What Are the Six Kinds of Adversity?

in #life3 years ago

The word "adversity" means "impairment." It can also mean "courage" or "risk." Adversity, chance, mishap, adversity, accident, means a case of the unexpected or adverse fortune. Adversity can apply to either the event or combination of circumstances which is the causal cause of an upsetting change in fortune.

The meaning of the word has a great deal to do with our sense of motivation, which is affected by the adversity we encounter in our lives. Adversity and its effects on our motivation can be overcome through developing the following six kinds of motivation: Self-Worth, Spirituality, Achievement, Service, and Responsibility. This list gives us a starting point from which we can work to overcome adversity in all its forms. In order to develop these self-made sources of motivation, we must first identify those that are within our control.

The spiritual adversity we experience is usually the product of a higher power. When we have had a spiritual adversity, we need to recognize the fact that there is a "plan" for us to follow. There is also the belief that things will work out for the better if we just let go of the problem or the fear. When this higher power provides us with answers, then we can put our full faith and confidence in that source as opposed to other sources of guidance that may not be clearly defined or may even be perceived as threatening.

If you are having a case of mental adversity, you need to be clear that overcoming adversity requires patience and persistence. Most of the time, we are faced with a situation or problem that we can't avoid. Adversity is part of the natural process of life and there really is nothing we can do about it. Therefore, overcoming adversity requires us to have a strong and unshakeable faith in the power of the mind.

Personal growth cannot occur unless you are healthy, financially secure and emotionally stable. If you are suffering from some form of emotional or physical adversity, you need to find a solution to your problems. A certain lifestyle can inhibit your growth. Emotional and financial adversity can greatly impact your life, so you must look for a way to overcome these obstacles.

Financial adversity is often the result of negative attitudes, unhealthy eating habits and a lack of exercise. Some might face health issues like heart disease, cancer or diabetes. Some might face physical adversity like arthritis, ulcers or back pain. A combination of any of these six kinds of adversity can create financial issues and that's why you have to identify what's causing your problem. It could be a combination of: financial, physical or emotional.

One more kind of adversity is misfortune mischance applies especially to a situation involving no more than a slight inconvenience. This kind of adversity may be caused by a natural catastrophe, the loss of a loved one or an incident that disrupting your normal routine. In this case, it is necessary to look for a way to recover swiftly from the disaster. People recover from misfortune mischance as long as they take appropriate steps to ensure that the same opportunity doesn't repeat itself. People also overcome mischance adversity as long as they remain positive and determined.

Great adversity can be very frustrating and can cause even the strongest of characters to surrender. Most people recognize the importance of overcoming the difficulties they might face but some don't realize how important it is to develop and grow even when going through great adversity. Successful individuals know how to persevere because adversity doesn't tear us down but builds us up. People who have overcome adversity live proof that you can indeed become great even when your circumstances are not in your favor. Great things do happen even to those who aren't so lucky.

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