and woman daily see, hear and speak three things that we do daily whether we want to or not.

In this sense we must recognize the amount of bad habits and customs that we pronounce when speaking which has opened the doors of our souls to infinity of darkness and that we must correct as soon as possible to edify ourselves and be able to edify
The apostle Paul advises us in the following verse:

Ephesians 4:29
29 No corrupted word comes out of your mouth, but only one that is good for the necessary edification, in order to give grace to the listeners.
King James Version (RVR1960)


There are many stagnant people in life who cannot get where they want to go and it is because of not having self-control in the things they say because they do not have dominance with their mouths since an appropriate way of expressing themselves is crucial in the Christian life and the book of proverbs says that life and death depend on the language and the Lord continually calls us to adjust all those things that must be adjusted in our lives that we exercise order in everything that must be ordered in our lives and exercise self-control in all those things that before we gave free rein and that without realizing it had repercussions in stalling things that we should have received in other times
¡How important it is that we realize that our language must be spiritually inspired!

In this order of ideas I want to remind you that with the mouth we can give life but we can also kill with the mouth you can make someone stand up but you can also make someone fall with your mouth we can build but we can also destroy others
Don't let the enemy use your mouth for things that don't build!

Christians must renounce sarcasm renounce being a contentious person learn to give life with your mouth edify others in everything you say treat others as you want to be treated if you are a kindly personable person let christ be revealed Through you in everything you do but also in everything you say that everyone wants to have close to you because when they have you close they know that life comes out of your mouth medicine comes out words that liberate words that lift that heal and backwards us


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