in HeartChurch4 years ago

If there is something that as Christians we have to be thankful for, it is the privilege that we have to serve God because every Christian must feel a deep gratitude in his heart to serve God and have him as a father because we do not imagine everything that God does in our lives from of the moment that we have decided to serve and follow him since really many people do not intensify the magnitude and depth that we have as children of God.

There are many people who seek anointing when they come to the ways of the Lord instead of seeking to be faithful with what the Lord has given us and blesses us daily.

In this regard, the Bible clarifies the following:

Matthew 25:23
23 His lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful servant; You have been faithful over a few things, I will put you over many things; enter into the joy of your lord.
King James Version


Being faithful is a biblical principle is a value of life to the God of heaven, fidelity is an honor for God and practicing it is a lifestyle with very beneficial blessings.

It is important to remember that God cares more about our fidelity than anything else, notice that the day that David was anointed king, God did it through a word that many forget "fidelity" because one day he got up to do his daily jobs and not He knew that this was the day of his anointing because that day because he had been faithful in what little God anointed him as king because for God the most important thing was the fidelity and humility of this young man

In this way it is understood that first the anointing is not fidelity because through fidelity you will reach the anointing because God anoints the faithful if you are faithful in what little God will entrust to you much more.

Many people hastily seek the anointing but do not realize that in order to receive the anointing fidelity is required first as it is fidelity that moves the hand and mercy of God with everlasting favor and blessings.

If we are faithful to God we will surely receive anointing and many divine rewards.

Exodus 19: 5
`` Now then, if you truly listen to my voice and keep my covenant, you will be my special treasure among all peoples, because all the earth is mine;

Keep the word of God and be faithful until death and you will become a special treasure for God.

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